Minutes of meeting held on Thursday 26 June 2014 in the church.

1.Apologies were received from Cllr M.Hicks,Lee and Penny Bateman,John and Lucy Graham, Keith Little,Richard and Margi Hawkins and George and Marcia Vojtisek.

13 members of the parish were present.


2.1The minutes of the meeting held on 24 April 2014 were unanimously approved.

2.2.Matters arising . Appointment of a treasurer: Kathy Latter has agreed to carry on for another year and Janet as an understudy to take over next year. Simon Henderson proposed and Helen Little seconded.

3.Mr Billy Maurice –the PCSO gave a brief report to the effect that there had been no reported crimes in the last 12 months period. This was his final visit as he is joining Devon and Cornwall Police. Mr.Paul O’ Dwyer will be assuming responsibility for his role.

Lowerdale Road

4.1Cllr Rufus Gilbert responded to complaints about the Lowerdale Road. He told the meeting that Mr. Mark Dauncey of DCC had been delegated to resolve the issue. The road is a category 9 road. Mr and Mrs David Merrin had made proposals to the council to contribute towards the repair and have been in regular correspondence with Mr Dauncey and Mr Keys but no agreement had yet been reached. Other similar roads in the area have been resurfaced and this one has been neglected.

4.2 The chairman offered to write a letter on behalf of the parish to Mr.Dauncey and it was suggested that others also do so. He was aware of at least one vehicle that that been badly damaged in a pothole. He had inspected the road with PCSO Morris that evening and it was clear that it could not be safely traversed especially during the hours of darkness. The parish need to raise the profile of this road and persuade the council that it is an asset.

Cllr Gilbert agreed to chase the matter up with Mr.Dauncey as Mr and Mrs Merrin indicated that they were awaiting a response to their latest proposal.

Parish Accounts

5. The accounting statements and the annual governments statement for 2013/2014 were put before the meeting an unanimously approved .

Wind Farm update:

6. The chairman reported that the decision to refusal planning for the Wind Turbine at Torr Quarry is going to appeal on the papers. He expressed his thanks to Mr John Graham for his assistance in preparing a further letter representation.

Burial grounds

7.The message is don’t die ,we have no here to bury you-new burial grounds are needed.


8 £983.62 is available for WAG related activities = there being no fireworks party this year. .

It was proposed to have a village BBQ - possibly an afternoon event and to purchase meat which can be frozen if the weather is unsuitable. A provisional date of 6 September 2014 was dropped as this clashes with the Kingsbridge Show. An alternative of 20 September 2014 was suggested.


9. Churchill Corner - Richard Latter and Helen Little are to come up with a planting scheme for Churchill Corner. A provisional budget of £200 has been agreed.

There being no other business the meeting was adjourned.
