Teacher: D. McArthurEmail:

Building 4 - Room 123School Phone: 706-602-0320

Sonoraville High School Active Physics

Active Physics is a course in which students are introduced to physics concepts on a need-to-know basis as they explore issues in Driving, Sports, Entertainment, and Homes. This inquiry-based physics class has been designed to help students discover the physical world around you while focusing on collaborative groups, laboratory work, research, and investigations.

Course Description

This course focuses on “learning by doing”. Rather than conduct experiments that simply verify what students have already learned in class, students will be provided opportunities to learn science in the same fashion that scientists make their discoveries – through inquiry!

Each unit of study is designed around a specific theme that provides students with a purpose for learning what they learn. For example, chapter 1 is entitled “Driving the Roads”. In this unit, students will learn about the physics of driving a car. This unit culminates with a “Chapter Challenge” for which students, working in teams of three or four prepare a presentation that is designed to convince their parents to let them drive the family car by demonstrating to their parents they can now use their understanding of physics to safely drive a car. Each section begins with an Investigation during which students explore a particular issue of physics and how it applies to the overall theme. For example, during the first Investigation of Chapter 1 students measure their reaction time using different methods, including measuring their reaction time while distracted through conversation or the use of a cell phone – distractions that are important to avoid in order to maintain a safe driving environment. Comparing techniques used in measuring time is an important concept in learning about “kinematics” – the study of motion. All Investigations are designed as Guided Inquiries. Unlike following a cookbook, during a Guided Inquiry, students are lead down a path of a series of interconnected questions that require them to formulate hypothesis, collect data, form conclusions and ask more questions. The process is open-ended (just like experiences in the real world) and this leads to further student questions. Following the Investigation, students will read “Physics Talk” – a 2-6 page “backgrounder” that will usually address questions that students develop during the Investigation. The process of learning involves a great deal of discussion, before, during and after the Investigation. Most of the discussions focus on what students thinks -- providing them the opportunity to use and further develop their understanding of the concepts they are learning about. Each section concludes with a set of review questions and more discussion that is intended to reinforce understanding before moving on to the next section and Investigation.

All student handbook policies are expected to be followed and will be enforced.

  • Attendanceis essential to your success in this class. Due to the active nature of the guided inquiries on which this class is based, attendance is especially important. Students need to complete the activities in order to fully understand the activities.
  • Make-up Work Policy
  • No make-up work for unexcused absences
  • 3 days from return to make-up assignments or make arrangements
  • NO make-up work to be taken after 10 days following the absence

Course Requirements

You are expected to come to class every day ready to learn, which includes having all necessary supplies. These items include:

1. Pen & pencil (blue or black ink only)2.Textbook ($37.50 if not returned)

3.Physics Log Book (provided by teacher)4. A Safety Contract on file.

Grading Scheme

The grade for this class will be calculated in the following manner…


Textbooks(Active Physics by Arthur Eisenkraft, PhD. Herff Jones Education) are not automatically assigned to every student. We use a classroom set. However, any student that wishes to use a book outside of class can check out a book on an as needed basis or a book can be assigned for the duration of the semester. Students are responsible for lost or stolen books.

Extra Credit

No extra credit will be given. Tutorials will be scheduled as needed.

Food, Gum and Drinks:

No food is allowed in class. Drinks are allowed as long as they are in their original container with a lid. NO GUM ALLOWED.

Grade Recovery

Active Physics is a class in which the knowledge and content continually builds. Students will have many opportunities to learn the concepts and may have a moment in November when a concept that they were struggling with in September suddenly makes sense. Because of this, cumulative benchmark exams will be given every 6 weeks in which the students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their achievement. If a student demonstrates a higher level of performance on the 2ndor 3rdbenchmark, failing benchmark grades will be replaced with a 70. This policy applies only to those students who have failed a benchmark.

Electronic Devices

The use of personal electronic devices is not permitted without explicit permission given by the teacher.

Student Conduct and Expectations

You are expected to behave appropriately at all times according to the guidelines in the Student Handbook. Respect for yourself, others and your school is expected and rewarded in my class. This means coming to class prepared and ready to participate. Disrespect and disruption will not be tolerated. You have the right to learn and so does every other student in this class.

Leaving the Classroom

Class time is valuable. No one is allowed to leave the class unless it is absolutely necessary. You must have a pass before leaving class.

Beginning and Ending Class

Be on time and ready to begin class when the bell rings. Students will remain in their seats until the dismissal bell rings. Take all belongings when leaving class. Make sure your work area is clean and put all trash in the trash can as you leave. Push your chair in so others will be able to move easily to the door.

Lab and Activity Fee

The science classes at SHS are highly active and require lots of lab equipment and supplies. The science teachers work very hard to provide engaging and well organized lessons for your student to maximize learning and success. Students are provided with all necessary materials which includes a science log book for each unit of study. A specific letter was sent home with your student explaining this request in detail.

This syllabus is subject to change as needed!

"A little known secret is that a physicist is one of the most employable people in the marketplace - a physicist is a trained problem solver. How many times have you heard a person in a workplace say, "I wasn't trained for this!" That's an impossible reaction from a physicist, who would say, instead, "Cool. A problem I've never seen before. Let's see how I can figure out how to solve it!". Oh, and, have fun along the way." -- Neil deGrasse Tyson