Regular Meeting
February 22, 2016
Chairman Poston called the Meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
The Pledge of Allegiance was repeated.
Roll Call – MR. Lilly was absent, Mr. Poston, Mrs. Bergstrom, Mr. Heasley and Mr. Dizard responded to roll call.
The Solicitor and Engineer were present.
Chairman Poston said we will dispense with the reading of the minutes since each Board Member received a copy of them.
Remarks from Visitors:
Valerie Michael, 5 Blue Ridge Avenue, advised that she had been having problems with Morrow Refuse turning their garbage truck around on her property. She talked with John Morrow and was told the driver would not do it any longer. Ms. Michael said she got some supplies and built a makeshift fence so they cannot do it, since they kept doing so.
She said she video tapes the truck and said today he took the neighbor’s trash and left hers behind. He backed out of the alley.
Ms. Michael said since she has had these issues she contacted the Township and was told she has to use Morrow since the Township has a contract with them. Her garbage is still there tonight.
Chairman Poston said we will contact Morrow about this matter.
Mr. & Mrs. Gallagher, Sylvan Avenue, said the Higgins property is off the market and they hope it will be demolished if someone does buy it.
Chairman Poston said we heard there was someone interested in it, and Mrs. Gallagher said it is off the website but not showing as sold.
Mrs. Gallagher said it is still in Higgins name though someone else bought it.
Chairman Poston asked the Solicitor if we can do anything about that.
Attorney Charles Means said someone would have had to bid more than the small amount the out of state buyer did. He said that the new owner paid the Sheriff but never had the deed transferred to their name. There is no law we can enforce to make them do so.
Mrs. Gallagher asked if there is a time frame when they have to put it in their name and Solicitor Means said the Township has no way of making anyone do that.. Chairman Poston said it is a County problem. He said we have paid so much in legal fees regarding this brought we could have bought it twice over. He said maybe someone will buy it and demolish it. Solicitor advised again they paid for it, so it belongs to the new people.
Mr. Dizard said this is often done when someone is flipping a house so they only have one property transfer to pay.
Chairman Poston said he saw where Arnold has the same kind of problem.
Mr. Dizard said whoever buys it has to go through our processes since there were property maintenance issue against it. They have to provide and affidavit they will make necessary repairs or demolish it.
Linda Butchko, Harrison Avenue, said she is here again about the house on Monroe Street. She was here last July but that was probably not the best meeting she could have attended.
She said kids are going in the house and it is detrimental to the health of the neighborhood and it needs to be demolished. She asked if it is on a list to be torn down.
She said noted a house on Lincoln Street was torn down. This is the Hughes house that has bene in bad shape for years and none of the heirs will take responsibility for it. She said that all kinds of small animals are living in the house and she saw a dead raccoon in the driveway. The Public Works Department took it away. Mrs. Butchko asked if there were any plans to demolish it in the near future.
Chairman Poston said none of the heirs have responded to our letters.
Mrs. Butchko said she has two houses there and right now would not be able to sell them.
Chairman Poston said he did look at it last year.
Mrs. Butchko said there is garbage all around the property and she hopes that something can be done.
Chairman Poston aid we will try to get this moving forward again. He said Joe Marino did send letters to the heirs.
Committee Reports:
Mrs. Bergstrom, reporting for Fire and Property and Grants, read Citizens’ report for the month. She said she met with the officers and that they may try to use Heights Elementary School for a search and rescue training class and the Police may use it for sniper training.
She advised the developer said it is possible they may be able to use his building.
Mrs. Bergstrom read Hilltop’s report of alarms and training classes.
She also read the report from Harrison Hills listing calls and training sessions.
Mrs. Bergstrom advised a grant application was submitted for a $100,000 grant for a Streetscape Design project. She said she will be working on other grants soon.
Mrs. Bergstrom advised she has a proposal from Site Signatures for the streetscape design drawings. She said the gentleman gave us our first design free of charge. This agreement would be for not more than $4,750 and we need approval for it.
Mrs. Bergstrom said the streetscape is in three stages and some will need design work. One is Natrona, the second the Freeport Road area here, and the other up t Walmart.
Chairman Poston said if we have drawings in hand when a grant application comes up we can then proceed since we have something to show them and are ready to go.
Mrs. Bergstrom said it would be done one phase at a time.
Mr. Dizard moved to approve the agreement with Site Signatures for not more than $4,750. Motion seconded by Mr. Heasley and carried.
An audience member asked why the route is just to Walmart. She said that the State wanted us to sign a maintenance agreement for a bike trial and the Solicitor recommended that we do not since it was not clear.
Chairman Poston said we would be responsible for all the maintenance and the liability.
Mrs. Bergstrom said we can apply for several ore grants.
Reporting for Finance, Chairman Poston read the Bills Payable list in Mr. Lilly’s absence. He said the total General Fund bills amount to $73,809.18.
Mr. Heasley moved to pay these bills and Mrs. Bergstrom seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Chairman Poston said the Bond Account invoices total $9,332.12.
Mr. Heasley moved to approve these bills. Motion seconded by Mr. Dizard and carried.
Chairman Poston read the Paid Bills to be Ratified in the amount of $149,625.36.
Mr. Heasley oved to approve this list. Motion seconded by Mr. Dizard and carried.
Chairman Poston, reporting for Public Safety, read the January Police Report as follows:
239Accounted Phone Calls
369Reported Police Support/Service Calls
18Traffic Accidents
1Prisoner Detained
5Juvenile Arrests
52Traffic Citations
8Non-Traffic Citations
0Ordinance Citations
11Parking Tickets
13Misdemeanor/Felony Warrants
Fines collected from Allegheny County Court339.80
Fines collected from Magistrate 3,125.02
Parking Tickets 70.00
Copies of Accidents Reports 225.00
Total Receipts$ 3,759.82
Disbursements to Police for Magistrate Hearings 625.68
Mr. Heasley, reporting for Pubic Works, read the report for the month including snow removal for which he said the men did a great job. He said they used 300 tons of salt. The department also located a number of manholes where the State paved over them and they will be corrected. Mr. Heasley said for the winter so far, we have used 1,300 tons of salt and have 500 on hand. He said they have been busy with many jobs this month.
Mr. Dizard, reporting for Ordinance and Zoning, said the new website is u and running and is more comprehensive and is being updated daily if needed. He said that the community is welcome to let us know about their activities and we will put them on the calendar on the site.
Mr. Dizard said he has completed his reorganization of the office and it has been reviewed by the Solicitor. Mr. Dizard said we are making a priority list of houses and their conditions.
He said that some have been torn down recently but there are many more.
Mr. Dizard asked if the Solicitor could research the property along the riverfront that we own. He said it appears there is a fence built on our property and we could use that area to open up the alley and to have it be part of the bike trail from there where it opens right at the Park.
Mr. Dizard said we will an application to the Local Government Academy for an intern to gather information on all the housing in the township. We can use the data to determine what needs to be done. We already have a database of all the properties and the taxes that are due.
Mr. Dizard said the fall round of applications for the Tree Vitalize program are due and we should know soon if we got the first grant. He said the second round would include trees along Broadview Boulevard and in the Park.
Mr. Dizard said the office did 13 inspections for occupancy and had permits valued at $1.1 million, with $260 being zoning permits and $11,890 building permits.
Chairman Poston asked Ray Antonelli for a report on the demolitions now in progress.
Mr. Antonelli said he reviewed the five structures with the contractor earlier today and he has a request for payment. He said the payment would hold a retainage of the total cost of $45,600, and asked the Board to approve payment in the amount of $24,249.50.
Chairman poston so moved. Motions seconded by Mr. Heasley and carried.
Mr. Antonelli said he and Randy measured the roads for the paving project and he will have a cost estimate before the March meeting so we can proceed.
Mr. Antonelli also said he has been working on the Dallas Avenue storm water study and will have information to report in March with recommendations.
Mr. Antonelli said that the Planning Commission has a request from Arnold Cook for a warehouse at 25 Garfield Street for his business. It is a conditional use which will come before this Board for a public hearing.
Mrs. Bergstrom asked the Solicitor about the proposed donation of property to us on Altermoor Drive. He said that his office sent her the information with estimated costs.
Chairman Poston read Resolution No. 1706 – Adopting the Allegheny County 2015 Hazard Mitigation Plan. He said this has been reviewed by our EMC people.
Mr. Dizard moved to adopt the Plan. Motions seconded by Mr. Heasley and carried.
Chairman Poston aid the next item is to approve advertisement of the proposed amendments to the Recreation Board ordinance. Mr. Heasley moved and Mr. Dizard seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Chairman Poston said the next action is to approve the 1st Quarter Allocations to the fire department sin the amount of $1,250. Mr. Heasley moved to approve same. Motion seconded by Mrs. Bergstrom and carried.
Chairman Poston said the next item is to authorize advertisement of the 2016 Paving Bids. He said Ray is still working on it but we want to get these out much earlier than last year.
MR. Heasley moved to advertise for bids. Motions seconded by Mrs. Bergstrom and carried.
Chairman Poston said the next item is appointments to three terms on the Planning Commission. He said they are Jason Paulovich, Kenneth Crisafio and Thomas Cajka.
Mr. Dizard moved to appoint these three people to the Planning Commission. Motions seconded by Mr. Heasley and carried.
Chairman Poston said we are still looking for a recording secretary for the planning Commission. It pays $25 to take the minutes of the meetings.
Chairman Poston said next is a Proclamation honoring Connor J. Cario on the attainment of Eagle Scout Status. He said this is a big deal and Troop 186 under Bob Barrage has had many Eagle Scouts. This is an honor to him also.
Mr. Heasley so moved. Motions seconded by Mr. Dizard and carried.
Chairman Poston said the last item is to appoint Norbert Cieslinski as the Deputy Zoning and Ordnance officer so he can serve if Joe is not available. Mr. Dizard so moved. Motion seconded by Mr. Heasley and carried.
Mr. Heasley moved to adjourn. Motions seconded by Mrs. Bergstrom and carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 P.M.
Executive Secretary President, Board of