Checklist – Power Outage
□Assess the situation and ensure staff and patron safety – Anyone stuck in dark bathrooms or elevator? Hand out flashlights, if needed.
□Hand-charge checkouts – Make sure staff have forms and paper due date slips, as well as paper card applications
□Post staff at front door to let incoming patrons know about power outage
□Determine whether to close restrooms – Some libraries only have auto flush toilets
□Callsystems office – Ask them to alert PV Supa that their assistance might be needed when power is restored, if the AMH is not automatically operational
□Community Librarian or person in charge of libraryshould call PG & E to get information about power outage and any ETA for when power might be restored
□Call Derek or HQ Admin person in charge
□Consider staff access (MI key plates stopped working)
Prolonged checkout during outage:
□Make announcement of any checkout limits – Determined by library based on day/time and how busy it is
□Laptop (w/ MiFi device) can be used to connect to Horizon to check library cards
- If busy/high volume, consider handing off patron to another staff person to hand-charge items being checked out
□Systems office can be called to deliver additional laptops, if needed
□New patron registration/ replacement card – use paper application and issue card
□If a patron doesn’t have their card, they can choose to get a replacement card or staff can hold their items until after power is restored
If library is going to close early:
□Ask HQ Admin person approving closure to have someone alert other libraries and make sure announcement is posted on the website
□Call Dawn or systems office to extend pickup dates for holds expiring that day
□Ask systems office to turn on closed telephone message
□Prepare book drops for extra returns since AMHS is down until power restored
□Remove cash from cash register (can’t Z out without power)
□Call any staff due to report later that day – They can choose to go to another library or use vacation/personal leave
□Make sure staff who are scheduled the next morning are aware of the power outage
To do when reopening after power outage:
□Check AMHSand determine if PV Supa needs to be called
□If needed, call systems office to turn off closed telephone message
□Alert HQ Admin and systems office – Make sure they remove website posting
□Z out register (if reopening the following day)
□Data enter any new library card applications
□Process all returns
□Process all hand-charged checkouts
Checklist – Horizon is Down
Horizon is down but building has power:
□Alert systems office
□Direct patrons to self-check machinesfor check out – Machines will automatically switch to offline mode
□Make announcement of any checkout limits – Determined by library based on day/time and how busy it is
Patron registration:
□For a new patron registration or replacement card – use paper application and issue card
□If a patron doesn’t have their card, or know their card number and PIN, they can choose to get a replacement card or staff can hold their items until after Horizon is back up
□Hand-charge checkouts for new patrons or anyone who needs a replacement card
Do not have patron use self-check machine. When connection is restored, self-check machine will automatically try to upload the offline checkout before staff has a chance to enter the registration or the new card number.
To do when Horizon is back up:
□Check AMHS and determine if PV Supa needs to be called
□Alert systems office
□Data enter any new library card applications
□Process all hand-charged checkouts
□Process all returns
Hq-dv Nov 2012