UNHCR Lebanon
Safe Road Use Country Action Plan
- Safety Culture change: Culture assessment not done due to time constraints
- Safe Road Focal Point: UNHCR Senior Field Safety Advisor
- Attendance numbers: staff awareness sessions were attended by 60members of staff in Tripoli, Zahle and Beirut. 9 Senior Managers joined the Sr Management session.
- The SRU focal point has requested additional material and guidance to help run regular road safety messages for all staff.
Category / Actions / Responsible / Timeframe & Resources / Synergies & Overlaps
Road Safety Management / Develop and communicate SOP for VTS analysis on driving behaviour / Senior Field Safety Advisor & Head of Admin
Compile quarterly VTS report on driving behaviour for Regional Representative / Head of Admin
Safer Roads / Actively manage the speed in the area of the registration centres
-Instruct drivers to slow down
-Involve security guards to monitor speed of UNHCR vehicles and to report / Head of Admin
Put up a sign with Safe Road Use messages (slow down, drive carefully, people are walking here etc) near the registration centres
- Check if municipality is willing to put up such sign, otherwise it will be a UNHCR sign / Head of Admin
Remind Beirut staff not to park their vehicles in a dangerous way (blocking sidewalks, blocking views)
Identify (through a poll) if there is an appetite from staff to have paid parking close to the office
Involve guards at the Beirut office to keep an eye on dangerously parked vehicles. / Head of Admin / Could be 2nd monthly message
Safer Vehicles / Develop a checklist for drivers on Safe Road Use (wearing of seatbelts, use of mobile phones etc.)
Have this checklist in all the vehicles / Head of Admin
Have stickers in the vehicle with the road safety rules / Head of Admin
Safer People / Send out monthly road safety messages to remind staff
Do it in a way that it is engaging (requires action) for example: quizzes, photo competitions etc / Senior Field Safety Advisor / Head of Admin
Develop a Safe Road Use workshop roll out plan for FSAs so that all staff has the opportunity to participate. / Senior Field Safety Advisor (with support of Reps and Heads of Offices
Roll out of Safe Road Use workshops by FSAs for staff / Senior Field Safety Advisor / Nov’ 2018
Include short Safe Road Use session in security briefing during induction programme for new staff / Senior Field Safety Advisor
Include short Safe Road Use session (as a refresher) in the CoC sessions / Senior Field Safety Advisor
Inform staff about the VTS panic button (how to use it, when to use it) / Senior Field Safety Advisor / Head of Admin / Could be 1st monthly message
Reinforce the empowerment of drivers in all offices
(they should not move if passengers are not wearing a seatbelt, not use communication devices whilst driving etc.) / Head of Admin
Reinforce (admin) staff not to call drivers when they are on a mission / out with the vehicles unless absolutely necessary
(Accept that drivers will not pick up and trust that they will call back) / Head of Admin / Could be 3rd monthly message
Post-crash responses and reporting
Support needed from Safe Road Use Team @ HQ
-A train the trainer manual for the FSAs to help them deliver the workshops
-Road safety clips that the FSAs can use in their workshops
-Sheet with UNHCR rules regarding road safety
-Check with Field Safety Unit / GFM at HQ to share the UNHCR fatalities and injury statistics (in the GFM report) on a monthly basis
-Communication materials (such as posters, tips for monthly messages etc.)
-Stickers with the road safety rules which can be placed in the vehicles.