Transportation Vendor Opportunities
Wisconsin Spring Transportation Conference, April 5-6, 2016
Hotel Mead, 451 E. Grand Ave., Wisconsin Rapids 54494
For overnight reservations call 800-843-6323
Vendor Expo Tuesday April 5th 12:00-2:30 pm
8-9:00am vendor set up
Vendors are welcome to display both April 5th & April 6th during conference
Here is a great opportunity to receive special recognition for your business and to meet directly with 50-60 conference participants to showcase your products and services. Participants will be transportation professionals including Mobility Managers, Aging and Disability Services providers, Transportation providers, Transportation Owners/ Operators and others who are interested in learning about your company’s offerings.
For a cost of just $250, your company will receive the following benefits included in your vendor sponsorship:
· Prominent display area at Vendor Expo (includes table)
· Company recognized in Conference Program
· Company recognized in Conference Signage
· Meals for two attendees (additions attendees $50 per day for meals)
Additional sponsorship opportunities available for the following conference events:
Tuesday, April 5:
· Refreshments for morning or afternoon break: $500 each
· Lunch: $900 (includes a vendor table; your $250 vendor fee waived)
· Supper: $1500 (includes a vendor table; your $250 vendor fee waived)
Wednesday, April 6:
· Refreshments for morning or afternoon break: $500 each
· Lunch $900 (includes a vendor table; your $250 vendor fee waived)
Vendor Sponsorship Reservation Form
Wisconsin Spring Transportation Conference, April 5-6, 2016
Hotel Mead, 451 E. Grand Ave., Wisconsin Rapids 54494
Company Name______
Contact Name______Email______
Street Address______
I plan on attending and displaying at Vendor Expo and will submit event sponsorship fee for total of $250
April 5th ______
April 6th ______
I will need access to electricity – please check one - Yes ____or No____
There will be #______additional attendee(s) for meals @ $50.00 each day $______
Return this form by March 25, with sponsorship payment, payable to WAMM and mail to: SWCAP, Jeff Segebrecht, 149 North Iowa St., Dodgeville, WI 53533
Or if your company prefers to be invoiced and needs a purchase order number,
check here ______
Additional organizational and corporate membership information can be found at