Emergency Telephone Services Policy
Facilities and Equipment ManagementPolicy No. 351 / Emergency Telephone Services
Approved: / June 26, 2001
Resolution No. / 01-211
The Ingham County Board of Commissioners policy for allocating Emergency Telephone Services funds from the 9-1-1 millage to public agencies that operate Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) or Public Safety Agencies has the following criteria.
A.Eligible Costs
1.Any equipment, equipment installation, or operating costs associated with the direct operation of Primary or Secondary PSAP as identified by the Ingham County Final 9-1-1 Services Plan and within the Ingham County Emergency Telephone District is eligible for consideration.
2.Any capital expenditures and capital expenditures installation costs associated with Public Safety Agency operations that are necessary for maintaining communications between PSAPs and public safety agencies providing firefighting, law enforcement, ambulance, medical, or other emergency services are eligible.
3.Any consultant or professional technical service costs necessary to select or utilize eligible items as listed above.
B.Capital Expenditures
1.Capital expenditures requests are defined as the costs of building alterations and improvements, office equipment and furnishings, and computer equipment for the 9-1-1 Center PSAP provided by the municipalities.
2.Funds shall be paid on a reimbursement basis, following adherence to the municipalities' purchasing and procurement process.
3.Funds shall not be used for purchasing, renting, leasing or constructing the exterior physical space for the PSAP.
4.Renovation or construction of the interior space of the PSAP - such as toilets, painting and carpeting - may be reimbursed up to a maximum of 50% of the direct costs, including design and architect fees.
5.The purchase of necessary equipment and furnishings which are to be used substantially but not exclusively for the PSAP - such as common waiting area furniture or shared computer equipment or infrastructure - may be reimbursed up to 50% of their direct costs, in proportion to the amount of projected usage by the PSAP.
6.The purchase of equipment and furnishings which are unique and essential to providing 9-1-1 Emergency Telephone Dispatch Services by the PSAP - such as consoles, headsets, etc. - may be reimbursed at 100% of their direct costs.
7.The purchase of communications equipment such as portable and mobile radios and Mobile Data Computers and the installation costs associated with Public Safety Agency operations that are necessary for maintaining communications between PSAPs and public safety personnel providing firefighting, law enforcement, ambulance, medical, or other emergency services are eligible.
C.Other Criteria
1.Emphasis will be given to eligible projects that demonstrate improvements to the emergency dispatch operations in the county, or demonstrate financial cost savings when compared with existing operations.
2.Priority may be given to projects that use 9-1-1 funds to leverage other public agency funds.
3.This policy is meant to clarify what are considered eligible costs and projects for Ingham County 9-1-1 millage and telephone surcharge funds and in no way implies that items meeting these criteria will be automatically funded.
4.Funds shall not be used for reimbursement of indirect costs.
5.In no case shall the total reimbursement exceed the total authorized by the Board of Commissioners.
6.Expenditure of the funds shall be pursuant to an agreement between the County and the municipalities providing the PSAP, drafted in accordance with these principles.
D.Process for Requesting 9-1-1 Funds
1.All requests for Ingham County 9-1-1 millage funds must be made in writing to the Ingham County Controller's Office. Each request will be evaluated on its merit and how it meets the aforementioned criteria. Proposals shall be presented for consideration through the 9-1-1 Advisory Committee. The 9-1-1 Advisory Committee will forward their recommendations on these requests to the Board of Commissioners committee process.
2.The Board, at its discretion, may consider requests that have not been recommended for funding by the 9-1-1 Advisory Committee.
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