/ St. Helen’sPrimary School & Cygnets Flying Start
Vincent Street, Sandfields.
Swansea SA1 3TY
Headteacher: Mr. M.S. Thompson, B.A. Ed.(Hons), NPQH
Deputy Headteacher: Mrs. N. Fredrickson, B.A.Ed. (Hons)
Flying Start Childcare Manager: Mrs.A.Cable
: (01792) 655763
: (01792) 470019
follow us on twitter: @sthelensp /
Annwyl / Dear Parent,
We welcome you and your child to St Helen’s School and hope that the years spent here will be both happy and rewarding. The information in this prospectus is intended to help in introducing you and your child to the school.
Each year we have numerous visitors to the school, and it is pleasing to note how many pass unsolicited comments on the high quality of the learning environment and relationships within the school. The school is justifiably proud of its reputation for academic, sporting and aesthetics achievement and its concern for the individual child, both in terms of welfare and educational; and extra-curricular provision. We work on the premise that each child is entitled to the highest quality educational experience that can be provided.
As a parent, there are a number of things you can do to help us:
do reassure your children about school; talk to them about their teacher, the activities they are doing, the friends they are making, and above all, the happy time which they will have;
do keep us informed of any significant details relating to your child’s education, tell us of any circumstances which might have a bearing on the way in which your child reacts with school. This information will be regarded as confidential and will help us to care more effectively for your child;
do not hesitate to come and see us at any time if there is a matter you wish to discuss, or any anxiety you wish to share. Remember, however that some things are better discussed away from your child, at a time when the teacher is free to talk to you.
You may be sure that we will do our best for your child. The staff are highly skilled at assessing each pupil’s individual level of development and then supporting them in moving, at their own pace, towards their full potential. We work hard to ensure all children feel good about themselves are tolerant and respectful of others and acquire a high level of self -esteem.
We wish your child a happy introduction to the school and successful and enjoyable progress while he/she is with us. We strongly believe that your involvement in this process is crucial and we hope we are working with your child. We are keen to have parental involvement at all levels and if you have any spare time to come into school and work with us, you will be made very welcome.
Yr eiddoch yn gywir / Yours sincerely,
Mark Thompson Pennaeth / Headteacher