North American Bird Conservation Initiative- US Committee
8-9 August 2017
DRAFT v22June2017
Day 1
8:00 Gather with light breakfast
Note: Attendees must pass through security; please leave plenty of time for security check
8:30 Welcome and Introductions
8:45 Host Welcome (BLM)
9:00 (15 minutes) NABCI Coordinator Updates- Judith Scarl, NABCI
(30 minutes) Human Dimensions Subcommittee report and discussion- Ashley Gramza, Virginia Tech/Tammy VerCauteren, Bird Conservancy of the Rockies
NABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 2, Subgoal 1b: Enable bird conservation partners to integratehuman dimensionsscience and tools into bird conservation efforts.
Purpose: Present human dimensions 1-page document, summarize Bird ConservationHD Success Stories and plan for compilation and display, summary of Social Science Coordinator effort to date
Preferred Outcomes: Finalization of 1-pager and partner distribution strategy; Committee approves work plan
(15-20 minutes)Communications Subcommittee report and discussion- EJ Williams, American Bird Conservancy
NABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 1, Subgoal 2:Strengthen communication within the bird conservation community.
Purpose: Discuss new All-Bird Bulletin Blog, including subjects covered and metrics on views/distribution; present templates for NABCI fact sheets and presentations; finalize NABCI slogan/tag line
Preferred Outcomes: Committee approves NABCI tag line; Committee members that have not signed up to produce a blog agree to sign up within 1 week of meeting
(How much time?)MonitoringSubcommittee report and discussion- (Gray Anderson, National Flyway Council/VA Department of Fish and Game)/Viviana Ruiz Gutierrez, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
NABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 2, Subgoal 1a:Promote and advance bird monitoring that is integrated into strategic habitat conservation.
Purpose: (Introduce new Chair, who will give an overview of his vision for the Subcommittee- THIS IS PENDING NEW CHAIR)
Preferred Outcomes:
(20 minutes) InternationalSubcommittee report and discussion- Greg Butcher, US Forest Service/Deb Hahn, Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
NABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 1, Subgoal 1a. Work collaboratively across countries to support partnership development that will advance full annual cycle conservation of migratory birds and their habitats.
Purpose: Present final “North American Vision for Hemispheric Bird Conservation,” discuss Americas Flyways Framework and implementation of Vision
Preferred Outcomes:Committee provides input on recommended actions that will advance the Vision
State of the Birds Subcommittee report and discussion (30 minutes)- Ken Rosenberg, Cornell Lab of Ornithology/Tom Moorman, Ducks Unlimited
NABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 2, Subgoal 1d1: Produce State of the Birds reports that synthesize science and align with key policy programs or initiatives to provide an effective communication tool to encourage science-based conservation policy
Purpose: Present the 2017 State of the Birds Report focused on Farm Bill programs; provide report overview and discuss communications and outreach strategy, [discuss opportunities for future SOTB reports?]
Preferred Outcomes: Committee members commit to participating in report outreach and communication both within their organizations and to partners and Congress, as appropriate; Committee develops short list of topics for future reports
(15 min)Private and Working LandsSubcommittee report and discussion–TBD
NABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 2, Subgoal 1e: Promote and advance bird conservation objectives on both private and public lands.
Purpose:Provide an update to the NABCI Committee on the short- and long-term action items and deliverables the Subcommittee has identified for our workplan objectives, as well as update the Committee about the 3 new members/organizations that have joined our Subcommittee.
Preferred Outcomes: Committee members have understanding of and provide any suggestions/feedback on the Subcommittee’s action items and implementation timeline for our workplan.
Legislative and Policy Subcommittee report, discussion, and work plan presentation (30 minutes?)- Keith Norris, TWS
NABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 2: Inform and support effective policy to advance bird conservation
Purpose: NABCI’s Legislative and Policy Subcommittee was reactivated in February 2017. The new Subcommittee will present their draft work plan. This Subcommittee seeks a more permanent Chair.
Preferred Outcomes: Subcommittee work plan is approved, and Chair and Co-Chair are nominated.
Non-Traditional Partnerships: Prioritizing NABCI Outreach and Relationship Building (time?)- Leader TBD
NABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 1, Subgoal 1c: Facilitate and promote the development of novel partnerships between conservation and non-traditional organizations (e.g., industry, urban planning associations, etc.) that provide new resources and avenues for addressing bird conservation priorities.
Purpose: Throughout the morning presentations, each Subcommittee will report on ongoing or potential non-traditional partnerships. This discussion will evaluate these potential partnerships, help to prioritize outreach to non-traditional partners, exchange ideas about strategy and contacts when approaching new partners, and consider what additional partnerships NABCI may want to build in the future to meet its stated goals.
Preferred Outcomes: Specific non-traditional partners are identified for priority outreach; partner outreach is coordinated between Subcommittees, as appropriate
The Relevance of Bird Conservation: Initial Messaging for Partner Outreach (20 min?)- Steve Albert, Institute for Bird Populations
NABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 3, Subgoal 2b: Demonstrate bird conservation’s strong ties to healthy land, water, and people in order to communicate relevance beyond birds; Subgoal 2b2: Develop initial talking points supporting bird conservation relevancy for meetings with agency leadership, funding organizations, and non-traditional partners
Purpose: In February 2017, NABCI formed a small team to compile messaging on how bird conservation and other human interests align. This team will report on their progress and solicit feedback on messaging.
Preferred Outcomes: Clear direction for moving forward with finalizing/using relevancy messaging.
National Bird Conservation Priorities- Judith Scarl, NABCI
NABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 1, Subgoal 1: Support, develop, integrate, and promote priorities of regional, national, and international bird conservation partnerships.
NABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 3, Subgoal 1: Facilitate coordinated communication with government leadership about highest priority programs, initiatives, and needs of bird conservation.
Purpose: In February 2017, the US NABCI Committee agreed to compile a short list of the top priorities for bird conservation.Since then, NABCI has: 1) proposed a process to identify priorities; 2) extracted threats, needs, and opportunities from all US/North America State of the Birds Reports; 3) distributed a survey to NABCI Committee members on priorities [anticipated]. (If all goes well,) this presentation will go through the process of priority identification and present the results of the priorities survey.
Preferred Outcomes: Coming soon…
Year of the Bird (and International Ornithological Congress)- Opportunities for NABCI
More information coming soon
5:00 Adjourn
Wednesday, 9 August 2017
8:00 Gather with light breakfast
Note: Attendees must pass through security; please leave plenty of time for security check
8:30-10:00 Agenda Items that Don’t Fit on Tuesday/Parking Lot/Follow Up from Tuesday Discussions
NABCI Governance
NABCI Subcommittee Work Plan Template (15 minutes?)- Judith Scarl, NABCI
NABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 1, Subgoal 1d: Maintain an effective US NABCI Committee
Purpose: Subcommittees are expected to develop work plans at regular intervals; these work plans guide Subcommittee actions, ensure that Subcommittee goals and NABCI goals are aligned, and help identify areas of potential collaboration between Subcommittees. To date, no template exists to guide Subcommittees in Work Plan development. This discussion will focus on building a Subcommittee work plan template, with guidance on work plan structure, contents, and frequency.
Preferred Outcomes:
Note: I would like to have a proposed template available for discussion by the meeting; otherwise, we can form a small team to develop a template.
NABCI Budget and Future Funding Strategy (30 minutes?)- Judith Scarl, NABCI
NABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 1, Subgoal 1d3: Ensure sufficient resources for NABCI coordination and projects through financial support of NABCI coordinator and other NABCI needs, as appropriate
Purpose: With federal funding becoming more uncertain, NABCI may need to diversify its funding strategy to ensure continued strong financial support. Judith will present NABCI’s budget and lead a discussion on moving towards a “pay to play” model in which all Committee members are expected to contributed financially to NABCI’s operating expenses.
Preferred Outcomes: Committee members agree on an appropriate ask strategy for NGO partners moving forward.
Executive Council Membership (15 minutes)- Jerome Ford, USFWS/Gordon Myers, NCWRC
NABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 1, Subgoal 1d: Maintain an effective US NABCI Committee
Purpose: Two of our Executive Council seats will be open in August; the State seat has been vacant for several terms, and the Partnership seat (currently held by David Whitehurst) is up for renewal. Like organizations will nominate individuals to participate on the Executive Council. Federal and NGO representatives will also discuss their roles and future succession strategy.
Preferred Outcomes: Committee votes to approve subgroup nominations for Executive Council seats.
Other NABCI Business?
1:00 Adjourn