Case no.: DT/1/13
Case number: DT/1/13
I. / INFORMATION ABOUT THE CLIENT1. Client's name : ENERGA-OPERATOR SA seated in Gdańsk.
Entry into the National Court Register – Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court Gdańsk-Północ, 7th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under number 0000033455
Address: 80-557 Gdańsk, ul. Marynarki Polskiej 130
2. Mailing address: ENERGA-OPERATOR SA, Gdańsk 80-870, ul. Reja 29, with note: "Technical dialogue preceding conclusion of the framework contract for: delivery of Metering Infrastructure for Energa-Operator SA."
Phone: +48 58 347-30-13
NIP (tax identification number): 583-000-11-90, REGON: 190275904
II. / SUBJECT AND PURPOSE OF THE TECHNICAL DIALOGUE1. ENERGA-OPERATOR SA, seated in Gdańsk, informs that on the basis of Article 31 of the Public Procurement Law (Journal of Laws of 2010 No. 113 item 759 as amended , hereinafter referred to as "the Public Procurement Law") announces technical dialogue, aimed at obtaining information necessary to prepare description of the subject of the order, the Terms of Reference and the contract terms, in the procedure whose subject will be conclusion of the framework contract for delivery of Metering Infrastructure for Energa-Operator SA.
2. Designs:
2.1. description of the subject of the order referred to in item 1 is included in Appendix No. 2 to this Information;
2.2. of the Terms of Reference referred to in item 1 is included in Appendix No. 3 to this Information;
2.3. of the implementation contract form referred to in item 1 is included in Appendix No. 4 to this Information.
3. The conducted technical dialogue will also serve the Client's familiarization with the best, the most beneficial, the latest or innovative technical, organizational and technological solutions in the area covered by the subject of the planned procedure.
4. This Information is, at the same time, invitation to technical dialogue.
5. This Information does not constitute invitation to tender as defined by Article 66 of the Civil Code and is not order notice as defined by the Public Procurement Law.
III. / TERMS AND PRINCIPLES CONCERNING TECHNICAL DIALOGUE1. The technical dialogue will be conducted on the basis of Article 31a of the Public Procurement Law.
2. The technical dialogue procedure is initiated on the day of publishing this Information on the Client's website .The technical dialogue participants are entities that applied for participation by submitting "Application for Participation in Technical Dialogue", constituting Appendix No. 1 to this Information.
3. Expected deadline for technical dialogue: from the day of publishing this Information on the Client's website until 27 June 2013
4. The deadline mentioned in item 3 may be prolonged in the case of default on the objectives for technical dialogue as specified in item II of this Information. The Client will inform about prolongation of the deadline all entities participating in the technical dialogue, by placing information on the website and providing information to participants by e-mail.
5. The Client reserves the right to terminate the technical dialogue early, before the deadline specified in item 3, without specifying the reason.
6. The Client will inform about the technical dialogue completion immediately the participating entities, by placing information on the website and providing information to participants by e-mail.
7. The technical dialogue will be conducted separately with each of entities invited to participate in the dialogue.
8. The technical dialogue will be conducted in the form of exchange of correspondence and, at the Client's discretion, direct meetings. The dates of particular meetings under the technical dialogue will be each time agreed by the Client and the entity invited to the dialogue.
9. Meetings conducted under the technical dialogue will be held in the seat of the Client or at any other place agreed by the Client with the entity invited to the dialogue.
10. Entities participating in the technical dialogue do not receive remuneration or reimbursement of costs related to their participation in the dialogue.
11. The technical dialogue will be conducted in the Polish language, in writing and orally. A document prepared in other language should be accompanied by its translation into Polish, signed by an entity participating in the dialogue. If the dialogue participant does not speak Polish, an interpreter should be provided.
12. The entity joining the technical dialogue is synonymous with granting permission to use of information communicated for the purposes of preparing the tender documentation, including description of the subject of the order, the Terms of Reference and the contract terms. In the case of transferring to the Client, in the course of the technical dialogue, work as defined by the Act of 4 February 1994 on copyright and related rights (Journal of Laws of 1994 No. 24 item 83 as amended ), the entity transferring a given work grants to the Client unconditional permission to use this work in full or in part for the purposes of preparing the tender documentation, including description of the subject of the order, the Terms of Reference and the contract terms and permits to exercise the derivative rights to the work, dispose of and use of work. An entity that joins the technical dialogue ensures that the use of work by the Client will not violate third party rights.
13. Participation in the technical dialogue is not a condition for the participant applying in the future for any public order.
14. Entities interested in participation in the technical dialogue are requested to report this intent by submitting "Application for Participation in Technical Dialogue", constituting Appendix No. 1 to this Information, along with determination of all information as included therein.
15. Applications can be submitted:
a) in writing – in person, by mail, by courier, to the address: Energa-Operator SA, 80-870 Gdańsk, ul. M. Reja 29, ref. no. DT/1/13 with note: "Application of Participation in Technical Dialogue".
b) in the electronic form – electronically to the address: (the application should be transferred in the form of a pdf. file or graphic file: jpg. or appropriate)
16. Deadline for application submission 11 June 2013
17. The application should be signed by persons authorized to represent the Contractor. The application should be accompanied by a document confirming the aforementioned. right (original or copy certified for compliance with the original document by the person entitled to represent).
18. On the basis of the applications, the Client will indicate participants invited to the technical dialogue. The technical dialogue will be conducted with entities invited to participate in the dialogue by the Client.
19. The Client reserves the right to apply for consulting or information covered by the subject of the dialogue for selected entities from which the Client did not receive "Application for Participation in Technical Dialogue".
20. Persons authorized to contact the Contractors on the technical dialogue, on business days, Monday to Friday, 8 am to 2 pm, are: Stanisław Hejna, and in his absence – Jolanta Skocka. Contact details:
a) Mailing address: 80-870 Gdańsk, ul. M. Reja 29,
b) Phone: +48 58745 78 41,
c) E-mail address: ; .
For Energa-Operator SA
Załącznik nr 1) Application for Participation in Technical Dialogue.
Załącznik nr 2) Draft Description of the Subject of the Order.
Załącznik nr 3) Draft Terms of Reference.
Załącznik nr 4) Draft Implementation Contract Form.