The Men’s Health Forum (MHF) is committed to promoting equal opportunities for all. It is the MHF’s policy to treat job applicants, employees, volunteers, contractors, customers, partners, members and the public in the same way, regardless of their age,colour, race, nationality, religion, ethnic or national origins, sex or sexual orientation. In addition, and in accordance with the provisions of the Sex Discrimination Act, 1975, the MHF does not discriminate against married persons nor, in accordance with the provisions of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, does it discriminate on the grounds of disability. The Men's Health Forum aims to foster an environment where individuals and groups treat one another with dignity and respect.
Equal Opportunities Policy
1.1. The MHF aims to eliminate direct or indirect discrimination so that no one is disadvantaged either through individual action or through the MHF’s practices, policies or procedures on the basis of theirage, colour, race, nationality, religion, ethnic or national origins, sex, sexual orientation, marital status or disability.
1.2. The MHF will develop and endeavour to maintain policies, practices, and procedures that have the effect of treating people on the basis of their ability and potential in an environment free from discrimination in any form.
1.3. The fact that the MHF is a men’s health organisation has no bearing on the sex of its workforce, whether salaried or freelance, or of its trustees, volunteers, advisors and other partners. Any post, whether salaried, freelance or voluntary, is open equally to any applicant except in exceptional circumstances where exemption from the terms of the Sex Discrimination Act is essential and applicable.
1.4. All MHF staff and trustees will be notified of this policy and asked to sign a statement committing themselves to its implementation and will be provided with all necessary support, including training where appropriate.
1.5. All allegations of discrimination or harassment will be treated seriously and investigated fully and, if proven, appropriate action will be taken.
1.6. The MHF will at all times seek to ensure that the work of the Forum is in compliance with UK and European anti-discriminatory legislation.
1.7. The policies and procedures of the Forum relating to equal opportunities will be reviewed on a regular basis.
1.8. The Chief Executive of the Forum is the officer nominated to monitor the equal opportunities policy and to ensure the policy is communicated to all relevant individuals and groups and to oversee its enforcement.
Equal Opportunities Procedure
2.1. This section concerns the MHF’s role as an employer. Broadly, it aims to:
- Ensure that the MHF has access to the widest labour market and secures the best employees for its needs.
- Ensure that no applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment, and that, wherever possible, they are given the help they need to attain their full potential to the benefit of the MHF and themselves.
- Achieve an ability-based workforce whose composition reflectsthat of the community.
2.2. The cooperation of all employees is essential for the success of this policy. However, ultimate responsibility for achieving the policy's objectives, and for ensuring compliance with the relevant Acts of Parliament as well as the various Codes of Practice, lies with the MHF. Behaviour or actions against the spirit and/or the letter of the laws on which this policy is based will be considered serious disciplinary matters, and may, in some cases, lead to dismissal.
2.3. All posts, whether salaried, freelance or voluntary, will be advertised as widely as reasonably practicable to ensure that the broadest possible range of potential applicants has an opportunity to consider making an application.
2.4. All vacancies will be advertised simultaneously internally and externally.
2.5. Wherever possible, steps will be taken to ensure that knowledge of vacancies reaches underrepresented groups internally and externally.
2.6. All vacancy advertisements will include an appropriate short statement on equal opportunity.
2.7. The MHF will ensure that person specifications are appropriate to the job description and do not require applicants to have unnecessary or inappropriate levels of expertise and/or qualifications.
2.8. The MHF will request that applicants complete an anonymous equal opportunities monitoring form and submit this with their application. It will be made clear that completion of this form is voluntary and non-submission will not affect the application. Also, the interview panel will not see the monitoring form. The purpose of the form is to enable the Forum to monitor the diversity of applicants and to take any appropriate follow-up action in future recruitment.
2.9. The MHF will ensure that all selection panels comprise at least 2-3 people. The MHF aims to develop best practice in recruitment and will ensure that all members of panels undertake training, including in equal opportunities, as soon as is reasonably practicable.
2.10. Reasons for selection and rejection of applicants for vacancies must be recorded.
Employed staff
2.11. In order to ensure the effective operation of the equal opportunity policy (and for no other purpose) a record will be kept of all employees' age, colour, race, nationality, religion, ethnic or national origins, gender, sexual orientation, marital status or disability. Where necessary, employees will be able to check/correct their own record of these details. Otherwise, access to this information will be strictly restricted. The data will be analysed regularly and appropriate follow-up action taken in future recruitment.
2.12. The MHF will make reasonable adjustments to the employment and/or working conditions of any employee who is or has become disabled. A member of staff who has become disabled and who feels that adjustments could be made to their employment or working conditions which would help in the performance of their duties should notify their line manager. Every consideration will be given to such proposals. There may however be occasions when it will not be reasonable or practicable to accommodate an employee’s proposals and less favourable treatment may be justified in accordance with statutory provisions.
2.13. Any member of staff may use the MHF’s grievance procedure to complain about discriminatory conduct. The MHF wishes to ensure that staff feel able to raise such grievances and no individual will be penalised for raising such a grievance unless it is untrue and made in bad faith.
2.14. Any employee who harasses or discriminates against any employee, volunteer, member, customer, partner, contractor or member of the public will be subject to the MHF's disciplinary procedure. In serious cases, such behaviour in the absence of mitigating circumstances will be deemed to constitute gross misconduct and, as such, will result in summary dismissal.
2.15. The MHF will operate a flexible hours scheme to enable staff to balance their work and home life. It will also consider wherever reasonably practicable any request from a member of staff to work part-time, or on a job-share basis, rather than full-time.
2.16. Wherever possible, efforts will be made to identify and remove unnecessary/unjustifiable barriers and provide appropriate facilities and conditions of service to meet the special needs of disadvantaged and/or underrepresented groups.
April 2011