Physics Symbols
a acceleration (m/s2)
A Amplitude (m), Ampere (fundamental unit of current)
b y-intercept
B magnetic field strength (T = 104 G), Bulk Modulus (N/m2)
c speed of light (3 x 108 m/s), specific heat (J/(kg•K))
C Coulomb (unit of charge = A•s), center of curvature (m), Celcius (unit of Temperature), Capacitance (F)
cal calories (unit of heat energy = 4.186 J)
d distance (m), deci (prefix = 10-1)
dB decibels (unit of sound intensity)
e symbol for charge of an electron (1.6 x 10-19), efficiency (dimensionless)
eV electron-Volt (unit of energy = 1.6 x10-19 J)
E energy (J), electric field intensity (N/C)
f frequency (Hz = s-1), femta (prefix = 10-15), force of friction, focal length (m), final value (subscript)
F force (N), farad (unit of capacitance = A2•s4/(kg•m2), Farenheit (unit of Temperature)
g acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s2), gram (unit of mass)
G giga (prefix = 109) Universal Gravitational Constant (6.67 x 10-11 m3/(kg•s2)
h Planck’s constant (6.626 x 10-34 J•s), height (m)
H Henry (unit of inductance)
Hz Hertz (unit of frequency)
i current (A), initial value (subscript)
I moment of inertia (kg•m2), Luminous Intensity (W/m2)
J Joule (unit of energy / work), impulse (N•s)
k kilo (prefix = 103)spring constant (N/m = kg/s2), thermal conductivity (W/(m•K)), Boltzman constant (J/K)
kg kilogram (fundamental unit of mass)
K Kelvin (fundamental unit of temperature), kinetic energy (J)
l length (m)
L liter (unit of volume), latent heat (J/kg), angular momentum (J•s), inductance (H), latent heat (J/kg)
m mass (kg), meter (fundamental unit of distance), slope, milli (prefix = 10-3)
M mega (prefix = 106)
n nano (prefix = 10-9), index of refraction (dimensionless), number of moles
N Newton (unit of force), Normal Force (N), number of particles
NA Avogadro’s number (6.022 x 1023 particles / mole)
o subscript - initial
p momentum (N•s), pico (prefix = 10-12), proton
P power (W), pressure (N/m2, atm, mmHg, psi, Pa)
Pa Pascals (unit of pressure = N/m2)
q charge (C)
Q charge (C), Heat (J)
r radius (m)
R ideal gas constant (8.31 J/mol K), resistance (Ω)
rms root – mean – square
s seconds (fundamental unit of time)
S entropy (J/K)
t time (s)
T temperature (°C, K), period (s), tension (F), Tesla (unit of magnetic field)
u atomic mass unit (also amu, 1.6 x10-27 kg)
U potential energy (J)
v velocity or speed (m/s)
V Volt (unit of potential difference), Voltage or Potential Difference, volume (L or m3)
w weight (N)
W work (J), Watt (unit of power)
x distance – usually horizontal
X reactance – capacitive or inductive (Ω)
y distance – usually vertical
Y Young’s Modulus (N/m2)
z distance – usually 3rd dimension
Z impedance (Ω)
Greek Letters
α (alpha) - angular velocity (rad/s2), proportional symbol, temperature coefficient of linear expansion (K-1)
α – type of radiation
β (beta) – temperature of area expansion (K-1), type of radiation, electron
γ (gamma) – relativistic gamma factor (dimensionless), type of radiation
δ (delta)– instantaneous change
∆ (capital delta) – finite change
ε (epsilon) – electrical permittivity
θ (theta) – angle (rad or °)
κ (kappa) – dielectric constant (dimensionless)
λ (lambda) – wavelength (m), ), linear charge density (C/m)
µ (mu) – coefficient of friction (dimensionless), micro (prefix = 10-6), magnetic permeability
ν (nu) – frequency (Hz, s-1)
π (pi) – ratio of circumference to diameter (3.1416..)
ρ (rho) – density (kg /m3), resistivity (Ω•m)
σ (sigma) – surface charge density (C/m2), Stefan Boltzmann constant (5.6704 × 10-8 kg s-3 K-4)
∑ (capital sigma) – summation or sum of
τ (tau) – torque (N•m), time constant (s)
φ (phi) – angle (rad)
Φ (capital phi) – flux – either magnetic or electric
Ψ (psi) – wave function (dimensionless)
ω (omega) – angular velocity (rad/s)
Ω (capital omega) – Ohms (unit of resistance = V/A)