British Association for Music Therapy

British Association of Art Therapists

British Association of Dramatherapists

British Association and College of Occupational Therapists

The British Dietetic Association

British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists

British and Irish Orthoptic Society

Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

College of Paramedics

Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists

Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists

Society and College of Radiographers


Thursday, 14 May 2015 between 10.30am and 3.30pm

Training Room, CapabilityScotland, Westerlea,

Ellersly Road, Edinburgh EH12 6HY


1.  Welcome and introductions
Rachael King, Convenor AHPFS
Janice McNee, Representative, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Kenryck Lloyd Jones, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Robert Peat, Society of Chiropodists & Podiatrists (left at 2.30pm)
Kirsty Dewar, College of Occupational Therapists
Gaby Stewart, College of Occupational Therapists
Gen Smyth, British Association of Dramatherapists
Marie Gascoigne, Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists
Kim Hartley, Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists
Karen Fenna, British Association of Arts Therapists (left at 1pm)
Tony Chenery, British Association of Arts Therapists
Margot McBride, Society & College of Radiographers
Maria Murray, Society & College of Radiographers
Emma MacLean, British Association for Music Therapy (from 12.30pm)
Mary McFarlane, AHPFS Secretariat
Tracy MacInnes, Scottish Government
2. Apologies
Dawn Mitchell, Vice Convenor
Fiona Monaghan, British Association of Prosthetists & Orthotists
Joyce Thompson, British Dietetic Association
Neil Freshwater, British Dietetic Association
Gary Evans, British & Irish Orthoptic Society
Adam Longhorn, College of Paramedics
Dahrlene Tough, College of Paramedics
Karen Utting, Society of Chiropodists & Podiatrists
3. Approve Minutes
The Minutes of the meeting held on 12 February 2015 were approved.
The Convenor welcomed Tracy MacInnes, ACHPO to the meeting.
·  Scottish Parliament debate: members were informed that there would be a debate on Tuesday 19 May at Scottish Parliament: AHPs Enabling active & independent living. The debate would be led by Maureen Watt, Minister for Public Health. She would showcase work done on the delivery plan with a view to raising profile of AHPs.
KH suggested joint briefing for the Minister and possible questions for MSPs. Agreed to share briefing with Tracy MacInnes (TM).
KH, KLJ and GS would discuss this and share it with members.
·  AHP National Delivery plan to be refreshed
About 52% of recommendations of the NDP had been achieved. Some of those that were not achieved were around integration. It is anticipated that integration objectives will be carried forward. At the time of publication there was no clear structure for AHPs in local government, problems with engagement occurred in areas without joint responsibility. Occupational health, vocational rehabilitation, population health, inequalities and CYP are areas that need to be included in refresh. Recently appointed AHP Lead in CYP, Pauline Beirne, would have input to the refreshed plan.
The NDP should mirror 2020 Vision: what will health and social care look like then. Consultation will take place as previously.
Suggest this might be opportunity for PBs to ask for conversation with Maureen Watt.
·  New Appointments in Health team
Kathleen Calderwood has been appointed as new CMO; Fiona McQueen has been appointed as Chief Nursing Officer. TM would be stepping up to CHPO role during Jacqui Lunday-Johnstone’s maternity leave. Advertisement for ACHPO vacancy for this period.
·  Workforce issues
Gynaecologists not doing graft implants so there is a need for more for pelvic floor physios.
·  Financial challenges
TM informed members that there were negotiations with key stakeholders on what can be commissioned. Financial case for any work will be key. Work by NES for example – looking at Quality improvement and leadership/ building capacity. Need to push improvement methodology as day to day needs and look at delivering in a different way. TM had met with Academic Heads and encouraged them to think about how to address these problems. (Fiona Coutts)
Ann Murray (National Falls lead) has training in methodology: look at how to use her knowledge to support boards.
Kim Hartley commented on RCSLT discussions with NES about leadership capacity – could be example of use of Professional Body’s budget to common cause. Need to look for other sources of funding.
Important to apply principles that work across the board - Do it Once for Scotland – find examples of good evidence based practice – use this throughout the country not just locally.
·  AHPFS meeting with Cabinet Secretary for Health
TM had picked up on the points about AHPFS representation on Integration Board. She spoke to colleague about this. The steering group and implementation group is being reformed with intention of making one new group to focus on delivery of Integration. TM has asked for representation of AHPFS on the group – will hear more. New group will probably not meet until after summer. Geoff Huggins is head of team on Integration. (TM to share copy of her request with members).
·  Student Support
A review of student support is being carried out. Cab Sec met with colleagues from HEIs – student support to form part of NMAHP review. Review of health clearance, PVG, uniforms, travel and accommodation costs while on placements. TM warned that there are different issues and terminology in Nursing and Midwifery – funding streams are different within government (student nurses receive a bursary).
Scottish Government had confirmed to academic heads that immunisation and PVG would be funded centrally for 2015/16. TM will confirm time scale of review so that members know when it will be addressed. KLJ suggested there might be a need for consultation on the issues raised.
·  Help for smaller professions
There was no update on this – the focus of the group was to be the subject of internal discussions with workforce team, so it should stay on agenda.
·  Refresh of Scottish Government’s SR10
Adam Longhorn had requested that AHPFS look at how to influence the draft replacement for this - opportunity to raise development of AHP services with Boards.
·  Loss of AHP Consultant posts
Members had expressed concern at the recent loss of three AHP consultants – seemed a high proportion to lose at one time. TM explained that Scottish Govt cannot increase head count so a solution was to develop AHP consultant or Lead posts to deliver on work – usually 18mth to 2 yr secondments. The focus of these posts would be on particular areas of work eg Heather Hall in the Alliance; Elaine Hunter at Alzheimer Scotland, Yolanda Strachan and Jenny Ackland at Age Scotland. A post around vocational rehabilitation was being developed. The Consultants were placed in third sector bodies that were keen to work with govt to do particular work. SG had been up-front about fixed term contracts. The contracts were seen as a development opportunity but there was no guarantee of future employment – need to look at exit strategy more carefully. Organisations benefit from the placement but were not required to provide any funding though it had been anticipated that there might be an expectation of future employment once benefit of person in post was seen. TM reminded members that there is always a risk that at the conclusion of such a secondment the employee may not get back the job they left. There was also an issue over different level of payment of AHP consultants in third sector compared to the health service.
It was agreed that it was worrying to lose these leadership posts. Members asked TM for a list – Scottish Govt currently funds 15 or 16 posts. It was noted that Boards also appoint and fund Consultants; 20-25 are employed by Health Boards.
Need for ownership of funding. Nurse consultant posts continue to be funded – but not AHPs. Public awareness of AHPs is different from nursing – lack of profile. Need to get smarter and address challenges. Importance of building capacity.
Robert Peat informed members that AHP Consultants in his service – one in dementia and one in older adults – have been locally funded on a trial basis. Nurse consultants had been tried in similar way and were now permanent.
Margot McBride said she asked Nicola Sturgeon if she was still committed to the programme she had supported as health sec – support for AHP fellowship award and practitioner levels for all AHPs. She was assured of the continuing commitment. Margot McBride highlighted particular need in diagnostic radiography/radiotherapy: anticipate 85% increase in demand by 2018.
Kenryck Lloyd Jones asked about Self referral: did this apply across other AHPs not just MSK. TM to check.
·  Community of practice
A two year delivery report was to be uploaded – TM will send link to Sec for circulation.
AHP strategic w/f Steering Group – revised Terms of Reference. Maria has redrafted these: discuss as Federation then forward to TM.
·  Workforce integration group
TM reported that a Workforce Integration Group was being set up within Scottish Government. AHP team will have a routine monthly meeting with workforce colleagues. Members were invited to inform TM of any issues that should be raised.
·  Workforce development group
Members asked if there had been any progress on this. TM to check.
It was noted that the Minister for Public Health is in charge of AHPs. AHP matters also of interest to the Health Secretary. The value and role of AHPs needs support from all parties: joint brief for debate should be shared as soon as it is ready.
It was agreed that AHPFS should liaise with TM before the next meeting with Shona Robison, probably in the autumn. Members would be asked for comments and issues they would like to flag up at this meeting.
The Convenor thanked Tracy MacInnes for the comprehensive update on AHP matters and Scottish Government. / KH/All
4. Matters arising
·  Developments to help Smaller professions on hold – see above
·  Student immunisation – see above
·  Links with ADSG – Convenor to follow up with Billy McClean once Work Plan has been finalised. / Conv
·  QSV funds – a portion of funding from Scottish Government was not spent. AHPFS to use remaining funds for promotion of QSV. KLJ/GS – under work plan.
·  Conference on Integration on 28 April attended by 150 people.
Six different key stakeholders each put forward three key points on how to make integration work. KH and GS put together a presentation on behalf of AHPFS. Seeking common ground with potential partners in the health family. Better engagement required with decision making, leadership, new ways of working, developing team working and interfaces - fit with integration.
This event provided an opportunity for working with other bodies on areas of mutual concern. Others picked up on budget allocation and representation at the right tables. We are stronger working together. Develop clear view from AHPFS.
The Convenor thanked KH/GS for attending the event and for presenting on behalf of AHPFS.
It was noted that a report by BMA/RCN on the roundtable event was expected but had not yet been issued.
The event had been a useful model for a future event. At the meeting with Cabinet Secretary it had been suggested that a partnership event might be held to engender network literacy. There was clearly an appetite for cross profession working and it was good for AHPs to be seen as key players. (NB put Conference on work plan.)
·  Health professions discussion on sustainability in Health 23.2.15
Five representatives of AHPFS attended. After the event the salient points were circulated for comment to those who attended and a report was to be issued at the end of March. How will report be used?
There was tension around demographics and a feeling that a financial crisis is pending. Need to do things differently, but still looking at a medical model: sickness service rather than prevention and early intervention. AHPs are well positioned and well skilled to take over in joint work. Links between AHP model and progress need to be highlighted.
Distribution of power and influence around the table has to change.
Promotion and listening go together. Promote in a different arena – ensure public are aware of what they should be getting.
·  H& S Committee on Sustainability and Seven day working
KLJ reported on roundtable. Discussion focussed on how many doctors are in hospitals at weekends. Provision in community settings won’t get focus. Asking if hospitals are more dangerous places at weekends makes for unfair comparison. AHPs and RCN talked about patient flow – prevention of admission to A&E. Hospital provision on 7 day service would require 40% increase in funding – is this the best place for the increased funding to be applied? AHPs diagnostics and outcomes are cheaper and more efficient. What is sustainability about – should be about patient flow, not about why more people die in hospitals at weekends. Positive response to points made but didn’t fully take up.
The transcript of the session is available on-line. There is insufficient data collection to look at bed savings etc. Evidence is key to proving the worth and cost effectiveness of services. There are training issue on both undergrad and grad programmes – need more capacity.
Heather Cameron is representative on the task force looking at Sustainability but she has been unable so far to attend meetings of AHPFS. She is getting papers very late so there is no opportunity to seek input from AHPFS.
The Convenor suggests that there should be a proforma for feedback to AHPFS. There needs to be a more effective flow of information between group and reps. The AHP voice in that forum is not being heard as the system does not work.
The Convenor stressed the importance of responding promptly to anything about Seven Day services and the work of the Sustainability group, particularly in relation to AHP workstream.
It was suggested that AHPFS might work jointly with ADSG on the availability of stats to demonstrate the impact of AHPs. Change fund work in every health board should be available.
Care in the community is important too – need for support if discharged from hospital at weekends. Not just important to have staff in hospitals.