Franklin Elementary School 2017-2018 School Year

^1 Backpack – no wheels
2 folder, design of choice
1 package (24 count) #2 pencils - sharpened
8 glue sticks
1 yellow highlighter (fat tip)
1 box washable broad markers
2 large eraser
1 pair scissors
1 pack 3x5 lined index cards
1 file box
1 bottle of white glue
2 boxes 24ct thin crayons
3x3 sticky notes
2 primary composition books (large lines on bottom of pages w/ space for pictures at the top)
Donations of the following items are greatly appreciated:
*Box of gallon bags that zip
*Box of sandwich bags that
*Box of snack bags that zip *Box of quart bags that zip
*Brown lunch bags
*White paper plates
*Large box of tissues
*Bag popsicle/craft sticks
*Hand sanitizer
*Glue sticks
*Dry Erase Markers
*Recycled kid-friendly
*Baby Wipes / GRADE 1
^1 Backpack – no wheels
2 marble composition books
1 large eraser
1 box of 24ct crayons
24 sharpened #2
pencils with eraser
8 large white glue sticks
3 folders w/ pockets
1 highlighter
1 pair children’s blunt
1 school box
1 box washable markers
3 dry erase markers – low
odor for personal use.
1 self-contained pencil Sharpener
1 1” three ring binder
Donations of the following items are greatly appreciated:
*Box of quart bags that zip
*Large box of tissues
*Hand sanitizer
*Box of gallon bags that zip
*Baby wipes
*Glue Sticks / GRADE 2
^1 Backpack – no wheels
3 marble composition books
1 box washable markers
1 box crayons 24ct crayon
24 sharpened #2
pencils with erasers
1 large eraser
1 box colored pencils
1 12” ruler – cm and inches
6 glue sticks
2 folders with pockets
1 yellow highlighter
1 pair scissors
1 letter size clipboard
1 plastic shoe box w/ lid
Donations of the following items are greatly appreciated:
*1 pack addition flash cards
*1 pack subtraction flash cards
*Box of gallon bags that zip
*Paper or Styrofoam plates
*Large box of tissues
*Baby Wipes
*Dry erase markers
^1 Backpack – no wheels
4 marble composition
4 pocket folders of your
1 box 24ct of crayons
24 #2 pencils sharpened
6 glue sticks
1 pair of scissors
1 eraser
1 large pencil box or pouch (must fit in desk)
2 different colored Highlighters
Pack of wide ruled notebook paper.
Ten Count Broad Lined Marker
Donations of the following items are greatly appreciated:
*Dry erase markers
*Sandwich and gallon
size plastic zipper bags
*Large box of tissue
*Hand sanitizer
*Markers and sharpened pencils
*Tissues w/ lotion for the
Chalk board
*Lunch bags - brown or
*Ten Pack broad lined markers
*Colored Pens
*Scissors / GRADE 4
^1 Backpack – no wheels
2 pack wide lined loose leaf
1 box 16ct crayons
1 box colored pencils
2 package of sharpened #2 pencils
8 clear drying glue sticks
1 zipper pencil case (no boxes)
1 blue or black ballpoint pen
4 spiral notebooks
5 plastic pocket only folders
1 pack colored highlighters
1 pair of scissors
4 1” floppy binders must be
1 red, 1 blue, 1 green,
1 black
1 pack eraser tops
1 pack dividers
1 pack of index cards
1 flash drive
1 composition book
Donations of the following items are greatly appreciated:
*Hand sanitizer
*Large box of tissues
*Box of sandwich bags
*Antibacterial wipes
*Dry erase markers
*Box of gallon bags
*Baby Wipes / GRADE 5
^1 Backpack – no wheels
* 1 large size book covers
1 24 pack of #2 pencils - not
2 erasers
4 glue stick not bottled glue
4 folders with pockets
1 pencil pouch for a binder
1 protractor (optional)
4 spiral notebooks
2 blue ballpoint pens
1 pair scissors
2 highlighters
2 red pens
1 12” ruler – cm and inches
1 pack washable markers
2 8ct pack of dividers
3x3 sticky notes
2 1” binders w/ pockets
2 2” binders for reading
1 pack colored pencils
1 calculator (optional)
1 pocket folder for library
1 plastic folder w/ pockets
2 composition books
1 flash drive
Donations of the following items are greatly appreciated:
*Box of gallon bags that zip
*Large tissue boxes
*Hand sanitizer
*Baby Wipes

*Items preceded by an asterisk are optional donations to the classroom. If you choose to purchase the PTA School Supply Kits (through SchoolKidz) these items will automatically be included.

^Backpacks are not included in the PTA School Supply Kits.