Mayor’s Office for Education and Children
201 W Colfax Ave Dept 1101
Denver CO 80202
p: 720.913.0900
f: 720.913.0928

John W. Hickenlooper


5:00 – 6:30 p.m.

The Buell Theater

Denver Performing Arts Complex (Speer & Arapahoe)

Northeast and Southwest Schools – Tuesday, March 7, 2006


Northwest and Southeast Schools – Wednesday, March 8, 2006

  • PARKING – Free parking is available for principals in the Denver Performing Arts Complex garage with the enclosed coupon (Mile High Scholars received parking coupons with their notification letter). If you are not able to use the parking coupon, please return it to the information table the night of the event or through U.S. mail.
  • SEATING - Reserved seating has been arranged for you and your scholars (see attached for your seating assignment. Scholars will sit in adjoining seats). Reserved seating starts from the stage and moves back in ascending order by school. If you cannot attend, please send a representative. Please arrive early (4:00ish) so you can meet your award recipients and make arrangements with their families to meet after the program is over.
  • IDENTIFICATION – Please wear your school name badge so you are easily identified.
  • LINE UP - Schools will be called in ascending order. When your school is called, please line up your students at the right side of the stage. It is extremely important that you line up and announce your scholars in GRADE order. This helps us keep track of the photographs.
  • PRESENTATION – When you reach the presentation party, an usher will give you a microphone. Please announce your students in grade order. This will help us to keep track of the photographs.

Please say in a strong voice: “I’m Principal (First and Last Name). I would like to present the Mile High Scholars from (School Name): Please give each student’s name and grade.”

After you announce your Mile High Scholars, please lead the Scholars across the stage to shake the Mayor’s hand. Please direct your Scholars to stand in the footprint outlines on the stage, THIS IS IMPORTANT, since a picture with the Mayor will be taken at this time. A free 5x7 picture will be mailed to the student’s home, within two weeks of the event.

Commission on Youth ▪ Denver’s Great Kids Head Start ▪ Invest in Success ▪ Student Programs

Mayor’s Office for Education and Children
201 W Colfax Ave Dept 1101
Denver CO 80202
p: 720.913.0900
f: 720.913.0928

John W. Hickenlooper

IT IS ALSO IMPORTANT that you pause to take a picture with the Mayor; this helps us identify breaks between the schools. Proofs of the pictures with principals will be mailed directly to the school with ordering information.

Scholars should finish going across the stage, where they will have their photograph taken again, and then down the stairs to wait for you. At the bottom of the stairs, you will be given a packet with an envelope for each of your students. Please lead your students back to their seats for the duration of the program. At the end of the program, please distribute the certificates and ask your students to keep the envelopes sealed until they get home. We will not be able to replace lost tickets.

  • STUDENTS NOT IN ATTENDANCE – If you have a student not in attendance, you are welcome to announce his/her name in grade order with your other students, by saying, “and (First Name/Last Name) our ___ grade student couldn’t be with us tonight.” Again, it is important to make announcements in grade order. Please hold on to the student’s certificate package to give to him/her at school.
  • LATE ARRIVALS – If a student arrives late, please wait until all other schools have been called to bring up your late arrivals. Please announce your name, your school name, and the student’s name and grade, as done previously.
  • CERTIFICATE CORRECTIONS – If the name on the Scholars certificate envelope is misspelled, please have the Scholar notify the Corrections Table in the lobby. The new certificates will be mailed directly to the student’s home.
  • STUDENTS AND PARENTS – Please keep your students with you until parents come for them after the ceremony. You may want to set a meeting place with parents before the ceremony begins.
  • QUESTIONS – If you have any additional questions, please contact Maxine Quintana at or 720-913-0905



WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 2006 (4:00 – 5:30 P.M.)



Commission on Youth ▪ Denver’s Great Kids Head Start ▪ Invest in Success ▪ Student Programs