NACE International



Our records indicate that your Coating Inspector Program recognition is due for renewal. The expiration date of this recognition appears on your wallet card.

This brochure contains the information and forms you will need to apply for renewal. Please read the information and instructions carefully and return the necessary forms as soon as possible. No further notification will be provided.

Should you have any questions, please contact:

Education Division

NACE International Headquarters

1440 South Creek Drive

Houston, Texas77084

Phone: 281/228-6282

Fax: 281/228-6382


Updated April 2010



April 14, 2010



Neither NACE International, its officers, directors, nor members thereof accept any responsibility for the use of the procedures discussed herein. No authorization is implied concerning the use of patented or copyrighted material. The information is advisory only and the use of the procedures is solely at the risk of the user. NACE is not responsible for any actions or damages from any person recognized under this program.

Printed in the United States. All rights reserved.

Reproduction of contents in whole or part or transfer

into electronic or photographic storage without permission

of copyright owner is expressly forbidden.

Copyright, NACE, 2010

1440 South Creek Drive

Houston, TX 77084U.S.A.

Phone: (281) 228-6282; Fax: (281) 228-6382


Updated April 2010



1.0Scope...... 1

2.0Methods of Renewal...... 1

3.0Renewal Work Experience Requirements...... 1

4.0Specialty Program...... 2

5.0General Information about Renewal...... 2

6.0General Information about NACE International...... 5

Renewal Application Form...... 7

Work Experience Forms...... 9

Attestation/Affirmation...... 17

Updated April 2010


Updated April 2010



The NACE International Coating Inspector Program certification is awarded for a period of three (3) years. Due to the rapidly changing technical nature of the coatings industry, and the continuous evolution of new products, new regulations and new inspection procedures, NACE International feels that a periodic renewal program is necessary to keep the coating inspector current in technology and regulations, and proficient in inspection methodology and procedures.


There are three (3) methods by which a certified NACE International coating inspector may achieve renewal. These methods are as follows:

Method A:Candidates with 73 or more work experience points since certification or previous renewal: work experience documentation only is required. Fees: Member $140; Nonmember $350.

Method B:Candidates with 37 - 72 work experience points since certification or last renewal:work experience documentation only is required.

Fees: Member $140; Nonmember $350.

Method C:Candidates with less than 36 work experience points since certification or last renewal: work experience documentation, class attendance and successful completion of a CIPLevel 2 course at a regularly scheduled offering. Points may also be earned as shown in Section 3.1.c. Payment of applicable fees associated with a program, as well as processing fees is required. Processing fees: Member $140; Nonmember $350.


3.1Work Experience Evaluation Criteria

The candidate for renewal must submit updated documentation of his/her work experience since certification, using the forms provided. This work experience will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

a.Type of coatings related work experience.

b.Points awarded per month of uninterrupted work experience:

Coating Inspection2.0

Other Field Experience1.5

Non-Field Experience1.0

c.The following professional development activities may be used to earn points, with no more than 50% of the total work experience points being through professional development:

Attendance at a specialty program listed in Section 4.0 (12 points)

Attendance at a coatings-related educational program other than

those listed in section 4.0 (1 point)

Authoring a coatings-related technical paper (1 point)

A maximum of 12 work experience points will be credited for a NACE-sponsored special program or short course.

3.2Work Experience Definition

For the purposes of renewal, "coatings-related field work experience" is defined as "coatings-related work in a place where protective coatings are applied and inspected".

3.3Additional Requirements

Additional requirements for renewal include (a) reaffirmation of the Coating Inspector Attestation, and (b) payment of applicable fees (see Section 6.4 of this document).


NACE International offers the following specialty programs (see enclosed Education & Training Guide for schedule):

Successful Coating and Lining of Concrete

Marine Coating Inspection

No single course may be used to satisfy renewal requirements more than once.



The final step in the renewal process is verification that all requirements, including payment of all fees, have been met. When NACE Headquarters completes this step, candidates receive official confirmation of completion of the renewal process.

5.2Recognition Items

5.2.1Persons completing the renewal process are issued a new wallet card retaining the original certification number.

5.2.2Certified persons may call attention to their recognition by incorporating the title of their recognition into their business cards, stationery, etc. The use of the official NACE logo is expressly prohibited. Violation of this policy may be grounds for revocation of recognition under the Coating Inspector Attestation program.

5.3Notification of Expiration of Recognition

It is solely the responsibility of persons recognized under this program to apply for and complete the required renewal process. Failure to receive a notice from NACE shall not be accepted as reason for failure to apply and/or complete the renewal process. NACE Headquarters will make a reasonable effort to notify certified coating inspectors of the renewal requirement 90 days prior to the expiration date of their recognition.



5.4.2Processing fees (one-time charge per three- (3) year period).

Method A:Member $140; Nonmember $350

Method B:Member $140; Nonmember $350

Method C:Member $140; Nonmember $350

5.4.3Any person whose check is returned to NACE for any reason must submit payment either in cash or bank draft. Additionally, any returned check charges ($25) must be resolved prior to attendance at any session of any NACE program, or completion of the renewal process.

5.4.4Full payment of all fees is a requirement for renewal.

5.4.5Reinstatement fee for lapsed recognition (see Section 6.6).

5.4.6These fees are effective January 1, 2007, and are subject to change without notice.

5.5Time Limit for Completion of Renewal

The candidate must apply for and complete the renewal process before expiration of the three (3) year period of recognition.

For method C only, candidates must apply for, and pay all fees for, attendance at a CIP Level 2 or specialty program before the expiration of the three- (3) year period of recognition. The expiration date will be administratively extended for a period of thirty (30) days AFTER the first offering of the course for which the candidate is registered - or a MAXIMUM OF ONE YEAR, whichever is less.

5.6Reinstatement of Lapsed Recognition

5.6.1If an update candidate allows his/her certification to lapse for a period of 0-3 years, certification may be reinstated with payment of a $100 reinstatement fee in addition to the update fees as previously described herein. Any candidate whose certification has lapsed for a period of 3-5 years may have certification reinstated with payment of $500 reinstatement fee in addition to the update fees as previously described herein.

5.6.2Until successful completion of the update process and receipt of the reinstatement and update fees at NACE Headquarters, a lapsed recognition shall be classified as "Inactive".

5.6.3Any person recognized under this program whose recognition has been inactive for a period of five- (5) or more years must reapply as a new applicant and must meet all of the criteria current at the time of their reapplication. No exceptions are made. Persons who reapply will be reissued their original identification number upon meeting the current requirements.

5.6.4Should an inquiry be made regarding the recognition status of a person whose recognition has become inactive, the inquirer will be informed that the person's recognition under the program is inactive. No further information will be supplied.


At the time of renewal all persons recognized shall be required to reaffirm the Certified NACE International Coating Inspector attestation. Failure to comply with, and uphold, this attestation could result in disciplinary action, which may include revocation of certification.

5.8Change of Address

It is solely the responsibility of persons recognized under this program to keep NACE advised of any change of address.

5.9Cancellation/Failure to Appear at NACE Scheduled Programs

The standard NACE cancellation policy for courses, as set forth in the NACE International Education & Training Guide, will apply.


6.1Value of Recognition

Recognition is a means for individuals to indicate to the general public, co-workers, employers, and others that an impartial organization has determined by a standardized method that they have met a series of defined requirements. Recognition also provides the individual with a sense of achievement, since it reflects professional advancement in a chosen field.

6.2General Assistance

Questions regarding the renewal program may be directed to NACE in writing, by telephone, by Fax, e-mail, or by personal visit. Assistance will be provided during normal business hours of 7:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m. Central time. Contact the NACE Education Division at 1440 South Creek Drive, Houston, Texas77084 (USA). Phone: (281) 228-6241; Fax: (281) 228-6341; e-mail: Deanna.


All necessary forms are included in this booklet. Permission is granted by NACE to copy any of these forms provided, the copies are to be used in the NACE International Coating Inspector Program renewal process. Make and retain a copy of all completed pages of this application.

6.4NACE Membership

While NACE membership is not required for recognition, persons seeking continuing professional development through routine access to technical publications, broadening of professional contacts and educational opportunities should consider joining NACE. For additional information contact NACE Membership Services at 1440 South Creek Drive, Houston, Texas77084 (USA). Phone (281) 228-6200. Fax (281) 228-6329.

Updated November 2007


Updated November 2007


NACE Member: Yes NoMember #

Applicant's Name:

Home Address:

Country:Zip/Postal Code:

Company Name:

Company Address:

Country:Zip/Postal Code:

Phone:Home Business Fax______

Do you prefer correspondence sent to: Home Business Email:______

______If you are an existing NACE member or customer and the above address is new, please check here if you would like your records updated for ALL NACE notices (including Materials Performance) and publications to be sent to this new address

Method of Renewal and Fees (see section 2 of this booklet):

Member Fee Nonmember Fee

Method A - +73 points$140$350Renewal fee:$

Method B - 37-72 points $140$350Renewal fee:$

Method C-less than 36 points$140$350Renewal fee:$

If Method C is chosen, completion of CIP Level 2 is required before recertification is completed.

Reinstatement Fee-If candidate recognition or certification has lapsed, they can reinstate their level of recognition by paying a reinstatement fee in addition to all past due recertification fees.

Reinstatement Fee {0-3 years inactive}$100$100Fee:$

Reinstatement Fee {3-5 years inactive}$500$500Fee:$

Optional Items:

Embosser update - $30.00 (#49104)$

Embosser Shipping & Handling - $5.00 within the U.S. $20.00 Outside of the U.S.$______

Plaque update:

Issuance Date Update Tag - $10.00 (#49105) Shipping and Handling Included$

Plaque with updated issuance date - $50.00 (#49106)$

PlaqueShipping & Handling - $5.00 within the U.S. $20.00 Outside of the U.S.$______

Total Due:$


CIP # Level 1 Level 2 PR Expires ______

Please provide payment information below.

Membership status will be verified prior to receiving the Member rate.

______ $140.00 Member recertification Fee

______$350.00 Nonmember recertification Fee

______ $130.00 One Year Membership Fee

______$100.00 Reinstatement fee ______$500.00 Reinstatement fee

______ $Total


______Enclosed is a check, money order, or international bank draft payable in US funds to NACE International

______Credit Card (Check the appropriate card)

______American Express______Discover

______Master Card______Visa

Card Number: ______

Expiration Date: ______

Signature: ______

Date: ______


I understand that if I knowingly provide false information in connection with my recognition under this program, it will be grounds for disciplinary procedures against me.

Applicant's SignatureDate: ______

Send completed application with all attachments to: or fax (281-228-6341)

NACE International

1440 South Creek Drive

Attention: Education Department

Houston, TX 77084


Form 1: Summary of Protective Coatings Related Work Experience

Instructions: Make and use as many copies of this form as needed. Please provide all information requested. Forms must be printed legibly in black ink or typed. Illegible information can delay the application process. For assistance with this form, contact the Education Division at NACE International Headquarters.

Applicant Information:

Name:A. Sample Phone: 409/111-4321

Company:ZZZ Coating Inspection Inc. Fax: 409/111-1234

Address:987 Gage Avenue

City:Millspec State/Province: TX

Zip/Postal Code: 77987 Country: USA

Please summarize below the information on each copy of Form 2, Individual Job Documentation. List your experience beginning with the most recent, followed by less recent experience.

Month/Year / To
Month/Year / Number of months
in this job / Points for
this job / Job Title / Company Name
1/92 / 1/95 / 36 / 72 / Coating Inspector / ZZZ Inspection Inc.
12/89 / 12/91 / 24 / 36 / Painter / AAA Painters
12/87 / 12/89 / 24 / 36 / Helper / AAA Painters
/ / /
/ / /
/ / /
/ / /
/ / /
/ / /
/ / /

Applicant Affidavit: I understand that if I knowingly provide false information in connection with my recognition under this program, it will be grounds for disciplinary procedures.



Form 2: Individual Job Documentation

Use one of these forms for each job; that is, each period of work experience you wish to document. Note that for this form, "job" is defined as "a position in which you are regularly employed for a period of time". Make and use as many copies of this form as you need. Please provide all information requested in the form. Applications must be printed legibly in black ink or typed. Illegible information can delay the application process. For assistance with this form, contact the Education Division at NACE International Headquarters.

Updated November 2007


Job Title:Coating Inspector

ZZZ Coating Inspection Inc.

From:Month 1 Year 92 ____

To:Month 1 Year 95 (present)____

Who can NACE contact to verify this experience?

Name:James Smith

Company:ZZZ Coating Inspection_

Address:987 Gage Avenue


State/Province:__TX____ Zip/Postal Code _ 77987






a.Number of months in this job:

b.Experience Points (check one):

 Field, coating inspection (2 points)

Field, other than inspection (1.5 points)


Non-field experience (1.0 points)

Write the point value here:

c.Points for this job


Multiply a. (number of months)

by b. (experience points).

Write results in this box:

Updated November 2007

Describe in detail what are/were your specific coating-related duties in this job. NOTE: Do not write on the back of this form, attach additional sheets if necessary, writing only on one side of each page.

Responsible for reading and understanding specification for coating job. Ensure correct inspection equipment is available and on the job in good working order.

Most of the inspection work performed was on offshore structures, however, also had one large project with XXX Utility Company July-September 1993 at their JonesRiver station, and one large project April 1994 with YYY Paper Company during a scheduled shutdown of their Baker City Plant. Other experience: 2/92-5/92 Wildcat Drillers platforms 23b, 22c, 22d, coating inspection; 6/92-9/92 C&G Construction - offshore platform coating operations; 9/92-12/92 Indeco Inc Refinery and Tank Farm, scheduled maintenance coating operations; 1/93-6/93, C&G Construction - offshore platform coating operations; 10/93-4/94, BBB Oil Company, shutdown of rigs; May 1994 - present various companies, offshore and marine structures.

Since July 1992 have been the person assigned to take off measurements and provide information to supervisor for inspection bid preparation.

Applicant Affidavit: I understand that if I knowingly provide false information in connection with my recognition under this program, it will be grounds for disciplinary procedures.


Updated November 2007


Form 2: Individual Job Documentation

Use one of these forms for each job; that is, each period of work experience you wish to document. Note that for this form, "job" is defined as "a position in which you are regularly employed for a period of time". Make and use as many copies of this form as you need. Please provide all information requested in the form. Applications must be printed legibly in black ink or typed. Illegible information can delay the application process. For assistance with this form, contact the Education Division at NACE International Headquarters.

Updated November 2007


Job Title:Painter AAA Painters

From:Month 1 Year 92

To:Month 1 Year 95 (present)

Who can NACE contact to verify this experience?

Name:Bob Roberts__

Company:AAA Painters__

Address:123 Coating St.__


State/Province: TX Zip/PostalCode77120____ Country:USA_

Phone:409/123-4567__ Fax:409/123-7654__



a.Number of months in this job:

b.Experience Points (check one):

 Field, coating inspection (2 points)

 Field, other than inspection (1.5 points)


 Non-field experience (1.0 points)

Write the point value here:

c.Points for this job

Multiply a. (number of months)

by b. (experience points).


Write results in this box:

Updated November 2007

Describe in detail what are/were your specific coating-related duties in this job. NOTE: Do not write on the back of this form, attach additional sheets if necessary, writing only on one side of each page.

Experience with conventional airspray and airless spray equipment. Responsible for making sure that equipment was set up right, and cleaned up at end of day.

Responsible for correctly applying the coating as directed by supervisor. Took wet film readings as directed.

Worked mainly on offshore structure during this time, but also had a couple of projects in refineries.

Applicant Affidavit: I understand that if I knowingly provide false information in connection with my recognition under this program, it will be grounds for disciplinary procedures.


Updated November 2007