To Drop the Bomb or Not?

Harry S. Truman’s agonizing decision

Decision / Pro’s / Con’s
Drop the Bomb / -  Put an end to war
-  Save lives (American, Soviet, Jap., British)
-  Justify building it
-  Could give US advantage over Soviets in postwar shaping of world
-  Provides a threat to Soviets who were going to invade Japan
-  Vaults US to military greatness
-  Discover the true magnitude of the A-Bomb / -  death of innocent civilians
-  destruction of cities
-  destruction of agriculture, industry
-  Was Japan already defeated?
-  How would the world view the US after
-  Secrets of the bomb would be out
-  Could this begin an arms race?
-  Potential environmental issues
-  Waste of time and money if Enola Gay is shot down or mission is not a success
Don’t Drop the Bomb / -  Could set a precedent of nuclear restraint
-  Saves the lives of innocent citizens
-  Save Japanese cities
-  Would still have bombs for future endeavors
-  No effect on environment, atmosphere, radiation
-  Would not have to rebuild Japan / -  Americans would continue to die in war
-  How long would the war drag on?
-  Invasion of Japan, could we win?
-  Would others use it first?
-  Would our reputation/credibility be hurt
-  Waste of time and money?
-  Would the Soviets invade Japan?