Protocol for Leicestershire players taking part in training/coaching sessions and County representative matches
All players who take part in Leicestershire training/coaching sessions and represent Leicestershire in County games must act in the best interests of the Union at all times whether on or off the pitch. Players conduct must not be such as to be prejudicial to the interests of the RFU, the LRU or the Game, or to bring the RFU/LRU into disrepute.
Playing Insurance
Players should note that playing insurance is provided through the RFU Personal Accident Policy taken out by the Rugby Football Union with Marsh Ltd. This is the minimum allowed by the RFU and covers training as well as playing for Leicestershire. It covers only for items such as loss of limb or sight and for death on the field. It does not cover temporary injury, medical expenses, legal expenses or loss of earnings etc. Players must confirm for themselves what cover is provided by going to the RFU website: www.rfu.com/managingrugby/insurance/playersparentsandguardians/rfuarrangedcover.
As no further insurance is taken out by Leicestershire Rugby Union, players are strongly advised to take out their own playing insurance to cover other items such as loss of earnings, legal and medical expenses. No claims will be entertained by Leicestershire Rugby Union other than those covered by the RFU Personal Accident and Public Liability Policies which will be dealt with by the insurance company.
Injured players are expected to be treated under the National Health Service at no cost. Should any player decide to pay for private medical treatment this must be paid for by the injured player or family, Leicestershire Rugby Union will not reimburse any costs incurred in such treatment.
Where injuries occur the player must inform the team manager or coach of any ongoing medical treatment beyond that given at the scene of the injury. If the player is admitted to hospital overnight a serious injury form must be completed by the team manager and the CB Welfare Officer must be informed. The form is to be sent to the RFU as required by their regulations with a copy to the LRU Welfare Officer. If a player is admitted to hospital at a later date or readmitted to hospital after the initial visit where the injury was dealt with the Welfare Officer and Team Manager must be informed.
The following kit will be supplied by Leicestershire Rugby Union to players representing the County:
Senior Men/Senior Ladies/Under 20’s
Playing kit, including socks, shorts and shirts. This kit will remain the property of Leicestershire Rugby Union Ltd and must be handed back after each match.
All Senior Men/ Senior Ladies/Under 20 final squad members will be provided with the following items which they may keep:
Men: A short sleeve dress shirt with Leicestershire logo, dry training top and wet training top.
Ladies: A short sleeve blouse with Leicestershire logo and a training top.
Warm suits for replacements will be provided by the Union and will remain the property of Leicestershire Rugby Union. They must not be taken away from the ground by players.
Kit bags and tracksuits may be available for purchase.
Under 18’s/17’s/16’s/15’s and 14’s
Playing shirts, socks and shorts will be provided by the LRU to players representing Leicestershire. These will remain the property of Leicestershire Rugby Union Ltd and must be handed back after each match.
The following will be available for purchase by players at this age group:
T Shirts
Dress Shirts
Kit bags
Training Tops
County Ties
All male players representing Leicestershire at Under 14, Under 16, Under 17, Under 18, Colts, Under 20, Leicestershire League, Leicestershire Barbarian and Senior levels will be presented with a County tie following their first representative game or at a suitable later date.
Dress for match days will be at the discretion of the Team Managers but generally after match/dinner dress should be plain white or blue shirt with County tie where it has been presented, or club tie if not, with dark trousers. Club blazers should be worn if available again at the discretion of the Team Managers. Pre match dress is at the discretion of the Team Managers.
County Honours Caps
County Caps will be presented to County Championship Shield players in accordance with rules made by the Management Committee from time to time.
Out of Pocket Expenses
Players should note that no payment will be made for playing in any Leicestershire representative match.
Travel expenses in respect of training sessions and matches will be paid at the discretion of the team manager with the approval of the Management Committee. Any payments made will be at the mileage rate approved from time to time by the Management Committee.
No expenses will be paid in respect of food and drink but pre match and post match food and drink will be provided at the discretion of the team manager with the approval of the Management Committee.
Security of Personal Possessions
Players are expected to take responsibility for the security of their own valuables other and possessions whilst taking part in County training/coaching sessions and County matches. Leicestershire Rugby Union will not accept responsibility for any loss or theft of player’s valuables and other possessions at any time. Players are advised not to take valuable items to matches and training/coaching sessions and if this is unavoidable to ensure they are locked up in a suitable place or handed to a trustworthy person to look after during the period. At the discretion of the Team Manager a valuables bag or other receptacle may be provided but Leicestershire Rugby Union will not be responsible for any losses incurred in the use of this.
Implementation of this Protocol
Implementation of the Protocol is the responsibility of the Team Managers and the players together with the Team coaches and administrators. Team Managers must ensure that the Protocol is delivered to all squad members prior to their first training/coaching session.
Latest Version of the Protocol
The latest version of the protocol can be found on the Leicestershire Rugby Union website – http://leicestershireru.pitchero.com/page/safeguarding/leicestershire-playing-protocol/leicestershire-playing-protocol-1921/.
Richard Green,
Hon. Secretary,
Leicestershire Rugby Union.
19th October 2012