Summer fun Wednesdays
June 13• June20• July 18• August 1 • August 8
For questions regarding TKO “Big” Kids contact Bro. John Woods at or regarding “Little” Kids contact Carrie Roddy at . Please call 512-251-3052 to reach them by phone. Forms are available M-TH in the church office or the FBC Kids table in the Worship Center on Sundays.
Requirements and Specifics for “ALL” Kids, Little and Big:
- Each child must have a Medical Release/Permission to Participate form on file to participate in and/or be transported for TKO.
- TKO “Little” Kids is open to children who regularly attend FBC, Wee Ones, or Awana.
- TKO “Big” Kids may invite friends if space is available.
- The cost for each TKO day is $15 per child. Sign-up is available for 1 day, some days, or all days.
- Sign-up a minimum of one week in advance of activity is required (with payment and registration form).
- No money or forms will be collected the day of activity.
- Space is limited, especially in preschool. Registration with payment holds child’s space. Once a class fills, a waiting list will be available.
- Each child needs to bring a sack lunch including a drink, unless otherwise instructed.
- Activities are subject to change without notice, although as much advance notice as possible will be given when a TKO activity changes.
Requirements and Specifics for “BIG” Kids:
- Parent participation is needed and required for at least one Bible study TKO day. Contact Bro. John Woods (Children’s Pastor) at to sign-up for a day you can help and let us know if you are available to help transport children. We will need a minimum of six adults per day/activity.
- Bible study is mandatory for child to participate in activity for the day.
- “Big” kids can bring other spending money at parents’ discretion, but each child will be responsible for his/her own money.
- Please arrive on time, as we will be departing to different sites on indicated days.
- Please dress modestly and appropriate for each activity.
- Please note the arrival and pick-up times of each “Big” Kids TKO day, as they are not all the same.
See “schedules” on back
TKO“little” kids 2018
Age 1 – Kindergarten (2017-2018 School Year)
Time: 10 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Bring: A Sack Lunch with a Drink
Little kids get to play fun games, do activities, make crafts, go outside to play, bring a sack lunch from home to enjoy, have library time, have Bible time, and the littlest ones (ages 1-2) have rest time. All activities are at the church.
June 13•FBC Fun Day
June 20•FBC Fun Day
July 18•FBC Fun Day + Bounce House
August 1 •FBC Fun Day
August 8 • FBC Fun Day + Splash Day(wear a swim suit under clothes
bring a towel +clothes to change into)
Tko “big” kids 2018
Ages 1st Grade – 6th Grade (2017-2018 School Year)
Activities are subject to being changed, adjusted, or switched. As much advance notice as possible will be given.
2018 Activities
June 13•Animal World and Snake Farm or Jump Street…10:00-3:00
- Bring Sack Lunch with a Drink
- Worship & Bible Study, 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. followed by Sack Lunch.
- Jump Street Waiver Required (to be determined)
June 20•The Thinkery…10:00-3:00
- Bring Sack Lunch with a Drink
- Worship & Bible Study, 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. followed by Sack Lunch.
July 18•Gattiland/Pizza/Movie/Games …10:00-3:00
- Pizza Buffet and Games Provided
- Worship & Bible Study, 10a.m.- 11:30a.m. followed by Gattiland Lunch
August 1 • Austin Aquarium and Chick-Fil-A Lunch…10:00-3:00
- Chick-Fil-A Lunch Provided
- Worship & Bible Study, 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. followed by
August 8•End of Summer Kids Blast / Main Event …9:00-3:00 (Earlier Start Time)
- Lunch Provided at Main Event
- Drop Off at Church 9:00 a.m.; Depart 9:20 a.m.
- Main Event 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.