March 2008 - UPDATE information for those who have already undertaken Merton training in

Common Assessment Framework (CAF) / Information Sharing

As you are aware, the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) as a national initiative has been rolled out nationally since early 2006 across all agencies who have contact with children – with Merton having introduced this concept through it’s Multi-Agency Practitioner Handbook, the Child & Young Person Concern Model. Fuller CAF details through these Merton webpages and/or on the national website .

CAF Practitioner Champions being introduced in Merton ……

In response to suggestions for ongoing support following Common Assessment Framework (CAF) training, Merton CAF Training is setting up a CAF Practitioners Champions Group to facilitate just this. Already comprising some 17 members, including CAF trainers, we are seeking to have further representation from all agencies who will use the CAF. The Champion within your agency will be confident in undertaking CAFs and Child in Need Meetings, and will be available for support and guidance for those doing this for the first time. Or indeed for discussing concerns or issues that arise in ongoing practice.

CAF Practitioner Champions Group members have arranged initially to meet on a half-termly basis. This will be an opportunity to share experiences, to foster consistency in practice, to consolidate and embed good practice approaches, to explore solutions in problem areas. It will also allow for updating on developments both nationally and locally; and will allow opportunity to influence Merton policy and process through feedback to our Integrated Working Steering Group and the CAF Training Group.

So if you yourself would like to become your agency’s CAF Champion, or would like to nominate someone else to do so, feel free to contact us via .

Or if you are about to embark on your first CAF or Child in Need Meeting you may like to avail of your own agency’s CAF Champion support through this. Agency details on attached table.

We hope the Merton CAF Practitioners Champions will help us all in our aim to improve outcomes for all Merton’s children and young people

because ….. Every Merton Child does Matter…..

Model CAF Samples

A further support for post-CAF Training is to be the provision of a bank of model CAF records – the first two of which are now available below. These were drawn up in consultation with practitioners from relevant agencies, and we hope will prove to be a useful resource. Comments and observations welcomed to


Anna is a nine month old baby who has complex medical needs including a heart defect and epilepsy. She lives with her two parents and her 8 year old brother. The common assessment was done to consider eligibility for ‘short break’ provision for Mum as Anna needs monitoring 24 hours a day. The Early Support keyworker was the Lead Professional.

(Sample can be found on )

Richard is 14 years old. He lives with his mother, two sisters and one brother. Richard’s school attendance has dropped to 51%. His truanting and exclusions from school, combined with his risky behaviour, have raised concerns about his education, well-being and safety. The Lead Professional for the assessment was the Education Welfare Officer.

(Sample can be found on )

Amendments to the CAF Form:

In response to many requests and suggestions to simplify forms supporting CAF implementation, we have done the following:

Added a single front sheet to the CAF Form, highlighting it’s dual usage either as part of the Common Assessment Framework early intervention process OR to make a referral to another agency, and asking for nature of current usage to be indicated on the cover sheet

On this sheet reminding referee agencies to acknowledge receipt of referral; this acknowledgement in turn to be noted by CAF Lead Practitioner on Section D of the CAF form

Thus Merton’s CAF form, which some time ago already incorporated multi-agency CIN Meeting record, now also officially replaces the former Merton and Sutton Inter-agency Referral form. What was 3 separate forms (Referral Sheet; CAF Form; CIN Record) now simplified to one single overarching form.

Further smaller changes in response to requests:

The form is now divided into Sections A-F for ease of reference.

In Section E, the need to identify who is carrying through role of Lead Practitioner to next Review is highlighted; this further again highlighted as first entry for CIN Meeting attendees in Section F. This may be the same person who first picked up on additional needs for the child; but the lead role may well transfer to another practitioner or professional (as discussed in training). In any case there must always be a clearly identified lead recorded on the CAF as agreed with family and between practitioners involved.

Reminder at head of Section A to check for existing CAF when first considering undertaking one.

Some extra cues added into guide in Section C.

Remember to include EVIDENCE of strengths and needs in Section C

Don’t forget to complete Conclusions and Action Plan in Section D, including setting Review Date and identifying who continues through as Lead Professional. Also Section E for Consent, and updated current agency involvement in final Section F.


Updated CAF Training Schedule

As well as being updated regularly, the CAF Training schedule is amended periodically in response to demand and delivery logistics. Please do check this regularly for the latest information on training options by clicking on the Training Tab on the top left-hand side of this CAF Home Page.