Larne House Short-term Holding Centre
People picked up in N Ireland used to be detained within the prison system locally but are now sent to Larne House short-term residential holding unit, Larne, Co. Antrim. (Because some immigration infringements are criminal offences, a few foreign nationals may also be in the NI prison system.) Detainees are held at Larne for a maximum of seven days prior to the majority being removed directly from the UK. A few are moved to Scotland, or released – in some cases to put in a claim for asylum. Larne House opened in 2011 as an alternative to holding people in police custody suites prior to removal or transfer, as this was inappropriate. The centre is run by Tascor, on behalf of the Home Office. It comprises the refurbished custody area of a police station and so is quite claustrophobic with small rooms, narrow corridors and little natural light. The staff, however, seem amenable to pre-arranged visits by friends and family. Concerns have been expressed that some detainees may not have been offered access to legal representation. This was in spite of a written answer from Immigration Minister Damien Green to a question from Naomi Long MP
People detained at Larne House are advised of their rights from the outset of detention. They are given access to legal advice at any time during their stay at the facility. Assistance provided includes help from immigration and custody staff, and information leaflets and posters about how and where to access legal advice. Detainees also have free phone and internet access and private rooms for meetings with legal representatives.
The NI Policing Board annual Human Rights Report for 2012 recorded concern over the continued use of police custody to hold immigration detainees; 228 people had been detained in this way for immigration offences between 1 April 2011 and 31 March 2012 and there were a further 146 immigration detainees between 1 July 2011 and 31 March 2012. The board asked the PSNI to explain why UKBA were continuing to use police custody suites while Larne House is available. In 2013 the Board was told that people were still detained in police cells because they had been arrested for having committed offences, but an agreement for the PSNI to be reimbursed for the time spent in police custody should speed up transfers to Larne.
NI Human Rights Commission (NIHRC) concerns
In April 2013 the NIHRC published its submission to the UN Committee Against Torture. The chapter on immigration detention expressed concern that, in spite of the opening of the Larne House Short-Term Holding Unit, some people are still being detained for over six days in police custody suites that are unsuitable for this purpose (see above). They are also unhappy that detainees must self-identify if they are victims of torture, rather than being identified by medical professionals. There was further anxiety that speed and secrecy of removals may prevent the identification of victims of trafficking. There was also concern that Larne House was not being inspected frequently enough by the Home Office and the NIHRC wanted more information about oversight by the Independent Monitoring Board in Glasgow. No permanent arrangements had been put in place for lay custody visitors to inspect Larne House at that time. These concerns about human rights should not reflect negatively on the staff at Larne House. Detainees report fair treatment while they are there.
Prior to the opening of Larne House, Richard Kerr (in his capacity as Race Relations Panel Convenor of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland) had been in discussion with the UKBA about the provision of chaplaincy services to the Detention Unit. In 2011 a 'religious advice and support group', made up mainly of clergy from a number of denominations in the Larne area, was formed, and training and orientation was provided by UKBA and Reliance (who ran Larne House before Tascor). Members of this group visit the unit on a regular rota basis and are 'on call' as required. Interaction with staff and detainees has been largely positive and appreciated.