The objective of grant monitoring is two-fold: 1) to check Sub-grantee files for completeness under the following headings; 2) to progress towards close-out of the grant.
Arethe original application and any supplementary information on file? ______
Does file contain evidence of the public participation process required for all CDBG applications?
Does the file contain the notification letter from:1) GOED? ______
2) the Governor? ______
Is the grantaward on file? ______
If the grant was extended, are the extensions recorded and on file? ______
Provide details of the extensions:
Are the quarterly reports on file and up to date? ______
If the project is finished, is there a final report on file? ______
How much was granted (per the original Grant Award)? ______
Is there a clear working budget in the file? ______
Were budget changes requested and approved? ______
Is there supporting evidence of these budget change requests/approvals? ______
Was the first draw down within 9 months of award? ______
Was the 1st Draw time limit extended? ______
Are all the Draw Requests on file? ______
Do the files contain the supporting information for each Draw Request?______
Were any funds de-obligated on this grant? ______
If so, does the Grant Award reflect this revision? ______
Is there a final financial report on file? ______
Is there a final financial summary on file? ______
Is there an Audit/Disallowed Cost Certification on file? ______
General comments on Sub-granteeFinancial Management:
1. For Exemptprojects:
Is the Level of Environmental Review Determination (LERD) on file? ______
Is the Finding of Exemption letter on file? ______
Is the Notice to Proceed from CDBG on file? ______
2. For Categorically Excluded projects:
Are copies of the letters sent out to reviewing agencies (with project description and map) on file?
Are the responses received from the reviewers on file? ______
Is the Statutory Worksheet on file? ______
Were there any issues requiring mitigation? ______
If NO:1) Did project convert to Exempt status? ______
2) Is there a Finding of Exemption letter on file? ______
If YES:1) What steps were taken to mitigate?
2) Are the records in the file? ______
3) Was the NoI-RRoF published/sent to CDBG/filed? ______
4) Was the RRoF/Certification sent to CDBG/filed? ______
Is the authority to use grant funds in file? ______
Is the LERD on file for this grant? ______
Is the Notice to Proceed from CDBG on file? ______Date: ______
Is the ERR complete? ______If not, what is required?
3. For projects requiring an Environmental Assessment:
Are copies of the letters sent out to reviewing agencies (with project description and map) on file?
Are the responses received from the reviewers on file? ______
Is the HUD Environmental Assessment Form complete and on file? ______
Were there any issues requiring mitigation? ______
If NO:1) Was the FONSI and No/RRoF published/sent to CDBG/filed?
2) Was the RRoF/Certification sent to CDBG/filed?
If YES:1) What steps were taken to mitigate?
2) Are the records in the file? ______
3) Was the NoI-RRoF published/sent to CDBG/filed? ______
4) Was the RRoF/Certification sent to CDBG/filed? ______
Is the authority to use grant funds in file? ______
Is the LERD on file for this grant? ______
Is the Notice to Proceed from CDBG on file? ______Date: ______
Is the ERR complete? ______If not, what is required?
Did the project involve a bidding process for service provider(s)/contractor(s)? ______
If NO:Why not?
(1) For Service Providers (e.g. Architect/Engineer/Consultant):
Was a RFQ/RFP process used? ______
If YES, do the files contain?
The RFQ ______
The RFP ______
Evidence that the Sub-grantee made special efforts to target local, lower income, minority and/or women owned firms? ______
Evidence of selection process ______
Evidence of City/County approval ______
Evidence of a Debar check performed by CDBG prior to contracting service provider? ______
The MBE form? ______
A copy of the final contract with the service provider? ______
If a RFQ/RFP process was not used to select the service provider, what method was used?
What documents are in the file in support of this method?
(2) For Contractors:
Is the bid package part of the Sub-grantee’s grant file? ______
Is there evidence in file that bidding process was advertised, open and competitive according to NRS?
Is there evidence that Sub-grantee/Sub-recipient made special efforts to target local,lower income, minority and women-owned firms? ______
Is there evidence in file that the bid package was reviewed by CDBG staff? ______
Does the bid package contain all the requisite CDBG documents? ______
Is there evidence that a 10-day wage check was requested? ______
What wage rates were included in the bid package? ______
Are these in the file with the bid package? ______
What was the opening date of the bids? ______
Does the file contain a bid summary/tabulation of bids received? ______
Is there a record of an appropriate contractor selection process? ______
Is there evidence of City/County approval for the selected contractor? ______
Is there evidence of a Debar check performed by CDBG prior to contracting service provider? ______
Is the MBE form on file and sent to GOED? ______
Does the file contain a copy of the final contract with the contractor? ______
Additional comments on the Bidding Process:
Is the Sub-grantee’s Notification of Contracts and Subcontracts form on file and was it sent to GOED?
Is the Wage Comparison Worksheet (WCWS) on file (for contractor and all subcontractors) and was it sent to GOED? ______
Does the WCWS reflect the wage rates included in the bid package referred to above? ______
Was a preconstruction conference held? ______
Were minutes kept and are they in the file? ______
Does the contract referred to above contain signed copies of all the requisite CDBG certifications (e.g. Certification of Bidder Regarding Equal EmploymentOpportunity etc.)? ______
Is there evidence that the contractor made special efforts to target advertisements of employment opportunities to local lower income, minority and female potential applicants? ______
Is there evidence that the Sub-grantee/Sub-recipientreceived, checked and signed weekly payrolls and statements of compliance? ______
Were workers paid weekly appropriately and with no improper deductions? (Monitor to check records and make comments at end of this checklist) ______
If workers were not paid correctly, what steps were taken by the Sub-grantee/Sub-recipient?
Did Sub-grantee receive any labor complaints?
If YES:1) Were investigations conducted in a timely manner? ______
2) Were complaints referred to GOED? ______
3) Was resolution reached? ______
4) Do the files reflect the resolution? ______Provide details:
Were wages and Davis Bacon posters posted at the work site(s)? ______
Were worker interviews conducted? ______
If YES: 1) Number of times? ______
2) Number of persons? ______
3) Which classifications? ______
4) Were the appropriate HUD forms completed and placed in file?______
Is the Final Wage Compliance Report on file? ______
Additional comments on Labor standards:
Were all activities carried out as described in the application? ______
Do the activities demonstrate that the project meets the national objective in the application? ______
Has Sub-grantee completed the Project Benefits Report? ______
If YES:1) Number of beneficiaries? ______
2) Number of LMI beneficiaries? ______
3) Number of minority group beneficiaries? ______
4) Number of handicapped? ______
5) Number of elderly? ______
6) Female-head-of household? ______
Additional information/comments on Project Benefits:
Shared Drive/Grantor Forms/Monitoring/Monitoring Checklist Updated 11/8/2018. JB
Does Sub-grantee have a Citizen Participation Plan? ______
Is a procedure established for handling general complaints? ______
Have any complaints been received on this project? ______
Does the Sub-grantee have a Section 504 Plan? ______
Is a procedure established for handling Section 504 complaints? ______
Have any complaints been filed during this project? ______
Disposition of complaints? ______
Has the Sub-grantee posted the State CDBG Section 504 Policy of Non-Discrimination policy with the name and contact information of the State CDBG Section 504 Coordinator at both Sub-grantee and, where appropriate, Sub-Sub-grantee locations? ______
Are the Sub-grantee(s) and the sub-recipient(s) in compliance with the Section 504 and 24 CFR 8.6 Communications Requirement (listing TDD or Nevada Relay System phone number)? ______
Does Sub-grantee have an Anti-displacement plan? ______Date of Adoption: ______
Section 3:
Has the Sub-grantee adopted a Section 3 plan? ______
Is there evidence that the Sub-grantee makes special efforts to target advertisements of employment opportunities to local lower income, minority and female applicants including women-owned businesses? ______
Is there evidence that Sub-grantee uses small businesses located in or owned by disadvantaged persons in Section 3 areas? ______
Does Sub-grantee maintain lists of lower income Section 3 area residents applying for employment, and hired for employment? ______
Sub-grantee workforce:
Does Sub-grantee have written personnel policies which include equal opportunity provisions? ______
Does Sub-grantee have an Affirmative Action Plan? ______
How many people are employed by the Sub-grantee? ______
What is the racial and ethnic breakdown of the workforce? ______
Any handicapped workers? ______If so, how many? ______
Fair Housing:
Is there evidence that Sub-grantee takes action to affirmatively further fair housing? ______
Is a procedure established for handling of fair housing complaints? ______
Have any complaints been filed during this project? ______
Disposition of complaints? ______
H. GENERAL COMMENTS (on file keeping, grant management etc.)
Shared Drive/Grantor Forms/Monitoring/Monitoring Checklist Updated 11/8/2018. JB