April 21, 2017
Current Events: We straightened and cleaned our desks and classroom in preparation for our guests on Saturday. Hope to see many current and former patrons of BME at tomorrow’s Homecoming Celebration from 2:00-4:00. Please let me know if you would like the guppies and aquatic snails, along with the plants.
Language Arts: They have been writing about what changes that they see to know that it is spring and drawing a scene to illustrate their stories. Today, we drew and wrote about our aquatic habitats.
Math: We have spent the week determining fractions of sets, playing fraction memory games, and finding the fraction of a shape or set using the story clues. On Monday, we’ll review and wrap up our study of fractions, and then we will return to addition and subtraction of double digit numbers without regrouping. Continue to practice counting to 100 in less than 1 minute and speed reading numbers mixed up 0-20, what comes before or after a numbers 1-20, and comparing numbers. We will get started on our end-of-year Math Universal Screenings next week during Power-Up times. The final 2 minute computation part will not be given until we complete our upcoming unit on 2 digit addition/subtraction without regrouping.
Social Studies: On Thursday, the children read about George Washington Carver and learned how he taught farmers to improve their soil by the kinds of plants that they grew. Ask your child which plants that G.W. Carver studied.
Science: We’ve been learning about ways to take care of our natural resources. Reduce, reuse, recycle, and conserve are vocabulary words. Additionally, we read in our Scholastic News about pangolins, which are an endangered species found in Africa and Asia. Then, they practice reading and using a chart about other endangered animals to find the information on the chart.
Over, please..
Monday, April 24th– P.E.
Tuesday, April 25th – W.R.E.
Wednesday, April 26th – Guidance & Music
Thursday, April 27th – P.E.
Friday, April 28th – Music
Current Events:
*Monday, May 1- May 19: PALS testing and Math Universal Screenings. Make sure that your child gets a good breakfast and a good night’s rest each day.
*Tuesday, May 9th: Field Trip to Explore More Harrisonburg Children’s Museum & Oakdale Park picnic. Please send in your child’s permission form and $6.00 entry fee to the museum.
*Friday, May 19: First Grade Reading Celebration 1:45
Thursday, May 18th: Field Day
Monday, May 22: Variety Show
The Augusta County School Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability, or gender in its programs and activities. The following persons have been designated to handle inquires regarding non-discrimination policies.
Title IX Coordinator
Jill Martin
Director of Personnel
PO Box 960
18 Government Center Lane
Verona, VA 24482
(540) 245-5107