Chemistry 4632
Spring 2009
Laboratory: M or W 1:30 – 5:20 p.m. Room 283 Chemistry
Instructor: Dr. Teresa D. Golden (Room 279 Chemistry, 565-2888 )
Teaching Assistants: Heidi Conrad and Vallerie DeLeon (Room 225 Chemistry and ) Office Hours: MWF 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Course Material: Handouts in class. The labs will cover spectroscopy, electrochemistry, chromatography, and selected topics. A calculator, goggles, ruler, and bound lab notebook are required for every lab. All notations, calculations and results are to be included in this lab book for each experiment. The TA must sign this book at the end of each lab.
Lab Reports: A formal lab report will be due at the next class period for every lab. This report must include: introduction and theory, experimental section, results, discussion, calculations, graphs, answers to questions, etc. The student will not only be graded on content but also neatness and readability.
Exams: The final is scheduled for 5/11/2009 from 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. in Room 283.
Grading: The final lab grade will be calculated using the following: 10% lab book, 10% lab technique and 80% lab reports.
*Absolutely no make-up labs will be given without a signed physician’s note.
Guaranteed Course Grade:
A – 90% B – 80% C – 70% D – 60% F < 60%
Additional Information:
(a) According to University policy, the grade of I (incomplete) cannot be given as a substitute for a failing grade in a course.
(b) Statement of ADA Compliance: The chemistry department cooperates with the Office of Disability Accommodations to make reasonable accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. If applicable, please present your request along with an official written verification from the ODA before the end of the first week of classes.
Chemistry 4632 Spring 2009
Course Outline
Week of Lab Assignment
1/26 UV Spectroscopy: Mole-ratio and Method of Continuous Variation
2/2 UV Spectroscopy: Electronic Transitions in Organic Molecules
2/9 Infrared Spectroscopy: Spectra of Aldehydes and Ketones
2/16 Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Determination of Fluorescein in Antifreeze
2/23 Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy: Determination of Ca, Fe, and Cu in Food
3/2 Potentiometry: Ion selective electrode, Fluoride in Water and Toothpaste
3/9 Conductivity: Experiment: Analgesics
3/16 Spring Break
3/23 Voltammetry: CV of Vitamin C w/ graphite electrodes
3/30 NMR Demo and Takehome: Proton and 13C of C6Hx
4/6 Gas Chromatography: Hydrocarbons & Gasoline
4/13 GC/MS: Volatile Organics
4/20 High Performance Liquid Chromatography: Caffeine
4/27 X-ray Diffraction: Metal Determination
5/4 TGA and DSC
5/11 Final Exam, 10:30-12:30 p.m. Rm 283
*The above schedule is tentative and labs may be switched depending on availability of instrumentation. Students may not be assigned labs in the order above.
Chemistry 4632
Spring 2009
Laboratory Write-up Procedure
I. Title Page
Contains name, title of experiment, date of experiment, date due.
II. Introduction (30 pts)
A brief explanation of the experiment, including the purpose of the experiment, the general procedure, and a brief discussion of the basic principles involved in the instrument used (consult your book or other books in the library over the topic).
III. Instrumentation (30 pts)
Drawing of the instrumentation, or experimental set-up, label all major components. Instrument schematics must be done by hand, additional cut and paste figures can be included but cannot be substituted for the instrument schematic. This is a schematic of the inside of the instrument, such as light path, cell design, etc. Also must include a box diagram (by hand) of the instrument used with all components labeled correctly (i.e. source- xenon lamp, focusing lens, quartz sample cell, slit, PMT detector, readout, computer, etc.).
IV. Results and Discussion (40 pts)
This should include all data presented in tables or graphs, at least one sample calculation of each type involved, and the results and discussion of their accuracy, meaning, and value. All results must have units, and should be shown with their uncertainty when applicable, standard deviation being the most common. All graphs must be done in either Excel or Origin software. If a least squares fit is used then it should be mentioned. Any curve fitting analysis must be listed and explained.
All lab reports are due one week from the date performed and must be turned in to the TA during the lab. Labs turned in after the due date will have points deducted.