University of Toronto Environmental Resource Network
Meeting Agenda No. 10
Meeting Minutes for Wednesday November 19th 2015
Present: Sarah Nehme, Michelle Newson, Victoria Partosa, Hyerin Choi, Chloe Lopez, Jessalyn Chen, Sarder Sadid
Regrets:James Boutillier, Marina Friere-Gormaly, David Powell (supervisor)
Meeting begins at 12:28pm
Item 1.Pending applications
Updates from Sarder:
-Dig In! has been given their cheques
-WEAO will be handed their cheque today
-Sarder states that OISE Community Garden still needs to contact him
-GSU audit has been confirmed and approved for UTERN’s 2013-2014 auditand GSU thanks UTERN
- As a note: the GSU confirms UTERN’s external audit so that GSU will know how much UTERN levy has collected from the GSU
- UTERN receives the levy amount from all of the following UTGSU, UTSU, UTSC, and UTM – these governing bodies send the levy money to UTERN in cheque form
Updates from Hyerin:
-The Inventrepreneurship GreenWall applicant is still looking for other sources of funding
1A. Divestment Action Week
Amount Requested: TBC
Toronto350 has agreed to send UTERN executive a copy of the receipts for Divestment Action Week, in compliance with UTERN conditions.
-Marina (via email) agrees with previous discussion
-Chloe and Victoria state that divestment action week was last week and was very successfulsuccessfully. Both debrief that there were lots of people, Divestment organization is really good with reaching out to people i.e. through class talks
-Chloe and Sarder discuss abut the funding status for Divestment
- Three receipts from Divestment will be sent to UTERN. UTERN should be expecting less than $930 dollars (the amount requested depends on the three receipts)
-Victoria debriefs that there was a count of 150 students who showed up for the divestment march starting from College and St.George Street and marched to Simcoe Hall at U of T.
- The students presented the petition of everyone’s signature to divest within 5 years to the Vice Provost of U of T
- Note that the Vice Provost was expecting these students, and the Vice Provost will bring this to the U of T Governing Council
- Victoria states that it was overall a good event and there were many students
-Chloe states that other universities such as Dalhousie in Nova Scotia have begun divesting their funding applications
1B. Show Me the Green
Amount Requested: $1,500.00
Show Me the Green has asked for an update for the status of their funding. See executive discussion on Meeting 8 and 9 minutes.
1C. Sustainable Engineers`Association Annual Sustainability Conference
Amount Requested: $1,500.00
-Marina (via email) is in favour of providing funding to SEA
-Michelle states that she still needs to submit vote
-Chloe updates the team that last week there were not many concerns that were raised in the SEA Application
-Victoria states that she has sent in the meeting 9 minutes this morning
-Victoria and Chloe discuss to the team that SEA Applicaton is asking for $1500 and UTERN is concerned about which item we will be fundng (i.e. food?)
-Questions that were raised include:
- Is this conference open to engineering students and non-engineering students?
- What is UTERN funding? Amount requested is different that the budget amount requested
-Victoria questions if the SEA Applicant will be holding their event in March during Environment Week/Month, or a possiblity to be open in moving the date to be in line with Environment Month
- UTERN team members searched that the SEA conference will beheld February 1st 2015
-Hyerin states that the applicant is looking for plates, foods, and DVD funding; and questions if UTERN has enough plates to provide the applicant
-Sarah states that there are lots of plates and silverware and she estimates that there is about 250 of each
-Chloe states that UTERN will need to conduct an inventory count of all silverware and plates
-The application requires 200-300 plates for SEA Conference. The event is a case competition and a showcase
*New Agenda Item*
1D. Hyerin updates UTERN team
-UTERN has just received a new application today from the Korea Club
-The event will be held on November 25th 2014, the applicant is requested 35 of each for plates and silverware
-Chloe suggests to ask the Korea Club to come in next week during our meeting on Wednesday November 26th 2014to give them our plates
-Sarah asks about what happens if some plates are not returned
-Chloe states that UTERN requires a deposit amount from the applicant to ensure that plates are returned, and give the deposit back if plates are returned. If not then UTERN will take the deposit amount.
See executive discussion onMeeting 9 minutes.
Item 2.Environment Working Group #2
Internal Executive Liaison to confirm plans for the EWG next week.
Item 3.Debrief:GSU November Council Meeting
UTERN President presented a report toUTGSU regarding the purpose and use of UTERN levy funds on Monday, November 17, 2014.
Item 4.Student Family Housing Eco Resource Fair
Final reminder for those who signed up to table for UTERN (Sarder, James, and Victoria). This will count towards your Work-Study hours.
Where: Recreation Room, 35 Charles Street WestWhen: Saturday, November 22, 2014 from 11:00 AM-2:00 PM
Look for: Maureen Lynch, Community Development Coordinator
Please bring UTERN flyers, business cards, and banner with you. They are all in the office.
Item 5.OISE Eco Fair
UTERN has been invited to table at OISE’sEnvironmental and Sustainability Education (ESE) Initiative Eco Fair. Please sign up if you are interested! This will count towards your Work-Study hours.
Where: OISE Library (main floor), 252 Bloor St. WestWhen: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 from 11:00 AM-2:00 PM
-Marina (via email) would like to sign up for OISE ESE
Item 6.Open forum
Any other ideas, questions, and/or concerns that need to be addressed.
-Marina (via email) has guest speakers for UTERN to contact for Environment Month
- Marina wants to share an event on November 24th2014 for AMIGAS
- “Role of Engineers in Public Policy at 4pm-6pm in BA2165
- Free registration