LIST No:958 WEEK END DATE:19th June 2005

*Decision Level
DEL = Delegated to Director of Development Services
COMM = Planning & Transportation Regulatory Panel
Reference / Decision Level / Applicant name / Ward
05/50853/TEL56 / DEL / Hutchison 3G / Barton
GRID REFERENCE: / 377335 398020
CASE OFFICER / Miss Hannah Rogers / 0161 793 3632
LOCATION: / C T L Estates South Of Newhaven Business Park, Adjacent To Manchester Ship Canal Barton Lane Eccles
PROPOSAL: / Prior Notification for the installation of a 15m telecommunications lattice tower, three antennas, one 300mm and two 600mm dish antenna, radio equipment housing and ancillary development
05/50870/HH / DEL / Mr And Mrs Housley / Boothstown And Ellenbrook
GRID REFERENCE: / 372332 401041
CASE OFFICER / Catherine Larmouth / 0161 793 2898
LOCATION: / 53 Birchfield Drive Worsley M28 1ND
PROPOSAL: / Erection of two storey side and single storey front and rear extensions
05/50886/HH / DEL / Mr & Mrs Irwin / Boothstown And Ellenbrook
GRID REFERENCE: / 372916 401229
CASE OFFICER / Catherine Larmouth / 0161 793 2898
LOCATION: / 83 Ellenbrook Road Worsley M28 1FS
PROPOSAL: / Erection of two storey side extension / Part single part two storey rear extension.
05/50855/TEL56 / DEL / T-Mobile (UK) Ltd / Broughton
GRID REFERENCE: / 382396 398974
CASE OFFICER / Kurt Partington / 0161 793 2493
LOCATION: / Sports Field, Rear Of Hornby Building University Of Salford Meadow Road Salford M7 1NU
PROPOSAL: / Prior Notification for the installation of a 14.7m high monopole together with a radio equipment cabinet and ancillary development
05/50856/HH / DEL / Mr A Wright / Cadishead
GRID REFERENCE: / 370444 395287
CASE OFFICER / Nancy Thynne / 0161 793 2750
LOCATION: / Ebenezer Farm Astley Road Irlam M44 5LS
PROPOSAL: / Construction of dorma extensions in roof space at front and rear of dwelling.
05/50879/FUL / DEL / St Mary's Churh PCC / Cadishead
GRID REFERENCE: / 371161 392701
CASE OFFICER / Nancy Thynne / 0161 793 2750
LOCATION: / St Marys Church Grounds Penry Avenue Cadishead
PROPOSAL: / Siting of a metal storage container
05/50890/HH / DEL / Mr & Mrs P Bradley / Cadishead
GRID REFERENCE: / 369558 393520
CASE OFFICER / Nancy Thynne / 0161 793 2750
LOCATION: / Arnymede Woolden Road Cadishead M44 5JX
PROPOSAL: / Erection of single storey side / rear extensions, construction of store in roofspace above new side extension and erection of attached garage and ensuite bathroom.
05/50864/TPO / DEL / S Worsley And D Faulkner / Claremont
GRID REFERENCE: / 379782 400120
CASE OFFICER / Nancy Thynne / 0161 793 2750
LOCATION: / 14C And 14D Moorfield Road Salford M6 7QD
PROPOSAL: / Fell one cherry tree
05/50899/HH / DEL / Mr S Briffa / Claremont
GRID REFERENCE: / 378835 400207
CASE OFFICER / Catherine Larmouth / 0161 793 2898
LOCATION: / 2 Overlinks Drive Salford M6 7PF
PROPOSAL: / Erection of two storey side / rear extension.
05/50795/OUT / DEL / I, D And C Lloyd / Eccles
GRID REFERENCE: / 378013 399276
CASE OFFICER / Miss Hannah Rogers / 0161 793 3632
LOCATION: / Land Adjacant 38A Victoria Crescent M30 9AW
PROPOSAL: / Outline planning application for the erection of a detached dwelling
05/50873/TPO / DEL / Robert Ellison / Eccles
GRID REFERENCE: / 377244 399290
CASE OFFICER / Nancy Thynne / 0161 793 2750
LOCATION: / 5 Thornbank Stafford Road Eccles M30 9HN
PROPOSAL: / Fell one Horsechestnut.
05/50869/TPO / DEL / Mr G Caton / Eccles
GRID REFERENCE: / 377727 399012
CASE OFFICER / Nancy Thynne / 0161 793 2750
LOCATION: / 12 Belgrave Crescent Eccles M30 9AE
PROPOSAL: / Fell one tree (T1)
05/50857/FUL / COMM / Rowland Homes Ltd / Eccles
GRID REFERENCE: / 377218 399261
CASE OFFICER / Helen Ashworth / 0161 793 3765
LOCATION: / Valley Works Monton Road Eccles M30 9HL
PROPOSAL: / Erection of 2/3/4 storey residential development comprising 80 units together with associated landscaping, car parking and alteration to existing vehicular access
05/50860/FUL / DEL / Royal Masonic Benevolent Institute / Eccles
GRID REFERENCE: / 377959 398984
CASE OFFICER / Nancy Thynne / 0161 793 2750
LOCATION: / Ecclesholme Vicars Street Eccles M30 0DG
PROPOSAL: / Construction of car parking spaces together with associated landscaping and screening
05/50865/TPO / DEL / J N Liddiard / Eccles
GRID REFERENCE: / 377264 399251
CASE OFFICER / Nancy Thynne / 0161 793 2750
LOCATION: / 25 Stafford Road Eccles M30 9HN
PROPOSAL: / Prune three trees (T1,T7 and T8) and crown reduce on holly (T10)
05/50866/ADV / DEL / Clear Channel UK Ltd / Eccles
GRID REFERENCE: / 376695 399032
CASE OFFICER / Nancy Thynne / 0161 793 2750
LOCATION: / Lanes For Drains Limited Lansdowne Road Eccles M30 9PJ
PROPOSAL: / Retention of two x 96 sheet advertisement display panels
05/50874/COU / DEL / K Bouguerch / Eccles
GRID REFERENCE: / 376703 399452
CASE OFFICER / Miss Hannah Rogers / 0161 793 3632
LOCATION: / 241 - 243 Monton Road Eccles M30 9PS
PROPOSAL: / Change of use from shops (Class A1) to restaurant/cafe (Class A3)
05/50884/HH / DEL / Mr & Mrs M Grech / Eccles
GRID REFERENCE: / 377214 399105
CASE OFFICER / Miss Hannah Rogers / 0161 793 3632
LOCATION: / 2 Stafford Road Eccles M30 9HW
PROPOSAL: / Erection of detached garage and construction of new vehicular access.
05/50880/COU / DEL / Dovedale Properties / Eccles
GRID REFERENCE: / 378046 399309
CASE OFFICER / Nancy Thynne / 0161 793 2750
LOCATION: / 73 Victoria Crescent Eccles M30 9AN
PROPOSAL: / Alterations to elevations and change of use of basement to residential
05/50894/HH / DEL / Ms J Thompson / Eccles
GRID REFERENCE: / 377543 399503
CASE OFFICER / Miss Hannah Rogers / 0161 793 3632
LOCATION: / 38 Stafford Road Eccles M30 9ED
PROPOSAL: / Erection of single storey rear extension and two two storey side extensions. (Resubmission of planning application 05/50331/HH)
05/50881/FUL / DEL / Mr And Mrs Brown / Irlam
GRID REFERENCE: / 372521 394980
CASE OFFICER / Miss Hannah Rogers / 0161 793 3632
LOCATION: / Moorfield House 132 Liverpool Road Irlam M44 6FF
PROPOSAL: / Erection of conservatory to front of residential home
05/50861/FUL / DEL / Inspec International Ltd / Irwell Riverside
GRID REFERENCE: / 381874 399514
CASE OFFICER / Miss Sam Key / 0161 793 3624
LOCATION: / Inspec International Ltd Salford University Business Park Leslie Hough Way Junction Of Wynne Street Frederick Road Salford
PROPOSAL: / Erection of office extension to include mezzanine floor together with associated car parking
05/50871/FUL / DEL / University Of Salford / Irwell Riverside
GRID REFERENCE: / 381958 399196
CASE OFFICER / Miss Sam Key / 0161 793 3624
LOCATION: / University House University Of Salford University Road Salford
PROPOSAL: / Erection of two external lift shafts and erection of a single storey rear extension and disabled access improvements
05/50877/FUL / DEL / Start In Salford Arts Project (FAO Bernadette Conlon) / Irwell Riverside
GRID REFERENCE: / 381337 399409
CASE OFFICER / Mathias Franklin / 0161 793 3726
LOCATION: / Brunswick House 62 Broad Street Salford M6 5BZ
PROPOSAL: / Erection of 2.4m high railings to front, 2.4m high mesh fence to land adjacent and additional height tro rer wall and railings on top of wall at rear
05/50878/LBC / DEL / Start In Salford / Irwell Riverside
GRID REFERENCE: / 381337 399409
CASE OFFICER / Mathias Franklin / 0161 793 3726
LOCATION: / Brunswick House 62 Broad Street Salford M6 5BZ
PROPOSAL: / Listed Building Consent for the erection of 2.4m high railings to front, 2.4m high mesh to land adjacent and additional height to rear wall and railings on top of wall
05/50854/HH / DEL / Miss L Page / Little Hulton
GRID REFERENCE: / 372762 402725
CASE OFFICER / Catherine Larmouth / 0161 793 2898
LOCATION: / 130 Hilton Lane Worsley M28 0TD
PROPOSAL: / Erection of single storey side extension.
05/50868/HH / DEL / George Bramer / Little Hulton
GRID REFERENCE: / 372319 404528
CASE OFFICER / Catherine Larmouth / 0161 793 2898
LOCATION: / 22 Bordesley Avenue Little Hulton M38 9ED
PROPOSAL: / Erection of single storey attached garage to side elevation
05/50882/COU / DEL / S Mortimer / Ordsall
GRID REFERENCE: / 383722 398803
CASE OFFICER / Catherine Larmouth / 0161 793 2898
LOCATION: / 7 Greengate Salford M3 7NN
PROPOSAL: / Change of use of upper two floors to provide three floors of residential acommodation, comprising of three one bed apartments and alterations to elevations
05/50888/HH / DEL / Mrs P Alder / Ordsall
GRID REFERENCE: / 382005 397459
CASE OFFICER / Miss Hannah Rogers / 0161 793 3632
LOCATION: / 12 Whimberry Close Salford M5 3WL
PROPOSAL: / Erection of two storey side extension.
05/50858/HH / DEL / Redrow Homes NW Ltd / Swinton North
GRID REFERENCE: / 376729 401655
CASE OFFICER / Catherine Larmouth / 0161 793 2898
LOCATION: / 42 Threadmill Lane Swinton M27 9LJ
PROPOSAL: / Erection of detached garage at the rear of dwelling.
05/50885/HH / DEL / Ms J Gregory / Swinton North
GRID REFERENCE: / 377372 401316
CASE OFFICER / Catherine Larmouth / 0161 793 2898
LOCATION: / 6 Argyle Street Swinton M27 5ZP
PROPOSAL: / Erection of two storey side extension.
05/50875/HH / DEL / Mr M O'Brien / Swinton South
GRID REFERENCE: / 377818 401127
CASE OFFICER / Catherine Larmouth / 0161 793 2898
LOCATION: / 17 Green Avenue Swinton M27 5WQ
PROPOSAL: / Erection of part single part two storey rear extension.
05/50883/HH / DEL / Mr C Rigg / Weaste And Seedley
GRID REFERENCE: / 379332 399321
CASE OFFICER / Miss Hannah Rogers / 0161 793 3632
LOCATION: / 17 Harvard Grove Salford M6 8GT
PROPOSAL: / Erection of conservatory at the rear of the dwelling.
05/50876/HH / DEL / Mr G Lingard / Winton
GRID REFERENCE: / 375608 398516
CASE OFFICER / Nancy Thynne / 0161 793 2750
LOCATION: / 20 Clandon Avenue Eccles M30 7JH
PROPOSAL: / Erection of single storey rear extension.
05/50867/OUT / DEL / 6th Worsley Scout Group / Walkden North
GRID REFERENCE: / 373445 403903
CASE OFFICER / Tim Hartley / 0161 793 3769
LOCATION: / 6th Worsley Scout Group Hall Off St Marys Road Worsley M28 5RF
PROPOSAL: / Outline planning application for the erection of one pair semi-detached dwellings
05/50872/FUL / DEL / P Hodari / Walkden North
GRID REFERENCE: / 373661 404423
CASE OFFICER / Mathias Franklin / 0161 793 3726
LOCATION: / Unit 30 Harcourt Street Worsley M28 3GN
PROPOSAL: / Erection of 2.4m high paladin security fencing
05/50776/ADV / DEL / Roe Green Cricket Club / Worsley
GRID REFERENCE: / 374900 401500
CASE OFFICER / Miss Amy Shek / 0161 793 3053
LOCATION: / Roe Green Cricket Club Greenleach Lane Worsley
PROPOSAL: / Consent to display temporary advertising hoardings
05/50862/TPO / DEL / Mr Evans / Worsley
GRID REFERENCE: / 375718 400688
CASE OFFICER / Miss Amy Shek / 0161 793 3053
LOCATION: / 131 Worsley Road Worsley M28 2WG
PROPOSAL: / Prune one fir tree (T1)
05/50863/TREECA / DEL / Mr And Mrs Purcell / Worsley
GRID REFERENCE: / 374981 400454
CASE OFFICER / Miss Amy Shek / 0161 793 3053
LOCATION: / 16 Worsley Road Worsley M28 2NL
PROPOSAL: / Fell one pine tree (T1)
05/50851/FUL / DEL / Mr And Mrs R Howell / Worsley
GRID REFERENCE: / 376402 401259
CASE OFFICER / Miss Sam Key / 0161 793 3624
LOCATION: / Land Beween 11-13 Chapel Road Swinton M27 0HF
PROPOSAL: / Erection of a detached dwelling
05/50892/HH / DEL / Worsley
GRID REFERENCE: / 374593 401032
CASE OFFICER / Miss Amy Shek / 0161 793 3053
LOCATION: / 45 Crossfield Drive Worsley M28 2QQ
PROPOSAL: / Erection of two storey side / first floor rear extension.
05/50901/HH / DEL / Richard Kirkbright / Worsley
GRID REFERENCE: / 375219 401554
CASE OFFICER / Miss Amy Shek / 0161 793 3053
LOCATION: / 40 Greenleach Lane Worsley M28 2RG
PROPOSAL: / Erection of two storey rear and single storey side extension.
05/50887/HH / DEL / Mr & Mrs P.A Burton / Walkden South
GRID REFERENCE: / 373714 401856
CASE OFFICER / Mathias Franklin / 0161 793 3726
LOCATION: / 94 Broadway Worsley M28 7FF
PROPOSAL: / Erection of two storey side extension and construction of dormer extensions to roofspace at rear of dwelling.