Come and join us in Walthamstow for a year-longtime of growth, discovery, challenge, learning and fun.
The Parish of Walthamstow is committed to serving all in our community, and committed to developing young Christian leaders who will grow in their own life with Jesus while working for better neighbourhoods.
We aim to help our children and young people explore the good news of Jesus in their everyday life as well as to equip them to be the leaders of the future.
In the prayer house, the focus is on joining in with a group committed to personal spiritual disciplines of growing in prayer, hospitality, service, and discipleship. There is a rhythm of ‘house prayer’, and a weekly house-meal; and weare hosting individual retreats at the ‘prayer hut’.
With interns from other churches, the New Wine Discipleship year training at All Saints on Wednesdays will set you up with strong foundations for life as a follower of Jesus, and give confidence in knowing and understanding Christian faith.
2016/2017 Internship with the Parish of Walthamstow
We are delighted that you are interested in exploring whether you might be being called to serve God here in the Parish of Walthamstow. We hope this pack will give you all the information you need but please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to find out more.
We consider it a real privilege and opportunity to invest in interns, helping them to develop their skills, their character and their faith. Please be assured of our prayers as you seek whether God is calling you to join us in Walthamstow. We will be praying that together, we will be able to discern His voice.
About the internship
The Parish of Walthamstow has had interns for a number of years now, part of the amazing volunteer team who make our church life happen. Interns have been vital and valuable members of our team and we have loved serving alongside them. This year, we are offering a new scheme as we partner with the Discipleship Year programme at All Saints Woodford Wells.
The Discipleship Year offers a weekly study day providing training, equipping and encouragement, and the opportunity to learn alongside others.
At the same time, we offer a placement in the Parish of Walthamstow, serving in our Youth department and Prayer House, living and serving in community and growing in skills, experience and, we pray, knowledge and love of God.
About the Parish of Walthamstow
The Parish of Walthamstow is a vibrant and diverse team of churches, seeking to serve our part of urban northeastLondon, and see it transformed through the power of God’s Spirit. We are very ordinary people, caught upwith an extraordinary God. We aim to be active members of the Church of England and the worldwide Christianfamily. St Gabriel’s, St Luke’s, St Mary’s and St Stephen’s work together and individually as we seek to help shapetomorrow’s Walthamstow.
We welcome people of all ages, races, and backgrounds. Each church is distinctive and we enjoy our differences. Together we know a living faith in Jesus Christ, experience God’s truth through the Bible, and believe that God’s love offers hope for our whole community.
The Prayer House
The Prayer House is a growing community that meets and spends time together learning rhythms and practices that help us become more accountable to each other and live lives after the pattern of Jesus. Based in the heart of Walthamstow Village, the Prayer House offers space, stillness, resources and a ministry of hospitality and is committed to helping the whole church explore deeper spiritual practices. The Prayer House Companions group meet together on Tuesday evenings and we are committed to running resource prayer days once a ‘term’, and open house prayer and a meal on Thursdays in August. To develop greater use of our prayer hut as a place of solitude and renewal we’d like to offer more frequent postings on both our Facebook page and our website, including perhaps a blog, and electronic booking.To promote prayer across the parish we’d like to develop ‘prayer champions’ in all four of our churches and would particularly welcome someone who’s prepared to visit and make connections with people.
A time of opportunity
The internship year is a great opportunity to study, to watch, to learn and to grow. It is challenging, demanding, exciting, rewarding and a fantastic way to invest in your future. Above all, we see the internship year as an opportunity to invest in young leaders in our church. We recognize the huge contribution interns make to our life as a community and we want to learn from one another.
We are committed to supporting our interns, providing pastoral care and ensuring that this is a happy and rewarding year, during which they feel part of a welcoming and encouraging team.
What we can offer:
- Accommodation,as part of the Prayer House - a single room in a peaceful house in a fast-changing neighbourhood, with a garden and lots of interesting books
- An opportunity to experience community life, sharing in the rhythms of prayer and hospitality of the Prayer House
- learning about youth and community work, mission and theology,
- time to grow in confidence and discover more of who God is calling you to be.
- a supportive team, lay and ordained, and 1-to-1 supervision times with experienced ministry staff
- the chance to go away and camp with young people from here and elsewhere
- Opportunities to experience a breadth of church experience
- A fully-funded place on the Discipleship Year at All Saints Woodford Wells (cost £1,480 )
- £200 per month living allowance
What you would bring:
- a desire to discover more of God’s call on your life
- a spirit of adventure – to be alive to what God might be doing here and in you,
- some communication skills – in writing, publicising, using social media, and making friendships face-to-face;
- willingness to ‘get stuck in’ , meet new people, try out new activities, and learn new skills
- a servant-heart, to take your share in cooking, clean-up, gardening, and hosting
- a commitment to stay with us 11 months (normally September – August, but we’re flexible)
What are we looking for?
- A clear personal faith in Jesus Christ
- A passion for prayer and for encouraging prayer among young people and the wider community
- Some experience of working with young people in a Christian context
- Able to connect easily with people, to motivate and inspire others
- Experience of public speaking or willingness to learn
- A commitment to community living (including a willingness to share in the responsibilities of community life e.g. cooking, and gardening)
- Experience of social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram), experience of web design or willingness to learn
- A self-starter, able to work on his/her own initiative aswell as in a team
Sample week
Morning / Afternoon / Evening / Late EveningMonday / Prayer House prayers @8am
Staff meeting/Staff bible study / 1-2-1 supervision and preparation time. / 3-5.30pm children's LifeGroup / FREE
Tuesday / Prayer House preparation and support / Prayer House preparation and support / Prayer House Companions
(6.30-10pm) / Prayer House Companions
Thursday / Thursday Club preparation / Thursday Club
(3.30-9.30pm) / Thursday Club (3.30-9.30pm)
Friday / Mums' Bible Study / Community Time (Gardening/Shopping) / FREE / FREE
Sunday / Morning Worship (once a month in children's groups) / TWIG/Evening Service
What's it like to live in Walthamstow?
Walthamstow is a rapidly changing and extremely diverse community in northeast London. For many decades, Walthamstow has been a first port of call for newly arrived immigrants in the UK. This, combined with the local east London population, has made for an exciting and fascinating blend of peoples and cultures. Known for its strong community spirit, can-do attitude and creativity, Walthamstow residents are proud of this part of London despite its higher-than-average levels of poverty and deprivation. Yet paradoxically, Walthamstow is now one of the most desirable locations for young families and professionals in London. It’s location on the Victoria Line and the overground service into Liverpool Street provides excellent transport links to the West End and the City. A new cinema-restaurant complex with flats on the High Street, in addition to huge investments in pavements and bike lanes as part of the Mini-Holland TFL programme, and a proliferation of small independent businesses has meant huge changes in just a few short years. Today, Walthamstow is wrestling with what regeneration means, and how to make the community a place for everyone. The Parish of Walthamstow is committed to being part of that conversation. We are involved in advocating for affordable housing and seeing how the church can be involved practically in making Walthamstow a place where everybody can flourish. Our call is to be a transforming presence, living the distinctive love of Jesus Christ in E17.
To apply, please fill in the form on the following page:
INTERN application – Parish of Walthamstow
Telephone no:Mobile no:
Skypeaddress (if applicable):
Date of birth:Age:
Sex (circle as appropriate) Female/male
Place of birth:
Email address:
Do you hold a full driving licence? (circle as appropriate):Yes/No
What are you doing currently?I am currently;
- A student
- Just graduated
- Employed
- Unemployed
- Other – please specify
Why are you applying to be an intern at this time and what would be your hopes and expectations from such a year?
Tell us about your involvement in your church or experience of Christian ministry:
What have these experiences taught you about the gifts and skills you might bring to an internship?
And what have they revealed about your weaknesses?
How and why did you become a Christian?
How have you grown as a Christian? And in what particular areas would you like to grow more?
Name of your current church::
Education (since age 16, most recent first):
Employment history (if applicable):
If you have any experience of voluntary work, which you haven’t put in the section above please describe the organisation and your role.
IT Skills:
Do you have other skills or specialisms?
Additional questions:
Are you in good health?
Do you have a medical condition that we should be aware of? (Any information will be treated in confidence)
Are there any dietary issues that we should be aware of?
Is there anything that might cause you difficulties in living alongside others in a community setting?
Hobbies / Interests/Sporting activities:
Referees: names, addresses & tel. nos. (2/3 people who know you well, but ONE should be from a leader in your home church).Please ask them first:
Referees should be willing to answer this question - Can you comment on the applicant’s suitability for this intern year, and say how you know them? It may be helpful for referees to use these headings to focus what they write.
- growing walk with Jesus
- ability to adapt to new experiences
- openness to growing and learning
- initiative & willingness to take responsibility
- compassion and awareness of other’s needs
- relationships
- teachability
- any other helpful comments
Referee 1.
Referee 2.
How did you find out about this opportunity?
Signature: Date:
The Parish of Walthamstow is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children young people and vulnerable adults and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. All successful applicants are required to complete an enhanced disclosure application with the DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service).
After Application
We will contact you by email to tell you whether or not you have been shortlisted. If you are shortlisted then we will take up references (unless you state otherwise) and you will be invited to a discernment process in Walthamstow.
More information:
If you would like to find out more about the internship, please contact:
- Donna Gwilliams – to discuss the youth work element –
- Jill Mowbray – to discover more about the living accommodation and Prayer House vision – 07590929953
- Vanessa Conant (Rector) – to learn more about our parish vision –