Cheat Method – proper distance from tee

  • Inside pitch – bat distance at 45 degree angle from front knee to tee
  • Middle pitch – bat distance at 10 degree angle from front knee to tee
  • Outside pitch – bat distance 0 degrees from mid-thigh of front leg (batter standing up) to tee

Drill 1

Tunnel 1 and 2 –Live BP – Teach proper way to bunt, feet positioning, hand placement on the bat, how to control where the ball will go

  • Round 1- Bunt 5 down 3rd baseline
  • Round 2 –Bunt 5 down 1st baseline
  • Round 3 – push bunt towards 2nd past pitcher
  • Round 4- hit away (15 pitches)
  • Work on pull hitting inside middle pitch (5)
  • Work on backside hitting (5)
  • Work on driving up the middle (5)
  • Situational hitting (have a plan when you enter the batters box) (5)

Drill 2

Live BP

Tunnel 1- Tee Work

  • Tee 1 – Insider bat (Middle pitch)
  • Tee 2 – 1 arm (front arm)
  • Tee 3 – 1 arm (rear arm)

Tunnel 2- Live BP

  • Round 1- hit away (15 pitches)
  • Round 2-Work on pull hitting inside middle pitch (5)
  • Round 3 - Work on backside hitting (5)
  • Round 4 - Work on driving up the middle (5)
  • Round 5 - Situational hitting (have a plan when you enter the batters box) (5)

Drill 3

Tunnel 1 Live BP – Bunting

  • Round 1- Bunt 5 down 3rd baseline
  • Round 2 –Bunt 5 down 1st baseline
  • Round 3 – push bunt towards 2nd past pitcher
  • Round 4- hit away (15 pitches)
  • Work on pull hitting inside middle pitch (5)
  • Work on backside hitting (5)
  • Work on driving up the middle (5)

Tunnel 2- Live BP

  • Round 1- hit away (15 pitches)
  • Round 2-Work on pull hitting inside middle pitch (5)
  • Round 3 - Work on backside hitting (5)
  • Round 4 - Work on driving up the middle (5)
  • Round 5 - Situational hitting (have a plan when you enter the batters box) (5)

Drill 4 – Most effective use of field time (need 3 coaches – 1 pitcher and 2 hitting infielders grounders)

MLB Batting Practice- Screen behind 2nd Base and plate

  • Pitching Coach – throws BP
  • All hits fielded by outfielders
  • Throw into player behind 2nd base screen put ball in bucket.
  • 3rd Baseline Coach- (Between Pitches) hitting infield fungoes to 1st and short
  • 1st baseline Coach – (Between Pitches) hitting infield fungoes to 2nd and 3rd
  • Infielders field the balls, using proper mechanics
  • Come up to simulated throw to first
  • Take 2 steps towards 1st base ( stay in the hallway)
  • Base runners working on situational running
  • Stealing on pitched balls in the dirt
  • Reading hits to the outfield
  • Turn your body to read the ball

Drill 5


  • Feet first
  • Straight Slide
  • Legs in the shape of a 4
  • Lead foot directly into the bag
  • Hands off the ground
  • Pop Up Slide
  • Legs in the shape of a 4
  • Lead foot directly into the bag
  • Hands off the ground
  • When foot hits the bag, pop up
  • Hook slide
  • slide to the side of the bag furthest from the tag
  • Grab the bag as you slide by
  • Head first – best for diving back to a base
  • Slide away from the tag

Defensive Drills - Infield

Drill 1

Ladder Drill - Proper Fielding (Infield) – 10 Min –

  • Place ladder on the ground
  • Place a ball every 2 squares and 1 ball 6ft from the end of the ladder
  • Rotate players through
  • Slow at first to ensure proper foot work and positioning
  • Step into position (right left)
  • Wide feet
  • Glove out in front
  • Butt is low
  • Hips are flexed ( thighs parallel to the ground)
  • Throwing hand between the ball and your face( as the ball get closer to your glove, throwing hand gets closer to the ball)

Drill 2

Fielding Drill ( 5 reps) 5 min

  • All players take a ball and set on the infield clay
  • Draw a triangle from the ball to proper feet position
  • Come into the ball, creating an angle, step into points of triangle (right left) FREEZE

Fielding to power position (5 Reps) 5 min

  • All players take a ball and set on the infield clay
  • Draw a triangle from the ball to proper feet position
  • Come into the ball, creating an angle, step into points of triangle (right left)
  • Come to power position FREEZE (check shoulder height, ball position, feet position

Fielding to simulated throw (5 Rep) 5 min

  • All players take a ball and set on the infield clay
  • Draw a triangle from the ball to proper feet position
  • Come into the ball, creating an angle, step into points of triangle (right left)
  • Come to power position
  • Simulate throw to 1st FREEZE ( check to make sure throwing arm crosses over front knee

Fielding to simulated throw taking momentum to the base (5 Reps)

  • All players take a ball and set on the infield clay
  • Draw a triangle from the ball to proper feet position
  • Come into the ball, creating an angle, step into points of triangle (right left)
  • Come to power position
  • Simulate throw to 1st
  • Follow simulated throw 2 steps towards base ( stay in the hallway)

Drill 3

Three Step Five Step 10 min ( this is for conditioning and proper fielding technique)

2 groups of 6 players

Group 1 – ()

Group 2 –()

  • Fielder starts in ready position
  • Coach rolls a ball about 3 feet to the right
  • Player fields the ball and throws back to coach (like standing figure 8 drill)
  • Coach then rolls the ball 6 feet to the left
  • Player fields the ball and throes back to coach (like standing figure 8 drill)
  • Coach then rolls the ball 6 feet to the right

Drill 4

6 min - Pitchers Infield Practice – ( work covering first and fielding throwing to first)

  • 3 Min -Grounders to first base. Pitcher covers 1st. (1st and Pitcher switch Lines)
  • Pitcher must stay inside the bag
  • 1st baseman must lead pitcher with toss
  • 3 min – Pitcher fields bunts and comebackers, makes throw to 1st base
  • Throw must be to inside of bag

Drill 5

6 min - Middle infield drills – players rotate in all positions

  • Work on fielding ground balls and feeding 2nd base
  • Fielder working on angling to the ball
  • 3 min -Flips to the bag
  • While separating the hands, fielder should push off in the direction of the bag extending the arm to the bag
  • 3 min - Throws to the bag
  • Throwers feet should be perpendicular (facing the bag)
  • SS throws to front corner of the bag
  • 2nd throws to back corner of the bag (CF Corner of bag)
  • Player receiving the ball at the bag
  • SS – swipe back foot across to power position for throw to 1st for double play
  • 2nd – left foot on the bag, push off with left foot to right leg, to power position throw to 1st for double play

Drill 6

2 techniques for tossing a ball-

  1. Underhand Toss – extend arm completely towards target, swing of a straight arm.( no flex in wrist or elbow)
  2. Counter Toss – thumb down, extend arm completely towards target.swing of a straight arm.( no flex in wrist or elbow)

2 Min – Box Drill Toss– TO THE LEFT - 4 cones in a square (left - SS feed to 2nd for double play)

  • Player at each cone
  • Player 1 takes crossover step, with their right foot, staying low, finishing high
  • Underhand toss to player to the left.Player 2 catch head high
  • Player will follow their toss and setup at that cone ready to receive another toss

2 Min – Box Drill Toss– TO THE RIGHT - 4 cones in a square (to the right - 2nd baseman double play)

  • Player at each cone
  • Player 1 shuffle to the right, staying low, arm swings in front, finishing high
  • Underhand toss to player to the right. Player 2 catch head high
  • Player will follow their toss and setup at that cone ready to receive another toss

2 Min – Box Drill Throw– 4 cones in a square (to the right - 2nd baseman double play)

  • Player at each cone
  • Player 1 receives the ball, turns upper body only throw to the right , staying low

2 Min – Box Drill Throw– 4 cones in a square (- SS feed to 2nd for double play)

  • Player at each cone
  • Player 1 receives the ball, jump turns to get body square to cone to the left
  • Feet should land right left
  • Make throw using upper body

Drill 7

12 min – Catchers Drills(2 catchers)

  • 30s (x6) – wall ball (2nd person throws lite flight balls from behind the catcher against wall. Catcher must use bare hand to catch or block ball in the dirt)
  • 30s – blocking from primary
  • 30s – blocking from secondary

2 min – Catch to power position (footwork)

Drill 8

15 min - Base running- (runners working on reading pitcher and sliding, pitchers working on moves)

Pitcher on the mound, first baseman set to receive pick move. ( 2 pitchers, 2 first baseman)

  • Pitchers moves
  • Set up – this is a controlled throw slower than pickoff move
  • Pick off – quick turn hard throw to first

Base runner get primary lead and reacts off pitcher movement

Drill 9

6 min - 1stbaseman and 3rd -


Group 2

1st Base -Working on stretch position

  • 2 min -Fielding short hops
  • 1 Min Glove Side
  • 1 Min Back hand
  • 4 min – Receiving balls from 3rd

3rd Base – Working on catches and tags

  • 1 min - From the field or outfield (side of the bag where the throw is coming from)
  • 1 min - From home on a steal (straddle the bag)
  • 4 min – Fielding
  • 1 Min Field grounders balanced

Field on the run throw to first. (off balance throws

Drill 10

Infield/Outfield Fingo/Base running – Simultaneous 12 Min

Rotate groups every 4 Min


Group 2 -

Group 3 –

Infield – 4min

  • Working on fielding
  • Taking angle to the ball
  • Good footwork on throws and around the bag
  • Throwing accuracy
  • Cut off responsibility on ball to the outfield

Outfield – 4 min

  • Working on fielding (fielding the ball on the run)
  • Taking angle to the ball
  • Throwing accuracy
  • Hitting correct cut off (situational based on runners)

Base Running – 4 min Situational running

  • Work on lead offs
  • Work on reading the ball off the bat
  • Using base coaches
  • Work on footwork at the bags

Drill 11

Infield Pop Ups – CALL THE BALL!

  • 2nd baseman
  • pop ups behind 1st base to 2nd base side of 2nd base
  • SS
  • Pop ups behind 3rd base to SS side of 2nd base

Drill 12

Bunt Coverage – The Wheel - No Slash Bunting!

  • 3rd base crashes
  • Pitcher crashes
  • Catcher crashes
  • 2nd baseman covers 2nd base
  • SS cover third

DK3 –

  • Less than 2 outs with 1st base open
  • 2 outs 1st base is open or occupied

Drill 13- Catchers

Catcher Blocking Drills

  • 1 min – Straight Ahead –
  • 1 min – Glove Side – Coach throws ball from 45 degree angle
  • 1 min- Arm Side – Coach throws ball from 45 degree angle
  • 2 Min – Half and Half – Coach throws half in the dirt and half in the air
  • 1 min – Rapid fire – coach throw balls in the air
  • Catcher must stop all balls in the dirt
  • Catch all balls in the air

Drill 14

Catcher Receiving Drills

  • 1 Min – Receive lite flight balls bare handed
  • Catch the balls between thumb and index finger
  • 1 Min – Receive balls from short distance
  • Coach throws balls from 15 ft
  • Catcher should be in a low relaxed position
  • Arm slightly out ahead of knees
  • 1 Min – Receive balls from Long Distance
  • Coach throws from 40 ft
  • Catcher should be in a low relaxed position
  • Arm slightly out ahead of knees
  • Quick Hands Drill
  • Catcher in relaxed balanced position
  • Coach rapid fires 15 balls
  • Catcher is to stop the ball with the glove NOT CATCH THE BALL

Drill 15

Catcher – Quick Feet Quick Recover Drills

  • 3 reps – Straight Blocking
  • 5 balls in a line spaced 2 feet apart
  • Throw glove behind the ball, knees hit after
  • Chest angled forward
  • Throwing hand behind glove
  • Chin down
  • Quick to feet
  • 3 reps – Angle Blocking
  • 5 balls in a zig zag – 1 foot off center line
  • Throw glove behind the ball
  • Drive ball side knee down to outside of the ball
  • Opposite leg drives hard to the side
  • Slide on the shin guards
  • Chest angled back to center line
  • Chin down
  • Throwing hand behind glove


Drill 16

20 min - Outfield work(NINE SKILLS DRILL)1 line in right field with coach receiving at 2nd or 3rd)

  • Outfielders (angle to the ball, charging the ball, fielding grounder on the run- players have to time the ball to field the ball beside their glove side foot)
  • Round 1: line players in medium-right field. Hit ground ball fungoes to their left with sufficient force to make them sprint to cut the balls off. Throw into second base. 2 balls each.
  • Round 2: line players in center field. Hit ground balls to their right in the gap. The throw is into third base.
  • Round 3: right field. Hit ground balls to their right, toward the left field foul line. The throw is into second.
  • Round 4: center field. Players field ground balls on the run and throw to the plate. Catcher takes throws at home.

Drill 17

Tree Drill – 15 Min

  • Set up cones
  • Glove side
  • Drop step (left foot for righty, opposite for lefty)
  • Crossover
  • Get behind the last cone to receive grounder or pop up from feeder
  • Move into the ball
  • Straight over head
  • Drop step (steep angle)
  • Crossover
  • Get behind the last cone to receive grounder or pop up from feeder
  • Move into the ball
  • Backhand Side
  • Drop step (right foot for righty, left for lefty)
  • Crossover
  • Get behind the last cone to receive grounder or pop up from feeder
  • Move into the ball