1. Cost Extension
Before presenting a request for cost extension:
-Discuss and agree with ECHO field expert. It is better, but not necessary, to have a written exchange of e-mails,
-Check, with the ECHO expert, the funding decisions in order to know if the extension is possible, and for how many months
-Submit to ECHO the request for the extension together with the first report (interim or pre-final report); otherwise, send the request for the cost extension separately
- Letter of transmission
-A letter of transmission must be prepared explaining briefly the object of the transmission. The request of cost extension must be specified in the subject of the letter of transmission.
(Example of letter of transmission)
Protocol No………Date……
D.G. Humanitarian Aid- Echo
SUBJECT: Grant Agreement:…………………………
Narrative and Financial Interim Report
Request of Cost Extension
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please find enclosed the Narrative and Financial Interim Report relative to the above mentioned Agreement.
We also take the opportunity to transmit the request for a ….. months’ cost extension, as per the details included in the attached documents ( single form, logical framework, work plan, budget).
As requested, we are transmitting two paper copies and an electronic version.
Yours sincerely,
Name of the responsible of the organization
- Single form
While preparing the interim report, the single form must be updated in order to include the request for cost extension. The relevant parts of the Single form must be completed to provide all the details regarding:
- the reasons for the need for a cost-extension
- the duration of the cost extension
- the changes in the activities and in the activity schedule
- the changes in the number and composition of beneficiaries
- the supplementary budget requested
You will find below some useful indications on the integrations to be done to the interim report concerning the cost extension.
2.1.Date(s) of assessment
2.2.Method and sources of information used
2.3.Organisation/person(s) responsible for the assessment
2.4.Problem statement and stakeholder analysis
2.5.Findings of the assessment
It is very important to indicate, with details and figures, the onset of new needs that require a significant extension of the program and justify the request for a cost extension.3.STRATEGY OF THE HUMANITARIAN ORGANISATION
3.2Linkbetween operation, the findings of the assessment and the problemstatement
Indicate the changes in the operation brought by the cost extension3.5.Have you discussed this proposal with ECHO's technical assistance office in the country/region of operation?
Report the discussions held with ECHO field officer4.OPERATIONAL FRAMEWORK
4.2Exact location of the operation
Update this paragraph if the cost extension includes a geographical extension of the operation.4.5 Duration in months
Indicate clearly in this section the duration of the requested cost extension ( n° of months)4.5.Beneficiaries
4.5.1.Total number of direct beneficiariesSpecify possible changes in the number of beneficiaries
4.5.2.Identify the status of and give details on the beneficiaries:
Indicate any changes in the status of the beneficiaries in comparison with the proposal
4.5.3.Catchment population
Indicate any changes in the status of the beneficiaries in comparison with the proposal
4.5.6.Sectors of activity
Indicate any changes in the sectors of activity in comparison with the proposal
4.5.7.Give the following information for each sector
- Total number of direct beneficiaries
- Types of beneficiaries and number of beneficiaries per type
- Location
4.8.Results and indicators
Insert possible new results and specify for each new result indicators and sources of verification4.9.Activities
Insert and describe new activities or describe the changes in the activities included in the proposal. Indicate possible modifications in the activity schedule directly related to the cost extension and specify the activity schedule for the new activities.4.10.Work plan
Indicate the change in the timing of the activities related to the request for cost extension. Update the work plan and insert it as an annex.4.11.Monitoring, evaluation and external audit
Insert and explain all the changes related to monitoring, evaluation and external audit due to the request for cost extension6.RESOURCES REQUIRED
6.1.Total budget (point 11.1.)
Insert the total budget required under the cost extension; indicate and justify the modification to the total budget. Indicate and justify in detail the elements to be amended in the budget in each of the relevant sub-categories:6.2. Human resources
6.2.1.Staff included in Title 1: “Goods and services delivered to the beneficiaries”6.2.2.Staff included in Title 2: “Support costs”
6.3.Material resources
6.3.1.Equipment needed. Describe the procedure to be followed for the procurement of equipment.6.3.2.Goods to be purchased. Describe the procedure to be followed for the awarding of contracts.
6.3.3.If the operation requires the purchase of medicines and/or medical equipment: Do you have standard procedures for the purchase, handling and storage of these medicines/equipment?
Yes No
10.3.Implementing partner(s)
10.3.1.Name and address of implementing partner(s)Indicate if the cost extension involves a different partner
10.3.2.Role of implementing partner(s) in this operation
Indicate if the cost extension implicate a different role of the ancient partners of the project, explain the role in the project of the new partners
10.3.3.Type of relationship with implementing partner(s)
Explain the relationship with the new partners
10.3.4.History of previous collaboration with implementing partner(s)
Complete with information about new partners
10.3.5.Name and title of the person(s) authorised to represent the implementing partner(s) with regard to this operation
Complete with information about the new partner
10.4. Contractor(s) and procedure envisaged for the award of contracts
10.4.1. Name and address of contractor(s)10.4.2. Role of contractor(s) in implementing this operation
10.4.3.Describe the procedure followed for the selection of contractor(s)
Update this section if the cost extension requires new services or works: describe the procedures adopted for the awarding of the contracts.
11.1.Total budget of the operation:
In this section, keep the previous budget of the operation, then add a line in a different colour reading as follows: “Total budget requested under cost extension” and indicate the new budget of the operation.11.2.Contribution requested from European Community:
In this section, keep the previous contribution to the operation, then add a line in a different colour reading as follows: “Contribution requested from the European Community under cost extension” and indicate the new contribution to the operation.13.CONCLUSIONS AND PARTNER COMMENTS
In this section, summarise the main changes introduced with the cost extension and recall the main motivation behind this procedure.- Budget
It is necessary to include two different budgets, using the same format as for the “Interim financial report”.
The first one includes the amounts of the original budget (in the first column: “Initial”) with the indication of money spent (in the third column: “Actual budget”).
The second budget includes the amounts of the original budget (in the first column: “Initial”), the new amounts, for each item, requested under the cost extension (in the second column: “Modified budget”) and the indication of money spent (in the third column: “Actual budget”). In this second budget the “Total direct costs of the operation” and the “Total estimated Budget” must be calculated from the “Modified budget” column.
- Logical framework
Update the logical framework following the changes introduced by the cost extension. Insert the new results and activities with their respective indicators, sources of verification and resources. Modify the risks and the assumptions following the change brought by the cost extension
- Work Plan
Indicate the changes in the activities brought by the cost extension, both as relates to the activities previously programmed and the activities introduced under the cost extension.
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