Monday,February 3, 2014 / See the WINNER below for our MEMBERSHIP CONTEST!Tuesday, February 4, 2014 / PTSA MEETING TONIGHT at FWMS Library
Greetings Parents, Staff and Teachers!
It’s almost time for the Oscars. Here at Woods we have our own way of celebrating. Come to our Pre-Oscar Party and Movie Night. Our pre-party is in the cafeteria and it’s here where you will cast your own ballot for the winners. Then it is off to the auditorium to watch a movie. It’s a red-carpet night for all. Hope you will join us on February 21st. For more information and the permission slip click on the link: Oscar Party 2014
I'm so excited to congratulate The Fell family for winning a Spirit Wear sweatshirt! Thank-you to so many of you for sending in your membership!! Because we had such a great response we will continue our MEMBERSHIP contest!! So send in your PTSA membership dues and be entered in our next contest! See below for the form. THANK-YOU
I would like to thank everyone who made our Book Fair a success!! We couldn't have done it with out our Chairs, Donna Fallacaro and Sharon Sacci! Of course thank you to all of our volunteers aswell as the school for making it a fun event!
WE NEED YOUR HELP WITH MEMBERSHIP!! I’m excited to announce our 2nd MEMBERSHIP CONTEST! If you are not a member of the PTSA yet now would be the perfect time! The CONTEST starts today 2-4-2014 and continues thru 3-3-2014. One winner will receive a Woods sweatshirt! ($35.00 value)So send in your check with the membership form. (I will announce one winner in the 3-3-2014 E-blast) click on this link for the form:http://fwmsptsa.org/forms/membership-form/ (not sure if you are a member? Email me at and I will let you know.) (disclaimer not all sizes of the sweatshirts maybe available)
January 30, 2014: Board of Education Budget Meeting – Recap
I. Items #3 (Approval of Minutes) and #7 (Old Business: Fairfield Public Schools Mission, Goals, Objectives etc.) on the agenda were deferred until the next regular Board of Education meeting on February 25th, 2014.
II. Student Reports:
Fairfield Ludlowe High School Liaisons: Mr. Moeder and Mr. King: mentioned that students at FLHS were preparing for the SBAC; They also mentioned the recent college admission acceptances to UCONN, U. of Vermont, Harvard U., U. of Pennsylvania, and Cornell U.;They proudly discussed the recent success of the wrestling swimming and girls varsity basketball teams.
Fairfield Warde High School Liaisons: Ms. Clarke, Ms. Strachan, Ms.Longley: mentioned their own preparation for the SBAC as well as the recent success of their ice hockey, girls basketball and in-door track teams.
III. Board Committee/Liaison Reports: There were no new reports since the last regular Board of Education meeting on January 14, 2014.
IV. Superintendent’s Report: Update on Status of 2013-2014 - Operating Budget:
According to Dr. Title, the current operating budget deficit is at $500,000 - $700,000 which is an improvement over the $1.4 million budget gap in early January 2014.
V. New Business:
A. Approval of Plans and Specifications for Riverfield Project 051-0125EA
Recommended Motion: “that the Board of Education approve the plans and specifications for the Riverfield Project Number 051-0125EA” (Enclosures #3 and #4): Motion passed 7-0-2.
B. Adoption of a Recommended Budget for the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year
Recommended Motion: “that the Board of Education approve an operating budget for the 2014-2015 fiscal year in the amount of $157,022,051 as presented to be forwarded to the town of Fairfield”; This represents an increase of 3.86%, and the motion passed 7-1-1. John Llewellyn voted against the budget, and Eileen Liu-McCormack voted to abstain.
Proposed Amendments to the Superintendent’s 2014-2015 Budget by members of the Board of Education were as follows:
Cost Saving Proposals:
1) Pre-K Busing Service: I move to not offer busing to those families who pay full time tuition for the Pre-K programs at Burr and Dwight at a net projected savings of approximately $42,000. Eileen Liu-McCormack - This amendment was tabled until further cost savings information could be obtained.
2) Curriculum Leaders: I move to restructure the Curriculum Leader positions at a net change to the budget of $______. John Llewellyn – This motion was tabled for now to allow for more time to determine the true cost savings of this amendment.
3) World Language in Grades 4-6: I move to eliminate World Language in Grades 4 and 5 and to increase the instruction from 2 x 25 minutes to 4 x 25 minutes in grade 6. The net savings to the proposed budget for this change is $75,029 ($66,109 salary, $8,920 in benefits). Marc Patten
A motion to postpone this amendment until further research on the curriculum changes could be made was proposed by Mrs. Maxon-Kennelly, and the motion passed 6-3.
Increased Cost Proposals:
4) World Language in Grades 4-6: I move to increase the proposed budget by adding $353,553 for the purpose of restoring the World Language Program in grades 4, 5 and 6 to the instructional levels in 2010-2011. Eileen Liu-McCormack
A motion to postpone this amendment until further research on the curriculum could be completed was presented, and the motion to postpone failed 4-4-1. The main motion subsequently failed by a vote of 2-7.
5) Music, grade 5: I move to increase the proposed budget by adding $34,000 for the purpose of reinstituting the second 5th grade general music class by adding a .5 teaching position. Eileen Liu-McCormack
An amendment to the main motion failed 2-7. However, when the main motion itself was presented, it passed by a vote of 6-2-1.
6) Paraprofessional Support for High School Media Centers: I move to increase the proposed budget by adding $52,000 ($34,000 salary, $18,000 benefits) for the purpose of adding 1.0 FTE to provide support to the media centers at the high schools. John Convertito
This amendment was pulled early on by John C. out of concern for how much the budget would be increasing with other potential amendments.
7) Participants’ Sports Rental Fee: I move to eliminate the sports facility rental fees collected from participants resulting in a loss of $56,000 in revenue in the operating budget. Paul Fattibene
This amendment passed unanimously by a vote of 9-0.
8) High School Parking Fees: I move to reduce the high school parking fees to their 2012-2013 levels at a net loss of $20,000 of income to the operating budget. John Convertito
This amendment failed by a vote of 4-5.
9) Re-imbursement of Custodial fees: I move to increase the budgeted cost for custodial services by approximately $20,000 to permit PTA’s from being exempt from reimbursement of overtime fees effective July 1, 2014. Marc Patten
The original motion was amended by John Convertito to state: “I move to increase the budgeted cost for custodial services by approximately $10,000 to permit PTA’s to be 50% exempt from reimbursement of overtime fees effective July 1, 2014.” This amendment failed by a vote of 2-6. However, the main amendment (as originally stated by Marc Patten) passed by a vote of 7-2.
10) CABE Conference Fees: I move to increase account or object code 319 – Conference & Travel, sub-account 69 Board of Education Services, line item 54490 Worshops & Conferences in the proposed budget from$0 to $2,400 for the purpose of paying the cost of Board of Education members to attend the annual CABE/CAPSS conference, with priority of payment being given to the Board of Education members last elected and with any remaining balance being apportioned among the remaining attending Board of Education members, if requested. Paul Fattibene
This amendment passed by a vote of 8-1.
11) Additional Gifted Assessments: I move to increase the proposed budget by adding $9,500 for the purpose of increasing testing for gifted and talented students in middle school. Eileen Liu-McCormack.
After some discussion, Eileen Liu-McCormack amended the motion to state: I move to increase the proposed budget by adding $10,000 to enhance the middle school gifted program, and this motion failed by a vote of 3-5-1.
Public Comment: There was some public comment on all of the above amendments before a formal vote was taken on each amendment by the Board of Education. Once the amendment votes were completed, there was a separate public comment on the overall budget in which many teachers, administrators and parents advocated for Curriculum Leaders, in particular and for the budget overall.
Final Vote: As mentioned under Recap item # V. New Business (from the meeting agenda) and after a lengthy session of public comment, The Board of Education then formally voted to approve the budget of $157, 022,051 which is 3.86% increase over the current 2013-2014 budget.
Please contact Our PTSA BOE Rep. Kelly Dunn if you have any questions
TEACHER Evaluation and Common Core update
Governor Dan Malloy has decided to delay the state mandated teacher evaluations, which had gone into, effect this year, and is creating a Common Core task force. To read more in the Hartford Courant, visit http://courantblogs.com/capitol-watch/malloy-delays-teacher-evals-sets-up-common-core-task-force/.
Are you looking to get involved in your PTSA? Our Nominating Committee has started their search for the next school year and would like to talk to you! We have many different opportunities available. Please send an email for more information to our Nominating Chair Margaret Ruff at
Please note that you will receive your e-blast every Monday as a link. In order to read the whole blast please click on the link. Thank-you. (please do not click on the link on the bottom of the email this will unsubscribe you.)
DIRECTORY ACCESSWe have emailed access to the directory to all parents who have paid theirmembership dues as of Sunday 2/3/2014. We will continue to send out access as we receive your dues, if you have any questions or have not received access please do not hesitate to email me at
Tausif Churyk, PTSA President
Please see below letter from Dr. Rosato (this is a duplicate sent out last week by IC)
1-31-2014 letter from Dr. Rosato
“Keep on Clipping”–BoxTops Update Thank you for sending in your BoxTops! We mailed 2,830 BoxTops in November and FWMS received a check for $283. That money is being used to help our children! So, keep sending in your BoxTops. Another way FWMS can earn money is through eBoxTops when you shop online. Visit their websitewww.btfe.comand register to become a member. Click on “Shop Marketplace” under the Earned tab and see all the participating stores.
Next BoxTops submission is February 28th. Keep clipping those BoxTops.
Yearbooks are on sale! Order your yearbook online! Link to site:ORDER YOUR JOSTENS YEARBOOK Any questions? Please contact your yearbook advisors, Mr. Morris or Mrs. Vilenski,
PTSA WEBSITE Visit our websitehttp://www.fwmsptsa.orgto stay up to date.
Many of you have asked about Spirit Wear, we have added pictures on our website under LINKS. For questions contact Rachelle Sheehan SPIRIT WEAR CHAIR at Click on this link for more information: Order your Spirit Wear
MEMBERSHIP If you haven’t yet please send in your form along with your membership dues. Join us. You are an integral part of the supportive and engaged family and teacher community we all enjoy here at Woods. Click here for the membership formhttp://fwmsptsa.org/forms/membership-form/. Have questions about membership? Email
FAIRFIELD WOODS PTSA DEADLINE FOR ADMISSION IN EBLAST PTSA board, chairs, committee members and teacher/staff– if you have a blurb you would like to add to the e-blast please send it to me no later thanThursdays at 6pm. Email it to and The e-blast will go out every Monday, so please look for it in your mailboxes.
SEPTA 2013-2014
SEPTA UPCOMING GENERAL MEETINGS Please join us on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. at the McKinley School library. Childcare is provided. February 12,March 12,April 9,May 14,June TBD
Septa’s 2nd Annual Pancakes for Dinner – February 24th – Three Seating 5, 6, and 7 p.m For more information please
SEPTA TAEKWONDO AT SPORTSPLEX Ray Greenberg Basketball League Scheduling for the Ray Greenberg Basketball league: Park and Rec Challenger League; Feb 22; March 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29; April 5 and 12. Any questions please call Drew, Susan, Kristen, and Jeff Bickel at(203) 254-3592. RESOURCES Please visit the SEPTA website,www.fairfieldsepta.org, to see a list of available resources.
The downUNDER, Fairfield Woods Branch Library’s teen space, is OPEN again. We have resumed our hours from 3:00-4:45pm Monday through Thursday when school is in session. To celebrate our re-opening we invite all teens in grades 6 and up to join us for pizza and fun at our Grand Re-Opening Extravaganza on Thursday, February 6th from 3:00-4:45pm. No registration required, but pizza and snacks will be available on a first come, first serve basis.
ATTENTION PARENTS OF INCOMING FAIRFIELD WARDE FRESHMEN: What better way to welcome your eighth-grader to Warde than with some Warde Spirit Wear. We will be selling Spirit Wear on Thursday, February 6 during the Eighth-Grade Parent Night at Warde. Stop by our table in the lobby and see our supply of Warde items including T-shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, flannel pajama pants, CamelBak water bottles, car magnets, baseball caps and much more. Contact Susan Fiske at with questions.
The Connecticut Audubon Society is offering this summer a new Junior Science Lab for ages 10 to 14 at our Birdcraft Museum. This program offers exceptional programming for campers ages 10 to 14 that cultivates a supportive learning environment. Our advance enrichment programming expands campers’ knowledge with hands-on experimentation and exciting discovery. JR Science lab flier
FAIRFIELDRTMDISTRICT6 As your RTM representatives for District 6, we’d like to invite you and to check out and follow our district Facebook page (www.facebook.com/FairfieldRTMDistrict6) for “news you can use” throughout District 6 and around Fairfield. Our goal is to help keep our community current and involved in neighborhood, school and town events of interest and to introduce (or re-introduce!) town resources and services that make Fairfield such a great place to live. Any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact any of us. Fairfield RTM District 6 Representatives – Julie Gottlieb () – Allen Marks () – Sheila Marmion () – Jay Wolk () – Liz Zezima ()