Variation to Licence Area Plan – Lismore Radio – No.1 of 2014
1. Enabling legislation
The Australian Communications and Media Authority makes this instrument under subsection 26(2) of the Broadcasting Services Act 1992.
2. Name of Instrument
This instrument is the Variation to Licence Area Plan – Lismore Radio – No. 1 of 2014.
3. Commencement
This instrument commences on the day after it is registered.
Note: An instrument is registered when it is recorded on the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments (FRLI) in electronic form: see the Legislative Instruments Act 2003, s4 (definition of register). The FRLI may be accessed at
4. Variation
The Licence Area Plan – Lismore Radio – Decembert 2000determined by the Australian Broadcasting Authority on 31 August 2000 is varied as follows:
(a)rename the instrument as “Licence Area Plan – Lismore Radio”;
(b)amend the heading on the title page so that it reads “Licence Area Plan – Lismore Radio”;
(c)after the title page:
(i)amend the heading so that it reads “Licence Area Plan – Lismore Radio”;
(ii)omit the sub-heading “DETERMINATION”;
(iii)omit the eight paragraphs of text and substitute the following clauses:
(1)This plan for radio broadcasting services in the Lismore area of New South Wales is made under section 26(1) of the Broadcasting Services Act 1992.
(2)Six national radio broadcasting services, two commercial radio broadcasting services and one open narrowcasting service are to be available in the area described at Attachment 1.1 to this plan with the use of the broadcasting services bands. The characteristics, including technical specifications, of the services that are to be available in the area described at Attachment 1.1 are set out in Schedule One and Attachments 1.2 – 1.12 to this plan.
(3)One community radio broadcasting service is to be available in the area described at Attachment 2.1 to this plan with the use of the broadcasting services bands. The characteristics, including technical specifications, of the service that is to be available in the area described at Attachment 2.1 are set out in Schedule Two and Attachment 2.2 to this plan.
(4)One community radio broadcasting service is to be available in the area described at Attachment 3.1 to this plan with the use of the broadcasting services bands. The characteristics, including technical specifications, of the service that is to be available in the area described at Attachment 3.1 are set out in Schedule Three and Attachment 3.2 to this plan.
(5)One community radio broadcasting service is to be available in the area described at Attachment 4.1 to this plan with the use of the broadcasting services bands. The characteristics, including technical specifications, of the service that is to be available in the area described at Attachment 4.1 are set out in Schedule Four and Attachment 4.2 to this plan.
(6)One community radio broadcasting service is to be available in the area described at Attachment 5.1 to this plan with the use of the broadcasting services bands. The characteristics, including technical specifications, of the service that is to be available in the area described at Attachment 5.1 are set out in Schedule Five and Attachment 5.2 to this plan.
(7)One community radio broadcasting service is to be available in the area described at Attachment 6.1 to this plan with the use of the broadcasting services bands. The characteristics, including technical specifications, of the service that is to be available in the area described at Attachment 6.1 are set out in Schedule Six and Attachment 6.2 to this plan.
(8)One community radio broadcasting service is to be available in the area described at Attachment 7.1 to this plan with the use of the broadcasting services bands. The characteristics, including technical specifications, of the service that is to be available in the area described at Attachment 7.1 are set out in Schedule Seven and Attachment 7.2 to this plan.
(9)A reference to this plan to a schedule or an attachment includes reference to a schedule or attachment as amended from time to time.
(d)immediately before Schedule One:
(i)omit the heading “SCHEDULES”; and
(ii)omit the words “Each of the Schedules sets out:” and all eight paragraphs marked with dot points that follow;
(iii)omit the heading “Status Column” and the five paragraghs immediately following the heading; and
(iv)omit the heading “Frequency Column” and the paragraph immediately following the heading;
(e)omit Schedule One and substitute Schedule One of this instrument;
(f)in Schedule Two, Three, Four, Five, Six and Seven omit the heading “Licence Area Plan : Lismore Radio – December 2000” and substitute the heading “Licence Area Plan : Lismore Radio”;
(g)immediately after Schedule One omit the heading “DISCLAIMER” and all six paragraphs immediately following the heading;
(h)in each of the Attachments 1.2 – 1.9, 2.2, 3.2, 4.2, 5.2, 6.2 and 7.2 omit the heading “LICENCE AREA PLAN: Lismore – December 2000” and substitute the heading “LICENCE AREA PLAN : Lismore Radio”;
(i)in each of the Attachments 1.10 and 1.11 omit the heading “LICENCE AREA PLAN : Lismore Radio – May 2004” and substitute the heading “LICENCE AREA PLAN : Lismore Radio”;
(j)in each of Attachments 1.2 – 1.11, 2.2, 3.2, 4.2, 5.2, 6.2 and 7.2 under “Site Tolerance :” omit “Refer to Technical Planning Guidelines” and substitute “Refer to Broadcasting Services (Technical Planning) Guidelines 2007”;
(k)omit Attachments 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1 and 7.1 and substitute Attachments 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1 and 7.1 of this instrument;
(l)omit Attachments 1.1.1, 2.1.1, 3.1.1, 4.1.1, 5.1.1, 6.1.1 and 7.1.1; and
(m)after Attachment 1.11, insert Attachment 1.12 of this instrument.
The Common Seal of the Australian Communications and Media Authority was affixed to this document in the presence of:Signature of Member / Signature of Member/General Manager
Name (Please Print) / Name (Please Print)
Dated this day of 2014.
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Schedule One
Licence Area Plan : Lismore Radio
Licence Area :LISMORE RA1
Service Category / Channel/ Frequency / Service Licence No / Transmitter Specification No / Attach No / Area ServedNational / 91.3 MHz / N/A / TS3155002 / 1.2 / Bonalbo
National / 92.1 MHz / N/A / TS6298002 / 1.3 / Bonalbo
National / 94.5 MHz / N/A / TS3155601 / 1.4 / Richmond/Tweed
National / 95.3 MHz / N/A / TS2210001 / 1.5 / Richmond/Tweed
National / 96.1 MHz / N/A / TS7361601 / 1.6 / Richmond/Tweed
National / 96.9 MHz / N/A / TS6298001 / 1.7 / Richmond/Tweed
National / 98.5 MHz / N/A / TS10011708 / 1.10 / Richmond/Tweed
Commercial / 900 kHz / SL4119 / TS4119001 / 1.8 / Lismore
104.3 MHz / SL4119 / TS10013032 / 1.11 / Kyogle
Commercial / 100.9 MHz / SL6306 / TS6306001 / 1.9 / Lismore
Open Narrowcasting / 91.1 MHz / N/A / TS1136623 / 1.12 / Lismore
Licence Area - LISMORE RA1
Licence Area ID - 372
Commercial Radio Service Licence numbers: SL4119, SL6306
The licence area, in terms of areas defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics at the Census of 8 August 2006, is:
acma | 1Area Description
Ballina (A) (LGA)
Byron (A) (LGA)
Lismore (C) (LGA)
Richmond Valley (A) - Casino (SLA)
NSW CD 060107
NSW CD 060108
NSW CD 060202
NSW CD 060203
NSW CD 060204
NSW CD 060205
NSW CD 060206
NSW CD 060207
NSW CD 060208
NSW CD 060209
NSW CD 060210
NSW CD 060301
NSW CD 060302
NSW CD 060305
NSW CD 060306
NSW CD 060307
NSW CD 060308
NSW CD 060309
NSW CD 061201
NSW CD 061202
NSW CD 061203
NSW CD 061204
NSW CD 061205
NSW CD 061206
NSW CD 061207
NSW CD 061208
NSW CD 061209
NSW CD 061212
NSW CD 061213
NSW CD 061301
NSW CD 061302
NSW CD 061303
NSW CD 061304
NSW CD 061305
NSW CD 061306
NSW CD 061307
NSW CD 061308
NSW CD 061309
NSW CD 061310
NSW CD 061311
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Standard terminology used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics:
(C) = City
(LGA) = Local Government Area
(SLA) = Statistical Local Area
(A) = NSW Local Government Area (excluding Cities)
(CD) = Collection District
Category :Open Narrowcasting
General Area Served :Lismore (NSW)
Service Licence Number :Not applicable
Specification Number :TS1136623
Transmitter Site :-
Nominal location :Broadcast Monopole Council Site Robinsons Ave. GIRARDS HILL
Australian Map Grid :ZoneEastingNorthing
Site Tolerance :Refer to Broadcasting Services
(Technical Planning) Guidelines 2007
Emission :-
Frequency Band & ModeVHF-FM
Carrier Frequency :91.1 MHz
Maximum antenna height30 m
Output Radiation Pattern :-
Bearing or Sector (Clockwise direction) / Maximum ERPAt all angles of azimuth / 1 kW
Special Conditions :-
The service is interference limited, only field strength levels of 66dBuV/m and above will be protected from interference.
The 'coverage radius' of this transmission is 15 kilometres measured from a point with the following AMG co-ordinates: Zone: 56; Easting: 526851; Northing: 6811819. This point is the same as the nominal transmitter site.
Licence Area - LISMORE RA2
Licence Area ID - 397
Community Radio Service Licence numbers: SL3051
The licence area, in terms of areas defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics at the Census of 8 August 2006, is:
acma | 1Area Description
Ballina (A) (LGA)
Byron (A) (LGA)
Lismore (C) - Pt A (SLA)
Richmond Valley (A) - Casino (SLA)
NSW CD 061201
NSW CD 061202
NSW CD 061203
NSW CD 061204
NSW CD 061205
NSW CD 061206
NSW CD 061207
NSW CD 061208
NSW CD 061209
NSW CD 061212
NSW CD 061213
NSW CD 061302
NSW CD 061304
NSW CD 061305
NSW CD 061306
NSW CD 061309
NSW CD 061310
NSW CD 061311
NSW CD 061601
NSW CD 061605
NSW CD 061606
NSW CD 061607
NSW CD 061609
NSW CD 061611
NSW CD 061612
NSW CD 061704
NSW CD 061705
NSW CD 061706
NSW CD 061707
NSW CD 061708
NSW CD 061709
NSW CD 061710
NSW CD 061801
NSW CD 061802
NSW CD 061803
NSW CD 061804
NSW CD 061805
NSW CD 061806
NSW CD 061807
NSW CD 061808
NSW CD 061809
NSW CD 061810
NSW CD 061811
NSW CD 061812
acma | 1
Standard terminology used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics:
(C) = City
(LGA) = Local Government Area
(SLA) = Statistical Local Area
(A) = NSW Local Government Area (excluding Cities)
(CD) = Collection District
Licence Area - CORAKI RA1
Licence Area ID - 932
Community Radio Service Licence numbers: SL1150718
The licence area, in terms of areas defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics at the Census of 8 August 2006, is:
acma | 1Area Description
NSW CD 061201
NSW CD 061202
NSW CD 061203
NSW CD 061204
NSW CD 061205
NSW CD 061206
NSW CD 061207
NSW CD 061208
NSW CD 061209
NSW CD 061210
NSW CD 061211
NSW CD 061212
NSW CD 061213
NSW CD 061309
NSW CD 061310
NSW CD 061311
NSW CD 061605
NSW CD 061606
NSW CD 061607
NSW CD 061612
NSW CD 071508
NSW CD 071512
acma | 1
Standard terminology used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics:
(CD) = Collection District
Licence Area - BYRON BAY RA1
Licence Area ID - 933
Community Radio Service Licence numbers: SL1150719
The licence area, in terms of areas defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics at the Census of 8 August 2006, is:
acma | 1Area Description
NSW CD 070801
NSW CD 070804
NSW CD 070805
NSW CD 070806
NSW CD 070807
NSW CD 070808
NSW CD 070809
NSW CD 070810
NSW CD 070811
NSW CD 070812
NSW CD 070814
NSW CD 070901
NSW CD 070902
NSW CD 070903
NSW CD 070904
NSW CD 070905
NSW CD 070906
NSW CD 070907
NSW CD 070908
NSW CD 070909
NSW CD 070910
NSW CD 071003
NSW CD 071004
NSW CD 071005
NSW CD 071007
NSW CD 071009
NSW CD 071012
NSW CD 071013
NSW CD 071014
NSW CD 071101
NSW CD 071102
NSW CD 071103
NSW CD 071104
NSW CD 071105
NSW CD 071106
NSW CD 071107
NSW CD 071108
NSW CD 071109
NSW CD 071110
NSW CD 071111
NSW CD 071112
NSW CD 071113
NSW CD 071114
NSW CD 071115
NSW CD 071116
NSW CD 071117
NSW CD 071118
NSW CD 071801
NSW CD 071802
acma | 1
Standard terminology used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics:
(CD) = Collection District
Licence Area - NIMBIN RA1
Licence Area ID - 871
Community Radio Service Licence numbers: SL1150713
The licence area, in terms of areas defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics at the Census of 8 August 2006, is:
Area DescriptionNSW CD 060209
NSW CD 060210
NSW CD 061701
NSW CD 061702
NSW CD 061703
NSW CD 061704
NSW CD 061705
NSW CD 061706
NSW CD 061707
NSW CD 061710
NSW CD 061711
Standard terminology used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics:
(CD) = Collection District
Licence Area - CASINO RA1
Licence Area ID - 931
Community Radio Service Licence numbers: SL1150717
The licence area, in terms of areas defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics at the Census of 8 August 2006, is:
Area DescriptionRichmond Valley (A) - Casino (SLA)
NSW CD 061302
NSW CD 061303
NSW CD 061304
NSW CD 061305
Standard terminology used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics:
(SLA) = Statistical Local Area
(A) = NSW Local Government Area (excluding Cities)
(CD) = Collection District
Licence Area - BALLINA RA1
Licence Area ID - 1038
Community Radio Service Licence numbers: SL1150750
The licence area, in terms of areas defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics at the Census of 8 August 2006, is:
acma | 1Area Description
NSW CD 071203
NSW CD 071204
NSW CD 071205
NSW CD 071206
NSW CD 071207
NSW CD 071208
NSW CD 071209
NSW CD 071210
NSW CD 071212
NSW CD 071213
NSW CD 071214
NSW CD 071301
NSW CD 071302
NSW CD 071303
NSW CD 071304
NSW CD 071305
NSW CD 071306
NSW CD 071307
NSW CD 071308
NSW CD 071309
NSW CD 071310
NSW CD 071311
NSW CD 071312
NSW CD 071313
NSW CD 071314
NSW CD 071315
NSW CD 071316
NSW CD 071401
NSW CD 071402
NSW CD 071403
NSW CD 071404
NSW CD 071405
NSW CD 071406
NSW CD 071407
NSW CD 071408
NSW CD 071409
NSW CD 071410
NSW CD 071411
NSW CD 071412
NSW CD 071413
NSW CD 071414
NSW CD 071415
NSW CD 071510
acma | 1
Standard terminology used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics:
(CD) = Collection District
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