Ref No: ___ - ____

Role of a Board Member

  • To participate as a member of the board of Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association Limited (‘Hanover’).
  • The board meets at least six times a year, normally at our head office in Edinburgh. Board meetings start mid-afternoon to accommodate working board members and usually last around 2 hours 30 minutes.
  • As well as attending board meetings, board members are expected to take part in at least two visits per year to Hanover developments across Scotland to meet customers and staff.
  • Strategy days are also held during the year,which board members are expected to attend.
  • The position of board member is unpaid, however reasonable out of pocket expenses are reimbursed.

2.1The board, as the governing body, provides leadership andstrategic direction to Hanover so that good outcomes are achieved for its tenants and other service users. Itdetermines the Association’s strategic attitude to risk and ensures the maintenance of a sound system of internal control and risk management.

2.2Board members are collectively responsible for the overall governance of Hanover. They share and accept responsibility for decisions made by the board and are equally responsible for those decisions.

2.3Each board member is required to:

  • work in good faith to ensure that Hanover acts consistently with its purpose;
  • act with the care that it is reasonable to expect of someone who is managing another person’s business;
  • act only in the interests of Hanover and its stakeholders and avoid circumstances which could give rise to a conflict of interest; and
  • participate in the board annual appraisal process.
Leadership, strategic direction & governance / As part of the Board:
  • contribute to the maintenance of Hanover’s mission statement and values;
  • contribute to the development, maintenance and review of Hanover’s strategic objectives;
  • ensure that the Association is properly resourced;
  • take due account of customers’ views;
  • promote high standards of corporate governance to ensure that Hanover complies with legal, regulatory & compliance requirements;
  • maintain an overview of arrangements for the appointment, remuneration, appraisal and any dismissal of Chief Officers;
  • assess the board’s effectiveness in discharging its remit; and
  • contribute constructively to board discussion and decision making.

Performance monitoring & compliance / As part of the Board:
  • ensurethat Hanover’s obligations to customers (users and commissioners of services), regulators, Association members and staff are met;
  • monitor and ensurethe maintenance of Hanover’s risk management and control systems (such as its Scheme of Delegation policy, performance reporting systems including key performance indicators, financial and investment controls and audit arrangements); and
  • monitor the Chief Officers’ performance in implementing approved plans and budgets, and approve priorities for improvements in performance.

Relationship-building & influencing / As part of the Board:
  • maintain an overview of Hanover's public relations; and
  • act as an ambassador for Hanover, representing Hanover in its dealings with external bodies, holders of public office and the general public.

Compliance / As part of the Board:
  • ensurethat Hanover maintains its duty of care to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of customers, and staff members in the workplace, through the systematic assessment and management of risk;
  • ensure that Hanover complies with the law, and its own Rules;
  • approve Hanover’s annual budget, annual report and annual accounts; and
  • act as a charitable trustee of Hanover.

Equality & diversity / As part of the Board:
  • ensure that the principles of equality and diversity are upheld in all areas of Hanover’s work.

This profile is indicative of the nature and level of responsibility associated with the role of board member. It is not exhaustive and a board member may be asked to undertake such other relevant duties as may be required to meet the needs of Hanover.

4.1New board members will be supported with a tailored induction programme.

4.2The board is accountable to Hanover’s membership. The membership may elect and remove board members in accordance with Hanover’s Rules. Elections generally take place at Hanover’s annual general meeting, held in September each year.

4.3Board members are required to retire by rotation in terms of the Rules.

5.1A person will not be eligible for appointment to Hanover’s board if any of the criteria in the Association’s Rule 43 apply to him/her. These are set out in the appendix to the application form included in this pack.

5.2A person must be aged 18 years or over to be appointed as a co-optee or a board member.

5.3An employee of the Association, or a close relative of an employee, may not be a Hanover board member.

5.4Persons who do not meet the eligibility criteria should not apply, as their application will not be considered.

6.1Board members are expected to commit time to the following on an annual basis:

Attendance at up to 6 regular meetings of the governing body
Reading and preparation for meetings of the governing body
Attendance at corporate strategy days
Attendance at individual review meeting and preparation for such meeting
Attendance at two site visits to developments and at tenant/customer /staff conferences andopenings

7.1Applicants are asked to submit the application form which should be completed in full. The job application form should be marked Private and Confidentialand returned to the Company Secretary, Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association Limited, 95 McDonald Road, Edinburgh EH7 4NS not later than 12 midday on the closing date or emailed to .

7.2The information that you provide in your application form will be used for selection purposes only. Applications will be matched to the person specification for the post in order to select a shortlist of candidates for interview and will also form the basis of the interview.

Person Specification

Post:Member of the Governing Body

Core competencies

Customer focus / Ability to establish a rapport with customers and staff.
Working effectively with others / Ability to express a constructive point of view, independently arrived at, while working as part of a team, and help lead to positive outcomes.
Good interpersonal skills and self-awareness.
Performance management / Ability to scrutinise and evaluate the performance of management in achieving Hanover’s strategic objectives and to oversee the management of risk.
Strategic / Ability to develop, as part of the Board, strategic objectives and contribute to the strategic direction of Hanover.
Communicating clearly / Good communication skills which contribute to constructive discussion.
Equality & diversity / Hanover is working actively to promote equality of opportunity in its employment practices and delivery of its services. A board member must be willing to work in accordance with, and have an empathy with, existing policies and codes of practice.
Delivering results / A commitment to delivering a high quality of service.
Decision-making / Ability to contribute to effective decision-making.
Taking personal & corporate responsibility / Ability to take and demonstrate personal and corporate responsibility as well as operating to a high level of integrity and confidentiality.
Specialist skills
Significant experience at a senior level in at least one of the following specialist areas:
  • Audit (risk management)
  • Business planning, management and development
  • Clinical/GP skills
  • Financial services (financial, accountancy & audit)
  • Housing and care services (housing management or social worker and housing support management)
  • Human resources (human resources management)
  • Information and communications technology (ICT)
  • Minority ethnic/disability representation
  • Property and development (architecture or property development/construction and management or building expertise)
  • Telecare services
  • experience as a customer of Hanover’s services as a tenant, owner-occupier or otherwise.
/ Desirable
Experience of
  • Service as trustee of another charity
  • How businesses operate, based on experience
/ Desirable
Knowledge of
  • ICT skills (email and internet connectivity) or a willingness to acquire these (training can be provided)
/ Essential
  • Interest in or knowledge of some or all of the following: social affairs, older people, social housing sector, voluntary sector work, welfare framework.
/ Essential
  • Financial and budgetary mechanisms (financial aspects of Hanover’s activities will be covered at induction)
/ Desirable
  • Corporate governance and the governance framework necessary for the proper conduct of Hanover business
/ Desirable
  • Regulation and the role of regulators and the requirements they place on Hanover
/ Desirable
Private and Confidential
/ Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association Ltd
95 McDonald Road
Tel: 0131 557 0598
Fax: 0131 557 1280
Scottish Charity No. SC 014738
Application for Employment
Please note that CVs will not be considered.
Title of Post:.Title of postJob Reference No: Enter job reference here.
Where did you see the post advertised? Enter details here.
Personal details
Title: Enter initials here. / Initial(s): Enter initials here. / Surname: Enter surname here.
Address (including postcode): Enter home address here.
Email: Enter e-mail address here.
Phone No (home): Enter Home Phone Number. / Phone No (mobile): Enter mobile phone number.
Employment and Character References – we require you to provide:
*Referees will not be contacted until a conditional offer of employment has been made. Please do not include friends, relatives or immediate colleagues. In line with Safer Recruitment Guidelines we reserve the right to seek your approval for an employment reference from any of your current/previous employers as necessary.
Reference details must cover your last three years in employment
Current/most recent employer (Company Name):
Referee Name: / Business tel. no.:
Referee Job Title:
Dates of Employment / From: / To:
Email (work address):
Business Address:
Most recent employer (Company Name):
Referee Name: / Business tel no.:
Referee Job Title:
Dates of Employment / From: / To:
Email (work address):
Business Address:
Most recent employer (Company Name):
Referee Name: / Business tel. no.:
Referee Job Title:
Dates of Employment / From: / To:
Email (work address):
Business Address:
Most recent employer (Company Name):
Referee Name: / Business tel. no.:
Referee Job Title:
Dates of Employment / From: / To:
Email (work address):
Business Address:
☐* Please tick if you have attached more details on an additional sheet.
Character Reference: Your character referee should be from a person in one of the following positions or occupations: Advocate; Police Constable; Established Civil Servant; Executry Practitioners; Justices of the Peace; Councillor; Member of Parliament; European Parliament or Scottish Parliament; Mental Health Officer; Minister of Religion; Qualified Surveyor; Registered European Lawyer; Registered Medical Practitioner; Registered Nurse; Registered Teacher; Solicitor.
If you do not know a person in one of the above positions, please provide us with a referee of good standing and occupation who is able to confirm your good character and integrity. Please note your referee must not be a relative.
Referee Name: / Tel. no.:
Position / Occupation:
Address (full postal address including postcode):



Other Details:
If driving is required for the post do you hold a current driving license? / Yes☐No☐
Are you related to anyone who works/has worked for Hanover, or who serves/has served on its Committees within the last 12 months? / Yes☐No☐
If yes, please give details of relatives name, job, location and your relationship to them:
Are you permitted to live in the UK? / Yes☐No☐
Are you permitted to work in the UK? / Yes☐No☐
Disclosure Scotland Existing PVG Scheme Members and/or Disclosure ID No. (if applicable):
Date Issued / PVG Scheme ID Number / What type of regulated work does your PVG Scheme membership apply to:
Adults ☐Children ☐Both ☐
Date Issued / Disclosure ID Number
Hanover operates a guaranteed interview scheme for applicants with a disability who meet the essential criteria for the post, as indicated in the Person Specification.
If you consider yourself to have a disability, ie a physical or mental condition which has a long-term
and substantial affect on your ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities, and would like to apply under the scheme, please tick here. ☐
Present employment/most recent employment
*Please include details of any gaps in employment
Name and address of employer / Job title / Salary/wage
Date commenced / Date left
Notice required / Reason for leaving/wishing to leave
Summary of main duties, responsibilities and achievements:
Previous employment (starting with most recent first)
Name and address of employer / Job title / Salary/wage
Date commenced / Date left
Reason for leaving:
Summary of main duties, responsibilities and achievements:
Name and address of employer / Job title / Salary/wage
Date commenced / Date left
Reason for leaving:
Summary of main duties, responsibilities and achievements:
*If necessary, please continue with any additional relevant work experience on a separate sheet.
Education and Qualifications
*Please let us know of any qualifications relevant to the role you are applying for
Qualifications gained / Subjects / Grade
Current Membership of Professional Bodies
Professional Body / Category of Membership
SSSC Registration (if applicable)
Date of registration / Valid from / Valid to / Registration number
*If you have any registration conditions – please advise:
Which part of the Register are you registered to?:
Personal Statement in support of your application
Please provide any additional information in support of your application. Consider any achievements and skills gained in paid and/or voluntary employment, outside interests and any other relevant activities and reasons why you would like to join Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association. This information is an important part of the selection process.
Data Protection
I accept that the information supplied in this application and any supplementary forms will be used to assist in the recruitment process in accordance with Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association’s recruitment procedures and will be retained in a personnel file if I am successful. I accept that information provided by me on the Equal Opportunities Monitoring form will be used for monitoring purposes. I understand that Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association will store and process the information contained in this Employment Application in accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998).
☐ / Tick here if you agree with the above. Please note that we will not proceed with your application if this box is not ticked
I declare that the information set out in this application for employment is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If any of the information given by me in this form or in support of my application is untrue, I recognise that any offer of employment may be withdrawn or my employment with the Association terminated. Canvassing of members or employees of the Association, directly or indirectly, will disqualify my application for the post.
☐ / Tick here if you agree with the above. Please note that we will not proceed with your application if this box is not ticked


Association Rule 43 : Eligibility for the Board

A person will not be eligible to be a Board Member and cannot be appointed or elected as such if:-
43.1 / he/she has been adjudged bankrupt, has granted a trust deed for or entered into an arrangement with creditors or his/her estate has been sequestrated and has not been discharged; or
43.2 / he/she has been convicted of an offence involving dishonesty which is not spent by virtue of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 or an offence under the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005; or
43.3 / he/she is a party to any legal proceedings in any Court of Law by or against the Association; or
43.4 / he/she is or will be unable to attend the Board Meetings for a period of 12 months; or
43.5 / he/she has been removed from the Board of another registered social landlord within the previous five years; or
43.6 / he/she has resigned from the Board in the previous five years in circumstances where the resignation was submitted after the date of his/her receipt of notice of a special Board meeting convened to consider a resolution for his/her removal from the Board in terms of Rule 44.5; or
43.7 / he/she has been removed from the Board in terms of Rules 44.4 or 44.5 within the previous five years; or
43.8 / he/she has been removed or suspended from a position of management or control of a charity under the provisions of the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1990 or the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005; or
43.9 / he/she has been removed from the office of charity trustee or trustee for a charity by an order made by the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales or by Her Majesty’s High Court of Justice in England on the grounds of any misconduct in the administration of the charity for which he/she were responsible or to which he/she were privy, or which his/her conduct contributed to or facilitated; or
43.10 / a disqualification order or disqualification undertaking has been made against that person under the Company Directors’ Disqualification Act 1986 or the Company Directors Disqualification (Northern Ireland) Order 2002 (which relate to the power of a Court to prevent someone from being a director, liquidator or administrator of a company or a receiver or manager of company property or being involved in the promotion, formation or management of a company); or
43.11 / at an annual general meeting, he/she has served as a Board Member for a continuous period in excess of nine years and the Board has not resolved to permit him/her to stand again or otherwise be nominated for re-election.