CIT 1100 PC Maintenance and Upgrading

Summer 2010 Syllabus

Tony Chen CIT 1100-002

COD Office phone #: 630-942-2537 Summer Semester 2010

E-Mail: Tue. & Thu. 01:00 pm-03:50 pm

COD Web page: Office: OCC 124A

Office Hours: Mon. Wed. 12:00-2:00 pm Mail box: TEC 1034

Tue. & Thu. 12:00-1:00 pm

Course Name: CIT 1100 – PC Maintenance and Upgrading

Credit and Contact Hours: 2 Credit Hours

Prerequisites: None

Textbook: Introduction to Computer Hardware, C. Cox, Pearson; ISBN: 0-536-96727-X

Course Description: Introduction to maintaining and upgrading PCs. System component identification, configuration, assembly and disassemble, upgrading procedures, basic troubleshooting techniques, and preventative maintenance.

This is the first of three courses leading to CompTIA A+ certification (CIT1100, 1111 and 1112).

Topical Outline:

1. Introduction to PC repair

2. Motherboard components

*. Input; output; CPU

3. Configuration overview

4. PC disassembly and reassembly

5. Power supplies

6. Logical troubleshooting

7. Memory subsystems

*. Random memory; sequential memory; volatile memory; nonvolatile memory

8. Storage devices

9. Multimedia subsystems

10. Serial devices

11. Printers

12. Preventative maintenance and safety

Attendance Policy: Class attendance and participation are essential if students are to receive maximum benefit from this class. Students are expected to complete assignments by the due dates, handed in assignments are to be typed, or clearly printed. If you are unable to attend class please notify me by e-mail as soon as possible, so I can provide you with an outline of what you miss as well as any handouts.

Make-up Policy: If you cannot attend class on the scheduled date for a test, please let me know beforehand so that a make-up can be arranged. Tests must be made up within one week of the scheduled date. Failure to pre-arrange a make-up will result in the loss of points for the test. Only one make-up per student is allowed.

Academic Honesty: Any violation of College of DuPage policies regarding academic honesty and/or integrity will be referred automatically to the appropriate college authorities for disposition. See appropriate pages in the course catalog for definitions and regulations.

General Note: In order to achieve the course objectives, it is essential that you enjoy the class in addition to complying with the above requirements and the rules and policies of College of DuPage contained in the catalog and other college materials. If you are having course/college related problems, please feel free to talk to me so we can resolve them to your satisfaction and benefit.

Evaluation Methods:

Point Distribution: Points

Quizzes (2 @ 25 /ea) 50

Labs (10) 50

Homework (10) 50

Midterm & Final 150

Total Points 300

Final grades will be assigned as follows:

300 - 270 Points ……………………………………………….………… A

269 - 240 Points …….…………………………………………………… B

239 - 210 Points …………….…………………………………………… C

209 - 180 Points …………….…………………………………………… D

179 - Fewer Points …………………………………..…………………… F

Note: 1) No incomplete (I) will be given in this class.

2) Stop attending the class does not equal withdraw (W).

CIT 1100 Summer 2010 Class Schedule
Monday / Wednesday
06/08/10 / Chapter 1
Lab setup / 06/10/10 / Chapter 2
HW due: chapter 1 and 2
06/15/10 / Chapter 3
HW due: chapter 3
Quiz #1 / 06/17/10 / Chapter 4
HW due: chapter 4
06/22/10 / Chapter 5
HW due: chapter 5 / 06/24/10 / Chapter 6
HW due: chapter 6
06/29/10 / Mid Term / 07/01/10 / Chapter 7
HW due: chapter 7
07/06/10 / Chapter 8
HW due: chapter 8 / 07/08/10 / Chapter 9
HW due: chapter 9
07/13/10 / Chapter 10
HW due: chapter 10 / 07/15/10 / Chapter 11
07/20/10 / Chapter 12 / 07/22/10 / Lab Final
07/27/10 / Lab Final / 07/29/10 / Lab Makeup