The University of Kansas

Guidelines for Annual Performance Evaluation

for Unclassified Professional Staff

The University of Kansas requires that each unclassified professional staff member be provided an annual written performance evaluation by the employee's supervisor. Such performance evaluations for staff employees will reflect an impartial rating of the staff member's performance and potential for further advancement. Appraisals can be a positive means to assist professional staff members in improving job performance. They afford management the opportunity to make known university and departmental objectives and goals, and their expectations for the employee.

Unclassified professional staff performance evaluations should be conducted on an annual basis and will not reflect personal prejudice, bias, or favoritism on the part of those conducting the ratings or review.


§  To provide an annual written evaluation for each unclassified professional staff member in accordance with the Unclassified Professional Staff Evaluation Policy at

§  To provide adequate feedback to the employee about performance, identifying areas of strength and weakness, and providing direction for growth and improvement including, when appropriate, minimum level of improvement acceptable in problem areas.

§  To provide the employee an opportunity to review and discuss the past appraisal period.

§  To provide the employee and supervisor a structured opportunity to discuss ideas, goals, and feelings about job performance.

§  To provide the supervisor with sufficient and accurate information for making future decisions, including merit and job assignments for each unclassified professional staff member.


§  Careful consideration of the employee's performance during the entire rating period.

§  Self-evaluation by the employee through the Self-Evaluation and Annual Report of Activities form.

§  Completion of the Annual Performance Evaluation for Unclassified Professional Staff and the summary forms by the employee's supervisor.

§  An evaluation discussion with the employee, to be scheduled at least one week in advance of the formal evaluation.

§  Mutual understanding between the employee and the supervisor about goals and expectations for future performance, to include understanding about responsibilities for the next rating period.


§  The Annual Performance Evaluation and Summary forms will be completed annually, and reviewed and discussed with the employee no later than the unit and/or University's deadline in any given year. The annual performance evaluation may also be used for special interim evaluations for unclassified professional staff members should problems of unsatisfactory performance occur.

§  Responsibilities listed in Part I should generally be taken from the employee's position description. Responsibilities consuming less than 5% of time need not be listed. If the job has evolved so that the position description is no longer an adequate reflection of job responsibilities, the supervisor should work toward mutual understanding with the employee about tasks to be listed for evaluation purposes and for revision of the position description accordingly. The supervisor has ultimate responsibility for outlining job responsibilities.

§  As much as possible, comments in Parts I, II, III, and IV should cite specific examples and/or objective and observable evidence to support the ratings given.

§  Because ratings of Unsatisfactory Work Performance (U) and Below Expectations (B) are considered unsatisfactory, these ratings should be accompanied by specific comments about how performance should improve. If an overall rating of U or B is given, it is important for the supervisor to work with the employee to develop an Action Plan for improving job performance; any areas in which performance expectations are not being met should be noted in Part IV of the Annual Performance Evaluation. The Action Plan should outline the problems with performance, the actions to be carried out to overcome the problems identified, the nature of the documentation or evidence to be presented as indicators of improvement, and the time frame within which the corrective actions are to occur.


§  The Self-Evaluation and Annual Report of Activities form should be given to the employee in advance of the formal evaluation be completed. The employee is responsible for completing the form and returning it to his or her supervisor at least two weeks prior to the formal evaluation date.

§  Goals for career development plans and objectives should be identified by the employee and reviewed with the supervisor during the formal evaluation. Part III of the Annual Performance Evaluation Form is the mechanism by which mutually agreed upon goals and objectives are identified for accomplishment during the next formal evaluation period. Goals should also be reviewed periodically throughout the rating period so they continue to reflect priorities assigned to the employee.

The University of Kansas

Annual Performance Evaluation

for Unclassified Professional Staff

Employee / Department
Official Job Title / Today’s Date
Evaluation Period / to
Type of Evaluation / Annual / Interim

INSTRUCTIONS: Prior to completing this evaluation, it is recommended that the supervisor review the job description of the unclassified professional staff member to be reviewed. Please evaluate this employee by considering the employee's overall job performance according to the following stated definition of terms and circle the letter which best describes this employee. Comments regarding job performance must be indicated whenever an employee's performance is unsatisfactory or below expectations. Comments are also strongly recommended to support all other appraisals. This evaluation must be reviewed and discussed with the employee. It is further recommended that the position description be reviewed with the employee at the same time.

DEFINITION OF TERMS: To be used in evaluating employee's work.

§  NE - No Evaluation - Skill not required or insufficient evidence to judge.

§  U - Unsatisfactory Work Performance - Seldom meets established standards; must improve for continued employment; steps may be taken to terminate employee.

§  B - Below Expectations - Work performance needs improvement; sometimes meets established standards but lacks consistency; seldom exceeds and often falls short of desired results; must improve for continued employment.

§  M - Meeting Expectations - Work performance meets and occasionally exceeds levels of performance; employee uses initiative to perform beyond normal work requirements on a regular basis.

§  E - Exceeding Expectations - Consistently meets and frequently exceeds expected levels of performance; employee uses initiative to perform beyond normal work requirements on a regular basis.

§  O - Outstanding Performance - Consistently meets and almost always exceeds expected levels of performance; employee exercises creativity to identify, develop and implement better ways to do the job, which improve effectiveness and efficiency.


Following are the responsibilities critical to the employee's position. (Refer to employee's position description).



Please rate the employee on the following abilities and characteristics that contribute to the employee's job performance by circling the appropriate letter. Comments regarding job performance must be indicated wherever an employee's performance is unsatisfactory or below expectations.

JOB KNOWLEDGE - Demonstrated professional, administrative, supervisory, and/or specialized knowledge required to perform the job. / NE / U / B / M / E / O
QUALITY OF WORK - Completes assignments with thoroughness and accuracy; demonstrates ability to achieve quality results. / NE / U / B / M / E / O
QUANITY OF WORK - Demonstrates ability to manage several responsibilities simultaneously; demonstrates willingness and ability to carry a fair share of the workload. / NE / U / B / M / E / O
PLANNING AND ORGANIZING - Plans and organizes work, coordinates activities with others, and establishes appropriate priorities. / NE / U / B / M / E / O
MANAGEMENT - Demonstrates competence and integrity in fulfilling responsibilities specific to the management of budgets and other resources. / NE / U / B / M / E / O
DEPENDIBILITY - Monitors projects and exercises follow through, adheres to time frames, and is on time for meetings and appointments. / NE / U / B / M / E / O
JUDGMENT, CRITICAL THINKING, AND DECISION MAKING - Effectively analyzes problems, determines appropriate action for solutions, and exhibits timely and decisive action; demonstrates competence in the use of analytical techniques and methodologies. / NE / U / B / M / E / O
DELEGATION AND SUPERVISION - Demonstrates ability to direct others in accomplishing work, effectively selects and motivates staff, encourages career development for staff or does timely performance of appraisals of staff. / NE / U / B / M / E / O
INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS - Maintains positive work relationships with supervisor(s) and co-workers. / NE / U / B / M / E / O
COMMUNICATION - Expresses ideas clearly both orally and in writing; listens well and responds appropriately. / NE / U / B / M / E / O
INTEGRITY - Represents self and situations honestly, understands and maintains confidentiality. / NE / U / B / M / E / O
INITIATIVE - Is a self-starter, seeks and assumes greater responsibility for areas within and outside of immediate area of responsibility, monitors projects independently and follows through appropriately, demonstrates ability to work independently. / NE / U / B / M / E / O
CREATIVITY - Offers innovative ideas that contribute to meeting assignment objectives and departmental goals. / NE / U / B / M / E / O
FLEXIBILITY - Adapts to change; accepts new ideas and approaches to work; responds appropriately to criticism and to suggestions for work improvement; seeks and uses advice appropriately. / NE / U / B / M / E / O
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT - Keeps professional knowledge up to date and seeks to increase job knowledge through additional course work, seminars and reading; demonstrates ability to apply new information to enhance effectiveness on the job. / NE / U / B / M / E / O
COMMITMENT TO DEPARTMENT AND UNIVERSITY AA/EEO GOALS - Clearly understands and communicates policies and goals relevant to AA/EEO. / NE / U / B / M / E / O
ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT AND ADAPTABILITY - Effectively represents the University to internal and external groups; adheres to established policy and initiates changes to established policy when appropriate, through proper channels; is sensitive to complex organizational relationships and situations. / NE / U / B / M / E / O


To complete the following section, please refer to the employee's Self-Evaluation and Annual Report of Activities form. Based upon the goals and objectives as identified by the employee on the Self-Evaluation form, identify below the goals/objectives discussed by the supervisor and employee to be accomplished during the next formal evaluation period.



Summarize the major strengths and weaknesses of this employee.


The following Action Plan should identify those areas in which the employee should seek to improve during the next year. As appropriate, refer to specific areas of job responsibilities covered under Part I of this form. Outline below the problems with performance, the actions to be carried out to overcome the problems identified, the nature of the documentation or evidence to be presented as indicators of improvement, and the time frame within which the corrective actions are to occur.


I have helped prepare this Action Plan and have been informed regarding my areas of unsatisfactory performance that require improvement.

Evaluator / Date Completed
Signature of Person Evaluated / Date

(Signature indicates that the evaluation has been discussed with the unclassified staff member and does not necessarily imply consent.)

The University of Kansas

Annual Performance Evaluation

Summary Report for Unclassified Professional Staff

Employee’s Name / Type of Evaluation / Annual
Employee’s Immediate Supervisor / Interim
Evaluation Period / to
Working Job Title / Official Job Title
Current Date / Initial Employment Date
Date of Last Evaluation

Complete the following sections after conducting the performance evaluation. Provide one copy of the annual performance evaluation and the evaluation summary report to the employee; the original of both reports is to be maintained for departmental records. Rank the employee's overall work performance in terms of his or her job description by checking one of the following general groupings:

Unsatisfactory Performance
Below Expectations
Meeting Expectations
Exceeding Expectations
Outstanding Performance
Explanation of employee's overall performance rating by supervisor:
Supervisor’s Signature / Date

Your signature indicates a performance evaluation form has been completed and a copy given to the employee.

Employee's comments concerning his or her performance evaluation: (If employee disagrees with the overall rating, please explain here).
Employee’s Signature / Date

Your signature confirms that this performance evaluation has been discussed with you and that you have received a copy of the performance evaluation and this form, but does not necessarily imply consent.

The University of Kansas

Annual Performance Evaluation

Summary Report for Unclassified Professional Staff

This page is to be completed by employee being evaluated.

Name / Date
Department / Position Title

Performance evaluations are intended to provide two-way communication between you and your immediate supervisor regarding your job performance. By completing this form, you ensure that your concerns and comments are acknowledged prior to your annual performance evaluation and discussed during the appraisal interview. Completing the form and returning it to your supervisor at least two weeks prior to your formal evaluation date is your responsibility.

1. / List and/or describe major accomplishments or contributions you have made in your job since the last performance evaluation. This may include special projects, assignments or overall improvement in job performance.
2. / List and/or describe any difficulties or obstacles that hindered your accomplishments during the past year that made you less effective than you could have been. Identify any direction or support needed to increase your effectiveness.
3. / Career Development involves setting realistic, but challenging, goals. Describe your career development plans and objectives.
A. Short Range (next rating period):
B. Long Range (beyond next rating period):
4. / Describe the progress you have made on your major established goals during this evaluation period. What resources or assistance do you need to achieve these goals?
5. / List any professional development activities, such as additional education, experience and/or training that you have received during the last year that has enhanced your effectiveness.
6. / What type of service (such as search committees, internal or external committees, or other activities) would you be interested in for the future?
7. / List any questions, concerns or comments you would like to discuss during your performance evaluation review:
8. / Overall, do you feel that your progress this year meets your expectations, exceeds your expectations, or reflects outstanding performance?
Signature / Date

Department of Human Resources & Equal Opportunity