MA418 ITV –Geometry, Spring 2010 Instructor: Dr. Cheryl J. McAllister
Office: JH217A Phone: 573-651-2778 E-mail:
Office Hours: MTWRF 11:00 – 11:50am and by appointment
Course Website:
PREREQUISITES: MA118 Mathematics I with a minimum grade of ‘C’.
TEXTBOOK: Musser, G. L., Trimpe, L. E., and Maurer, V. R.(2008) College Geometry: A Problem-Solving Approach, Pearson Education, Inc.
REQUIRED TOOLS AND SUPPLIES: graph paper, compass, protractor, ruler (both metric and standard units), scissors, colored pencils or markers, basic calculator.
OBJECTIVES OF COURSE: This course partially satisfies the mathematics requirements in any K-9 teacher education degree program. The primary objectives are to:
A. identify, develop and solve geometric problems related to the student's experiences and those involving the geometric concepts and principles in K-9 curriculum.
B.perform constructions using compass, straight-edge and protractor.
C.identify and construct basic planar and space models.
D.relate geometry to real world phenomena and connect geometry to other areas of mathematics.
E.use inductive and deductive reasoning.
F.explain the role of geometry in our cultural heritage, from both a scientific and aesthetic point of view.
G.use technology as a learning tool.
GRADING INFORMATION: Your grade will be determined by a weighted grading system as follows: 15% participation, 20% homework, 65% tests and quizzes taken individually and in groups. Grades will be based on class participation (including participation on the on-line class forum and in-class activities that cannot be made-up), homework grades, group projects, quizzes, and exams. The grading scale is as follows:
0 - 59%F
ATTENDANCE: Students will be expected to attend class, to participate in classroom activities, to do assigned homework and to pass assessments when administered. If you know in advance that you are going to be absent, then you should arrange with me to get assignments and schedule any necessary make-ups. This allows me to pass on any assignments that you will need to be current with the class. At this level of education it is your responsibility to keep up with class assignments. Do not expect me to keep tract of your work for you.
MAKE-UPS: If you miss a quiz or a test, you will have to make arrangements with me for a make-up. The make-up may not be the same quiz or test administered to the class, but will be an equivalent form. It is best to try to take tests on the announced date. Missed in-class activities may only be made-up with permission from the instructor. (If you have an excused absence due to a university activity, we will develop an equitable way to recover lost participation points.) Penalty points may be taken off the grade for late assignments. Assignments more than two weeks late will only be accepted after a conference with the instructor. ALL MAKEUP WORK MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE FINAL WEEK OF CLASSES BEFORE FINAL EXAM WEEK, UNLESS SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE WITH THE INSTRUCTOR.
CELL PHONES: Students are required to turn off cell phones before class begins. If you have a situation that requires having the cell phone on during class, please notify the instructor before class begins and be prepared to answer the phone OUTSIDE the classroom. Abuse of this policy could result in loss of participation points for the class. Cell phones may not be used as calculators for exams.
ITV POLICIES: Food and drink are not allowed anywhere near the mikes in the ITV classroom. A drink accidentally knocked over into one of the mikes can hundreds of dollars worth of damage, so just don’t do it!!
Students at receive sites are expected to wait 30 minutes for technical difficulties to be resolved. Recordings of lectures that some sites might miss will be made by the ITV Technicians and will be sent by the next available courier to the site(s) that had the difficulty. If the ITV connection goes down during a session, or if the session never begins, then the group at each site should use the time to go over the current homework assignment together and use the class time to help teach each other as much of the material as you can.
RESOURCES FOR HELP: Peer study groups are probably the most effective way to get help. Try to get to know classmates and arrange to meet once a week.
Instructor: Call me, e-mail me, or come see me during office hours or make an appointment.
Course Web Site: You can access important information about the course, test dates, due dates, your current grades, and important links from this site. The test dates given in this syllabus are tentative. I may decide to postpone a test or extend a deadline. I will try to keep the course calendar updated, but if you are in doubt about a test date or due date, e-mail me for confirmation.
ACADEMIC HONESTY: The student is expected to be familiar with the University’s policy regarding plagiarism and cheating. Please refer to the Student Handbook or the University Bulletin for copies of this policy. Students are encouraged to work together to study and do problems for this course, but it is expected that each student turn in work that represents his/her own efforts. Specifically, do not turn in work copied from another student’s paper or work done by a tutor or other person, written assignments copied from another student or from a resource book, do not use unauthorized references during an exam or copy work from another student’s paper during an exam. A violation of the academic honesty policy has serious consequences and may result in dismissal from the University.
Students with special needs: If you have special needs, please plan to meet with me as soon as possible so that we can work out appropriate accommodations.
Tentative Test dates
Chapter 2 examFebruary 11
Chapter 3 examMarch 11
Chapter 4 and 9 examApril 15
Final exam – comprehensiveMay 13 from 8:00 am – 9:50 am
Course website assignment.
Go to Click on forum. When the program asks for a user name and password, simply use your "SE-Keys" email and password to log on.
Once you are on the Forum, complete the item requesting you introduce yourself. During the semester, I will provide prompts for various topics related to classroom activities, teaching geometry, and your own perceptions about the material we are covering. You will be required to post a minimum of 10 times to the forum. Your posts can either be a direct response to one of my prompts or a reply to another student’s response. The posts must have some content – not just statements such as “I agree with what you just said”. Posts that seem to have no real content will be deleted and will not be counted towards the requirements for the assignment. The introduction post will count toward the 10 required. The forum posts will be worth 20 points total (2 per post). You may earn up to 10 additional extra credit points by doing extra posts. The extra posts are worth 1 point each. If you have questions or cannot sign onto the forum, please contact me. The Forum is an important communication component of this course, so learning to use it early is essential. All forum posts must be completed by May 13, 5:00 pm.
Homework Assignments for MA418, Spring 2009
Please put the following information in the top right-hand corner of each assignment: Full name, Assignment number, date turned in, the actual page numbers and problem numbers.
Assignment # / Section # / Page # / Problem #'s (unless specific parts of a problem are assigned, assume all parts are to be completed) / Approximate Due Date1 / 2.1,
2.2 / 46-49
58-63 / 2,4,6,10,12,14,16,18,20,24,26,30,32
2 – 30 evens / 2/2
2 / 2.3 / 71-73 / 4 – 20 evens, 24-28 evens / 2/9
3 / 2.4
2.5 / 80-85
91-92 / 2,4,8 – 16,22,24,26b,28-32,40 evens
1-4 all, 8-22 evens / 2/11
4 / 3.1 / 114-115 / 2,4,6ab,8,10-36 evens,37,38,44,46,48,52 / 2/23
5 / 3.2 / 127-131 / 2,4,8-18 evens,22,26,32,38 / 2/25
6 / 3.3 / 141-144 / 2—24 evens,28,32,34,38,40 / 3/2
7 / 3.4 / 153-157 / 2-24 evens,28,30,34,36,40,42 / 3/11
8 / 3.5 / 167-173 / 2-28 evens,42,46b / 3/11
9 / 9.1
9.3 / 490-492
505-507 / 4/6
10 / 4.2
4.3 / 202-205
214-215 / 2-42 evens
2-14 evens / 4/8
11 / 5.1
5.4 / 247-249
276-277 / 1-10 all, 12-32 evens
2-22 evens
2-40 evens
2-42 evens / 4/27
12 / 7.1
7.3 / 369-370
378-379 / 2-38 evens
2-22 evens / 5/4
6.3 / 304-305
315-317 / 10-20 evens, 38-48 evens
2-18 evens, 30-36 evens / Cover if time
Forum posts / See next page of syllabus for details / 5/13 by 5:00 pm