Symposium in Honor of Professor Tara Prasad Das
Department of Physics of University at Albanywill hold a special symposium to honor Professor Das’s more than five decades of contribution to the understanding of the electronic structure and hyperfine properties of Atoms, molecules and condensed matter systems on October 26, 2012. Professor Das and his former students, associates and colleagues will present talks in the areas of their current interest. The symposium is open to anybody interested in learning about their work in physics and applied physics.
Tentative schedule (TBD: To be decided)
Time / Speaker / Title of the Talk8:00 AM / Breakfast
8:30 AM / Carolyn MacDonald, University at Albany, Welcome and Introduction
8:40 AM / Roger Pink, GlobalSpec, Strengthening the BF3-NH3complexation bond through the addition of Methyl Group
8:55 AM / Ralph Scheicher, Uppsala University, Sweden, Biological molecules, nanomaterials, and their combination
9:15 AM / Frank Hagelberg, East Tennessee State University, Magnetism in single-walled carbon nanotubes of the zigzag type
9:30 AM / Narayan Sahoo, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Physicists role in improving therapeutic gain in radiation oncology
9:45 AM / Charles Scholes, University at Albany / TBD
10:00 AM / Hassaram Bakhru, University at Albany, The College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering- Graduate and Undergraduate Research in Nanoscience and Nanoengineering
10:20 AM / Pratap C. Pattnaik, IBM,Past three decades of Computational Science, and what is next
10:40 AM / Break
10:50 AM / Ranjit Pati, Michigan Technological University, Molecule and Collective Computation
11:15 AM / Kailash Mishra, Osram Sylvania, CdS nanodots and lighting
11:45 AM / Surya Panigrahy, Chicago Board of Trade, Dynamics of Financial Market: A physicist’s perspective
12:00 PM / Box lunch
1:00 PM / Subhendra Mahanti, Michigan State University, The Interplay of surface and bulk electronic states in Topological Insulators
1:30 PM / Purosottam Jena, Virginia Commonwealth University, Beyond the periodic table - a window for materials of the future
2:00 PM / Thomas Thundat, University of Alberta, Nanomechanical Spectroscopy and Molecular Recognition
2:30 PM / Reserved for additional speakers and make up time for any delays.
3:00 PM / Break
3:15 PM / Sudha Srinivas, Northeastern Illinois University, Electric Dipole Polarizability in Finite Systems
3:35 PM / Mengbing Huang, University at Albany, Research routes to a workable Si light source
3:55 PM / Kanetada Nagamine, University of California, Riverside/KEK, Japan, Life Science Studies with Muon Spin Probes
4:20 PM / Lee Chow, University of Central Florida, ZnO nanowire gas sensor
4:45 PM / Tara Prasad Das, University at Albany, Hyperfine Interaction as a Probe of Electron Distributions in Atoms, Molecules and Condensed Matter Systems
5:25 PM / Scientific symposium closing remarks by William A. Lanford, University at Albany
6:00-7:00 PM / Dinner at Alumni House
Tribute to Professor Tara Prasad Das for his exemplary mentorship, and professional and social contributions. Location: Alumni House
7:00 PM / Remarks by Faculty members of Physics Department of University at Albany
7:30 PM / Remarks by former students and associates of Professor Das
9:00 PM / Remarks by Professional colleagues and friends
9:30 PM / Remarks by Professor Das’s family
9:45 PM / Remarks by Tara Prasad Das
10:00 PM / Thanks, acknowledgements and closing remarks by Narayan Sahoo
Location: Day sessions will be held in the seminar room of the Physics Department, University at Albany. Dinner and evening sessionwill be held at the Alumni House.
Partial financial support is provided by:
(1)University Auxiliary Service Program Fund, University at Albany
(2)Mishra Charitable Foundation, Newburgh, NY
(3)Former students, associates, colleagues and friends of Professor Tara Prasad Das
Please use the link below for information about hotels near SUNY Albany
You may also call
Hilton Garden Inn Albany/SUNY Area
1389 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12206
Phone: 518-453-1300
and ask for possible special rate for Symposium in Honor or Professor T.P. Das.
Driving direction and Parking
Please use the link below for this information
Symposium Organizers
Carolyn MacDonald, University at Albany, Albany
William A. Lanford, University at Albany, Albany
Leslie Saint-Vil, University at Albany, Albany
Narayan Sahoo, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston
Roger Pink, GlobalSpec, Albany
Registration: This event is open to the academic community. Advanced registration is required to attend the meeting. Please complete the registration form below and send it before October 18, 2012to:
Leslie Saint-Vil
Assistant to the Chair
Physics Department
Physics 215
University at Albany
1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222
(518) 442-4503
Registration for Symposium in Honor of Professor Tara Prasad Das
Department of Physics, University at Albany, 1400 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12222
October 26, 2012
Full Name:
I will attend (please circle the appropriate choice):
(A) All events
(B) Scientific sessions with breakfast, lunch and tea
(C) Some scientific sessions
(D) Dinner and evening session
(E) Evening session only
I will have ______guests for dinner and evening session.
Do you need vegetarian only food?
Registration Fees and Payment
(A)Free for speakers, alumni, faculty members and students of Physics Department of University of Albany and their guests. Voluntary contributions will be appreciated.
(B)Others: $50 / person for all events, $25 / person for scientific sessions with breakfast, lunch and tea, $25 / person for dinner and evening session
Please send your payment with a check payable to, “UAS, University at Albany”, with the memo “Symposium for Professor Das” to the following address:
Leslie Saint-Vil
Assistant to the Chair, Physics Department
Physics 215,
University at Albany
1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222
Comments or notes:
Deadline for registration: October 18, 2012