YMCA, SJAFB, Northeast, Grantham, GPR, WCS
Spring Creek, WCDS, Northwest, St. Mary’s, Rosewood
Officials: YMCA
TO: All Coaches, Parents, and Youth Center Staff
FROM: GOLDSBORO YMCA / SJAFB Youth Sports Directors
SUBJECT: 2017 Youth Fall Soccer By-Laws
Player Participation and Awards
All players present for a game will play a minimum of 50 % of the game subject to the age group requirements listed below. Coaches may withhold players for disciplinary reasons but prior to that game the coach must notify the parents and opposing coach of the player(s) who will not participate and the reason. Failure to play all players the required amount of time will result in a warning for the first offense and coach termination for a second offense. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Any player or coach receiving a red card will be immediately removed from the remainder of that game and will not be eligible to participate in the next game that his/her team plays. All yellow and red cards will be reported to the Youth Sports Directors or league administrator by the referees.
All players must wear matching team shirts. Shoes will be an approved type with molded rubber cleats. Sneakers are not recommended. Protective shin guards will be used by all players and are to be worn under socks. Players will need to provide shoes and shin guards. During inclement or colder weather, players may wear other appropriate athletic clothing as long as the shin guards are in place and the team shirt is worn on the outside. Hats with bills are prohibited and hooded sweatshirts discouraged. Soft (stocking type) hats, gloves or mittens are approved for cold weather wear.
Players will not be allowed to wear rings, watches, jewelry (including pierced earrings or posts) or any hard hair devices such as clips or barrettes. Athletic glasses guards and mouth protectors are encouraged.
Players may not play with a heavily bandaged injury, splint, or cast.
Practice Sessions
Practice sessions will not exceed sixty minutes in duration for age’s 5-10 yr olds to include “skill” sessions before or after practice. It is important to remember that parents as well as youth can become discouraged. 11-13 yr olds cannot exceed 120 minutes, two nights a week.
Under no circumstances will a team practice with or scrimmage against a team from another age group.
Players must have at least one calendar week of practice before participating in competition.
NO Heading will be allowed during practices due to concussion protocol.
Coaches will never leave a group of players unsupervised. A minimum of two adults must be present at all practices and games.
Coaches should arrive at least fifteen minutes prior to the start of any game or practice and remain at the game or practice site until all players have been picked up or have left for home. An adult coach, assistant, or parent shall be supervising the players at all times.
Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Products
Coaches in the vicinity of any playing or practice areas will not consume alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. Parents in the vicinity of playing or practice areas will not consume alcoholic beverages and their use of tobacco products is discouraged.
Conduct of Coaches
Coaches and parents will not indulge in physical or verbal abuse of players for any reason. Profanity will not be used in the presence of players during practice or games. Refrain from berating referee and players. First offense: warning; Second offense: goal awarded to other team; Third offense: ejection. Coaches that have been removed from an organization for any reason are not allowed to go coach for another organization without league approval.
Jurisdiction of Referees
Referees are responsible for the conduct of the game for a period from ten minutes prior to the game until the game is completed and teams have started to depart the playing area or the referee becomes involved in a subsequent game.
The referee’s decision is final. Coaches may ask about the nature of a referee’s call during stoppages of play to clear up understandings of the call (direct/indirect kick, corner/goal kick, etc.). Referees are not expected to hold lengthy discussions with coaches that will cut into game time. Coaches who are dissatisfied with the quality of officiating should provide specifics to the Goldsboro YMCA Sports Director rather than debate with the referee(s).
Game Time/ Forfeit Time
Subject to age division time limits, all games will be a running clock, except the clock will stop for injuries; immediately for serious contact injuries, or at reversal of play for lesser injuries.
A game will be forfeited by a team if they are not present on the field 10 minutes after the original start time of the game. Once the game is a forfeit, Teams can scrimmage until the next game occurs. Referees are not allowed to ref once a game is forfeited.
Each age group has rules governing minimum number of players to start with. In the event a team starts with the minimum number of players and subsequent players arrive after the start of the game, these players will be allowed in the game at the next break in play. At all times, both teams should have the same number of players on the field, unless injury or carding prevents that from happening.
Number of players on the Field & Ball Size
5-6 yr. olds (4 on 4) with no goalie. Ball Size 3 (YMCA teams playing 6 on 6)
7-8 yr. olds (9 on 9) min 7 to start with goalie. Ball Size 4
9-10 yr. olds (9 on 9) min 7 to start with goalie Ball Size 4
11-13yr. olds (11 on11) min 9 to start with goalie. Ball Size 5
*If a team only has 11 players or 10 players the coach may elect to play one player less. This would give the team 1 substitute if so desired. The other team must play the same number of players.
Field and Goal Recommendations for each age group
5-6 yr olds should be (20 yd by 30 yd.) with no goalie box but a 3 yd arc in front of the goal.
7-8 yr olds should be (50 yd by 70 yd) with only goalie boxes that should be (6 yd by 6 yd) and mid field line.
9-10 yr olds should be (50 yd by 70 yd) with penalty box and goalie box. Goalie box should be (6 yd by 6 yd) and penalty box should be (9 yd by 9 yd)
11-12 yr olds should be (60 yd by 110 yd) with penalty box and goalie box. Goalie box should be (6 yd by 6 yd) and penalty box should be (12 yd by 12 yd).
13-15 yr olds should be (60 yd by 110) with penalty and goalie box. Goalie box should be (6 yd by 6 yd) with penalty box being (18 yd by 18 yd).
Additional Local League Rules
Number of players on the team is at organizations discretion, no limits.
Playing time for 5-10 yr olds, 4 -10 minute quarters, with 2 minute break between 1st and 2nd quarter, 5 minute half time, and 2 minutes between 3rd and 4th qtr.
Playing time for all other ages 11-13 yr olds is 2 -25min halves, with 5 minute break between halves. 5-6 yr olds NO referee and NO penalty kicks, games can end in tie.
7-8 yr olds 1 referee, but an experienced referee. NO penalty kicks games can end in a tie.
9-10 yr olds, 1 referee. NO penalty kicks.Games can end in a tie.
11-13 yr olds. 2 referees. High school rules will be enforced. Games can end in a tie.
Any player that gets carded will get a warning for the first offense. Second offense will result in benching for the rest of the quarter. Third offense the player will sit out the rest of the game.
If a team cannot field the minimum number of players it will result in a forfeit, but coaches may agree to play to gain field experience.
- 13 yr olds will be allowed to participate with the 11-12 yr olds as long as they do not turn 14 during the season.
- The age cut off will be September 1st. Whatever age they are then is what age group they can play.
- Please have ALL your number of teams and team names turned into Brent by August 27so he can start making the schedule. (I (Marc) need to know about your 5-6yr old teams)
- Please have ALL your base pass information turned into Brent also by August27.
- Games will start Saturday September9 or week after.
- I (Marc) will need a complete roster of each of your teams with complete names and birthdates turned into before your teams first games. Any protest will be handled director by Base and YMCA Director’s. Age verification will need to be provided to us in a timely manner at time of request. Penalty could lease to team disqualification from the league.
- Referees will be the same as last season. If you know anyone that may be interested in refereeing please send them my way.
- If you are supplying fields this season please get your Saturday dates to Brent that you would like to host when you turn in your team info.
- If you are not supplying fields you will need to pay a $5 per player fee to the YMCA before your first team’s game.
Scheduling & Cancelling of Games:
1.Schedules will be made by the SJAFB & YMCA Youth Sports Directors.
2.All dates for an Organization or a Team that will not be able to play will need to be turned in prior to the making of the schedule.
3.Once the schedule is made. Any team unable to play their scheduled game will not be made up but another team will be placed in their spot.
4.Referees have the authority to suspend or terminate games whenever the elements affect player’s safety. If over three-quarters of the game have been played; it will be considered an official game.
5.Any unsportsmanlike conduct by a team or spectator that threatens the safety of the players may result in cancellation of the game by the referees or the Youth Sports staff.
6.Coaches will not cancel or reschedule any game without the permission of the SJAFB & YMCA Youth Sports Directors.
Base Access Information
Team’s scheduled to play on base the following information MUST be received in order to gain access to the base. Coaches must obtain the following information from each person age 16 or older who will be attending the games on base:
Federally recognized ID number, such as a State driver’s license or State ID
Full name on ID.
State of issuance.
Children under age 16, including players, need to be listed, but no ID is required.
This information is provided one time to the base for the entire season.
On the day of the game All persons entering the base in the vehicle, whether driving or not, age 16 or older, MUST present the valid federally recognized Identification card that was provided to the base by the coach. No one will be allowed on the base if their name was not on the list provided by the coach and their information does not match. The driver must also produce the vehicle’s registration and proof of insurance card at the time of entry.
Jurisdiction of Outside Organizations
Jurisdiction of Outside Organizations will be governed by the Goldsboro YMCA & SJAFB Sports Directors.
Outside Organizations wantingto participate in the Goldsboro YMCA / SJAFB Youth Soccer League will have to submit a request to join to the Goldsboro YMCA & SJAFB Soccer League.
Outside Organizations currently in the league will not lose their membership in the league until it its deemed necessary by the Goldsboro YMCA & SJAFB Sports Directors or the Outside Organization can no longer supply teams to the league.
Outside Organizations currently allowed to participate are as follows:
- Grantham Athletic Assoiciation
- Goldsboro Parks & Recreation
- Wayne Christian School
- Wayne Country Day School
- Northwest Athletic Association
- St. Mary’s School
- Rosewood Athletic Association
- Spring Creek Athletic Association
- Northeast Athletic Association
No Outside Organizations will be permitted to join the league until one of the current members drop out of the league.
Outside Organizations may not take seasons off. In order to keep their membership, all Outside Organizations must supply teams each season.