On-Time Completion Rates (Graduation Rates)
Includes data for the two calendar years prior to reporting.
CalendarYear / Number of Students
Who Began the
Program / Students
Available for
Graduation / Number of On-
Graduates / On-Time
Completion Rate
2014 / 29 / 29 / 29 / 100%
2015 / 23 / 19 / 19 / 100%
Student’s Initials: Date:
Initial only after you have had sufficient time to read and understand the information.
Job Placement Rates (includes data for the two calendar years prior to reporting)
CalendarYear / Number of
Students Who Began Program / Number of
Graduates / Graduates
Available for
Employment / Graduates
Employed in the
Field / Placement Rate %
Employed in the
2014 / 29 / 29 / 29 / 9 / 31%
2015 / 23 / 19 / 15 / 5 / 33%
You may obtain from the institution a list of the employment positions determined to be in the field for which a student
received education and training. (
Gainfully Employed Categories (includes data for the two calendar years prior to reporting)
Part-Time vs. Full-Time Employment
Calendar Year / Graduate Employedin the Field
20-29 Hours Per
Week / Graduates Employed in the Field at Least 30 Hours Per Week / Total Graduates
Employed in the
2014 / 0 / 9 / 9
2015 / 0 / 5 / 5
Single Position vs. Concurrent Aggregated Position
Calendar Year / GraduatesEmployed in the Field in a Single Position / Graduates Employed in the
Field in Concurrent
Aggregated Positions / Total Graduates
Employed in the
2014 / 9 / 0 / 5
2015 / 5 / 0 / 5
Self-Employed / Freelance Positions
Calendar Year / Graduates Employed who are Self-Employed or Working Freelance / Total Graduates
Employed in the Field
2014 / N/A / N/A
2015 / 0 / 0
Institutional Employment
Calendar Year / Graduates Employed in the Field who areEmployed by the Institution, an Employer Owned by the Institution, or an Employer who Shares Ownership with the Institution. / Total Graduates
Employed in the Field
2014 / 0 / 0
2015 / 0 / 0
Student’s Initials: Date:
Initial only after you have had sufficient time to read and understand the information.
License Examination Passage Rates (includes data for the two calendar years prior to reporting)
CalendarYear / Number of
Graduates in
Calendar Year / Number of
Taking Exam / Number Who
Passed First Available Exam / Number Who
Failed First Available Exam / Passage
2014 / 29 / 29 / 28 / 1 / 97%
2015 / 18 / 18 / 15 / 3 / 83%
Licensure examination passage data is not available from the state agency administering the examination. We are unable
to collect date from 2 graduates.
Student’s Initials: Date:
Initial only after you have had sufficient time to read and understand the information.
Salary and Wage Information (includes data for the two calendar years prior to reporting)
Annual salary and wages reported for graduates employed in the field.
CalendarYear / Graduates
Available for
Employment / Graduates
Employed in
Field / $20,001
$25,000 / $35,001
$40,000 / $40,001
$45,000 / $45,001
$50,000 / No Salary
2014 / 28 / 9 / 1 / 3 / 5 / 19
2015 / 15 / 5 / 4 / 1 / 10
A list of sources used to substantiate salary disclosures is available from the school. (
Student’s Initials: Date:
Initial only after you have had sufficient time to read and understand the information.
Cost of Educational Program
Total charges for the program for students completing on-time in 2015: $2958.00 Additional charges may be incurred if the program is not completed on-time.
Student’s Initials: Date:
Initial only after you have had sufficient time to read and understand the information.
Students at Diablo Medical Training are not eligible for federal student loans. This institution does not meet the U.S. Department of Education criteria that would allow its students to participate in federal student aid programs.
Student’s Initials: Date:
Initial only after you have had sufficient time to read and understand the information.
This fact sheet is filed with the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education. Regardless of any information you may have relating to completion rates, placement rates, starting salaries, or license exam passage rates, this fact sheet contains the information as calculated pursuant to state law.
Any questions a student may have regarding this fact sheet that have not been satisfactorily answered by the institution may be directed to the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education at 2535 Capitol Oaks Drive, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95833,, toll-free telephone number (888) 370-7589 or by fax (916) 263-1897.
Student Name - Print
Student Signature Date
School Official Date
· “Number of Students Who Began the Program” means the number of students who began a program who were scheduled to complete the program within 100% of the published program length within the reporting calendar year and excludes all students who cancelled during the cancellation period.
· “Students Available for Graduation” is the number of students who began the program minus the number of
students who have died, been incarcerated, or been called to active military duty.
· “Number of On-time Graduates” is the number of students who completed the program within 100% of the
published program length within the reporting calendar year.
· “On-time Completion Rate” is the number of on-time graduates divided by the number of students available for graduation.
· “150% Graduates” is the number of students who completed the program within 150% of the program length
(includes on-time graduates).
· “150% Completion Rate” is the number of students who completed the program in the reported calendar year within
150% of the published program length, including on-time graduates, divided by the number of students available for graduation.
· “Graduates Available for Employment” means the number of graduates minus the number of graduates unavailable
for employment.
· “Graduates Unavailable for Employment” means the graduates who, after graduation, die, become incarcerated, are called to active military duty, are international students that leave the United States or do not have a visa allowing employment in the United States, or are continuing their education in an accredited or bureau -approved postsecondary institution.
· “Graduates Employed in the Field” means graduates who beginning within six months after a student completes the applicable educational program are gainfully employed, whose employment has been reported, and for whom the institution has documented verification of employment. For occupations for which the state requires passing an examination, the six months period begins after the announcement of the examination results for the first examination available after a student completes an applicable educational program.
· “Placement Rate Employed in the Field” is calculated by dividing the number of graduates gainfully employed in the
field by the number of graduates available for employment.
· “Number of Graduates Taking Exam” is the number of graduates who took the first available exam in the reported calendar year.
· “First Available Exam Date” is the date for the first available exam after a student completed a program.
· “Passage Rate” is calculated by dividing the number of graduates who passed the exam by the number of
graduates who took the reported licensing exam.
· “Number Who Passed First Available Exam” is the number of graduates who took and passed the first available
licensing exam after completing the program.
· “Salary” is as reported by graduate or graduate’s employer.
· “No Salary Information Reported” is the number of graduates for whom, after making reasonable attempts, the
school was not able to obtain salary information.
Student Name: (Print)
Course/Program Name: Phlebotomy Technician CPT1 Certification Program
Enrollment Date (First Day of Class):
With my signature below, I hereby give notice to Diablo Medical Training of my desire to withdraw from the above named course on this date . I understand that if the date shown is immediate, the date of the Notice of Cancellation will default to the post mark date if the notice is sent via US mail, or the email or fax date stamp when the notice is received. If the written notice of cancellation is hand delivered, it must be delivered to the instructor or the School Director of Diablo Medical Training; the date of the hand delivery is the date of cancellation/withdrawal. I also understand that my right to a refund to any tuition and fees paid is subject to the terms shown in my enrollment agreement.
Student Signature Date
Check method of delivery ( ) US Mail ( ) Email ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Fax
US Mail or Hand Delivery Address: Email Address:
Diablo Medical Training Mary Lightell, School Director
929 Second Street, Suite 18
Brentwood, CA 94513 Fax Number: (925) 513-8230
Do Not Write Below This Line, For Diablo Medical Training Use Only
Date Received Received By Title
Notice received prior to the second day of externship? (Y) (N)
Payment of tuition and fees current to date of withdrawal request? (Y) (N)
Diablo Medical Training Library materials returned? (Y) (N)
Voluntary Exit Survey Given/Received? (Y) (N)