Chapter Bylaws

The Tau Beta Pi Association

Alpha of North Dakota

Bylaw 1—General

Section 1. These bylaws shall govern the proceedings of this Chapter in all matters not specifically provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws, and in the Convention Acts of the Tau Beta Pi Association.

Section 2. This Chapter shall conform to such rules and regulations of the College of Engineering and Architecture and this University as may apply to honor societies.

Section 3. In the event of a conflict between the Constitution and Bylaws of the Tau Beta Pi Association, and the rules and regulations of the College of Engineering and Architecture and this University, such action shall be taken as deemed advisable by all parties.

Bylaw II—Government

Section 1. The officers of this Chapter shall be a President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Cataloger, and E&A Council Representative who shall be active members, and an Advisory Board. The alumnus members of the Advisory Board shall preferably be from the faculty of the College of Engineering and Architecture.

Section 2. Except for the members of the Advisory Board, the officers of the Chapter shall hold office for one year.

Section 3. The Chapter President shall be the delegate to the National Convention. The Chapter officers shall be alternates in the order listed in Section 1 above.

Section 4. The duties of the officers shall be as outlined in the national bylaws. The following extra duties shall also be required.

a.  The Chapter President shall be a member, ex-officio of all committees.

b.  The President shall see that each officer and committee chairman is provided with a written list of all specific duties for which each is responsible. These lists shall be discussed at the first meeting in the fall. A copy of each list shall be placed in the Recording Secretary’s notebook and preferably also in the President’s Book. He/she shall send out notices of all meetings.

c.  The President shall notify the Advisory Board at least one month in advance of the tentative time set for the election of new members.

d.  The Cataloger shall keep an accurate, up-to-date list of the names and addresses of all active members of the Chapter and of the Advisory Board.

e.  The Recording Secretary shall see that each new member is provides with an up-to-date copy of these bylaws for his/her permanent keeping. He/she shall record the minutes of every meeting.

f.  The Treasurer shall be in charge of the financial aspects of the local chapter. The Treasurer shall act as the Congress of Student Organizations representative and attend all scheduled meetings or find a substitute to attend.

g.  The Corresponding Secretary shall plan and implement the holding of Engineering Futures for spring semester. He/she shall keep track of deadlines of when reports must be sent to the National Tau Beta Pi.

h.  The Vice President shall assist the president in the proceedings. He/she shall plan and implement the new member initiations.

i.  The E&A Council Representative shall represent Tau Beta Pi at all E&A Council meetings and activities or find a substitute to attend.

Section 5. With every change of treasurer in the spring of the year, the president and the treasurer shall go over the expenses and both shall sign the log book confirming that all is correct. In order for the treasurer or the president to write a check for more than one hundred dollars the executive board must approve.

Bylaws III—Meetings

Section 1. At least one meeting shall be held during each full month of the regular school year as scheduled by the Executive board.

Section 2. Special meetings may be called at any time by the President, by any member of the Advisory Board, or upon written request to the President signed by five active members.

Section 3. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary guide and shall govern the conduct of all meetings of this Chapter on all points not provided for in this Bylaw, and the Constitution and Bylaws of the Tau Beta Pi Association.

Section 4. A Tau Beta Pi member missing more than three meetings per year shall be considered an inactive member. A list of inactive members will be updated each semester and made available to interested parties. Formal notification shall be sent to any member receiving an inactive status. To regain active status, the individual must attend all meetings for one semester. A list of active members shall be posted each semester at the Career Center. Extraneous circumstances will be considered if an officer is notified prior to the meeting.

Bylaws IV—Election of Officers

Section 1. President, Treasurer, and Corresponding Secretary shall be elected in the fall, no later than December 15, and shall serve for one year. Vice President, Recording Secretary, and Cataloger shall be elected in the spring, not later than May 15, and shall serve for one year.

Section 2. The new officers elected in the fall shall take office on January 1 and those elected in the spring shall take office on August 1.

Section 3. Nominations for new officers may be made from the floor at the time of election. Nominees who wish to decline the nomination shall state their intentions before the vote is cast.

Section 4. The election of officers shall be by secret ballot. One-half of the active membership shall constitute a quorum for election of officers, and a majority of this quorum shall be required for election. If no nominee receives a majority on the first ballot, a second ballot shall be held between the two leading candidates. No more than one officer may be elected on one ballot. At this election the new members of the Advisory Board shall also be elected.

Section 5. If any office shall become vacant between the regular elections a special election shall be held at the next meeting to fill any and all vacancies created thereby. The officer(s) elected at that time shall serve until the next regular election.


Section 1. The election of new members shall be held in the fall and spring semesters as soon as possible after the grades for the past semester become available.

Section 2. Regular student in good standing in the following departments, and only these departments, as defined in the College Bulletin, shall be eligible for membership in this Chapter: Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Construction Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, and Industrial Engineering and Management.

The criteria for membership in Tau Beta Pi shall be as follows:

That a student’s required curriculum contains the following courses:

University Calculus I, II, III

Introduction into Differential Equations or Differential Equations

University Physics I (or equivalent), II

Plus any two of the following



Strength of Materials


Fluid Mechanics

Circuit Analysis I

Section 3. In the fall, the top fifth of the Seniors who shall have completed term 6 shall be eligible. No Senior shall be elected who has not achieved a 3.00 out of 4.00 cumulative index through term 6, unless by unanimous ballot of those active undergraduate members present voting.

Section 4. Juniors shall be elected in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Tau Beta Pi Association and must be in the top eighth of their class. No Junior shall be elected who has not have achieved a 3.00 out of 4.00 cumulative index during all the terms previously completed unless by unanimous ballot of those active undergraduate members present and voting.

Section 5. Graduate students working to obtain a M.S. or PhD degree in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, or Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics or PhD in Engineering which have been in residence for more than one semester and have completed at least 50% of degree requirements, including coursework and research are eligible for membership. Graduate students must be in top fifth of graduate class or have a statement by a faculty member stating that the candidate is doing graduate work of the quality expected by a member of this organization.

Section 6. Alumni and eminent engineer candidates may be nominated by any member of the chapter. Eligibility will be reviewed by the Advisory Board in accordance with the TBP National Constitution and Bylaws Article VIII, Section 4-7.


Section 1. The expenses of the Chapter shall be borne by the initiation fee and by such dues and pro rated assessments as may be voted by the chapter. A majority of total active membership shall be required to change any fee or dues or levy any assessment. Within on week of the change, the Corresponding Secretary shall inform the Secretary-Treasure of the Association concerning the changes in the amounts of these dues and assessments.

Section 2. The initiation fee for all initiates shall be $75.00 payable in advance, except as provided in Section 1 above. Except for the cost of banquets this shall include all financial obligations of the member to the chapter and to the Association until member graduates. This fee shall include the following assessments:

National Headquarters $37.00

Initiation Banquet $10.00

National Convention $13.00

Awards and Prizes $5.00

General Fund $10.00

Total $75.00

Section 3. Within one month of the election of new officers at least one member of the Advisors, shall audit the books of the Chapter.


Section 1. These bylaws may be amended by a three-fourths vote of the total active membership of the Chapter, subject to the approval of the Advisory Board. Proposed amendments must be submitted to the Chapter for discussion one meeting prior to voting on said amendments. Absentee ballots may be used if necessary.

Revision: October 20, 2007
