KEY STAGE 2 / Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3 / Term 4 / Term 5 / Term 6
Value for Living / Tolerance
Harvest / Equality / Diversity / Respect
Festivals Week / Kindness / Courage
Connecting / LKS2 / Y3 / UC: Creation/Fall
What do Christians learn from the creation story?
Christianity / UC:Incarnation(2A:3)
What is Trinity?
Christianity / KS2 KQ13
Keeping the Five Pillars: What difference does it make to Muslims?
Islam / UC:Salvation
Why do Christians call the day Jesus died ‘Good’ Friday?
Christianity / UC:Gospel
What kind of world did Jesus want?
Christianity / KQ2 KQ5
Who was Muhammad /Guru Nanak? Why and how do people follow these leaders?
Y4 / UC:People of God
What is it like to follow God?
Christianity / UC:Incarnation(2A:3)
What is Trinity?
Christianity / KS2 KQ9
Why is pilgrimage important to some religious believers?
Islam/Hinduism / Easter
Is forgiveness always possible?
( Y4 spr2)
Christianity / UC:Kingdom of God
When Jesus left, what was the impact of Pentecost?
Christianity / How can Brahman be everywhere and in everything?
(Y3 sum 1)
UKS2 / Y5 / UC:God
What does it mean if God is holy and loving?
Christianity / UC:Incarnation(2B:4)
Was Jesus the Messiah?
Christianity / What is the best way for a Sikh to show commitment to God?
(Y5 sum 1)
Sikhism / UC:Salvation
What do Christians believe Jesus did to save human beings?
Christianity / UC:People of God
How can following God bring freedom and justice ( Moses)
Christianity / KS2 KQ3
What makes some books sacred, how are they used and why do they matter to believers?
Christianity/ Islam/Judaism /Sikhism
Y6 / UC: Creation/Fall
Creation and Science: conflicting or complimentary?
Christianity / UC:Gospel
What kind of world did Jesus want?
Christianity / What is the best way for a Muslim to show commitment to God?
(Y6 aut 1)
Islam / UC:Salvation
What difference does the resurrection make for Christians?
Christianity / UC:Kingdom of God
What kind of king is Jesus?
Christianity / KS2 KQ7
How do art, architecture and poetry express religious beliefs and ideas?
Christianity / Islam / Hinduism

UC = units from Understanding Christianity DRE: units from Discovery RE KQs from Wiltshire Agreed Syllabus for ReligiousEducation

Main religion studied