Subject / Publication / Author / Publisher / Other Requirements
Gaeilge /

Same as last year

/ Irish/English Dictionary
English /
Excellence in English-Language-Paper 1 – Higher Level (Red) (same book from last year)
/ Cathy Sweeney / / Keep all texts from last year
Mathematics / Higher Level
Keep all texts from last year
Ordinary Level
Keep all texts from last year / Recommended Calculator – Casio Fx-83GT Plus
Maths Square copy
Geometry set
Log tables
Religious Education / Keep books from 5th Year.


Accounting /

Revise Wise

/ Martina Rodgers / Manuscript Copy
Agriculture Science /

Same as last year

/ Manuscript Copy
Exam Paper
Applied Mathematics /

Same as last year

Art / Art pack used in fifth year and students may purchase any additional materials at local art supplier. Keep Art history book that was used in fifth year.
Biology /

Same as last year

/ €20 for lab revision workshop payable first week in Sept.
Business / Same textbook as last year
Economics /

Same text book as last year

/ Recommended Rapid Revision Economics
Chemistry /

Same as last Year

Construction / Design & Graphics Communications / Engineering /

Same as last year

Geography / Horizons Book 3
Keep all books from fifth year. / Brian Daly
Tara Fitzharris / Folens / A4 manuscript soft copy
History / Dictatorship & Democracy 1920-1945
Government, Economy & Society in Ireland 1949-1989 / Sean Delap
M.E. Collins / Folens
Edco / Ringbinder & Notes
Home Economics / Notes will be provided cost covered in 5thyear
Music / Leaving Cert Rapid Revision Group A / May Costello / Folens / Exam Papers - September
Physics /
Same as last year
Leaving Cert Higher Level Physics Papers / A4 manuscript notes copy (softback)
A4 science experiment copy – hardback.
Note: if you are buying a revision Physics book then we would recommend Rapid Revision Physics.
French / Same Books as last year / Collins Dictionary
Spanish / Same text books as last year / Keep Dictionary,
Español en Acción
El Español Bien Hablado
Vamos a Escuchar 2
A4 Copy and Folder
Making It Happen
/ Caroline McHale / Folens
Physical Education
€30 will be collected for extra PE activities for 8 weeks of activity to include Yoga with a Qualified Outside Instructor, External Gym Visits (transport included) and a Pitch Putt outing– This has been subsidised by the college. Please note that this money will be collected along with our registration fee when students return to school.