SS SLO Fun Minutes
Meeting called by Deb Luff
Present: Sherri Goldberg, Kim Beyrer, Sharlene Tran, and Diane Belair
- Welcome to the two new SLO Fun Committee members, Sharlene and Deborah Knowles
- Outgoing member: Many THANKS to Sherri Goldberg for her leadership and contribution of “fun” provided to this committee. Happy Retirement and best of luck in your future!
- Kim Beyrer and Diane Belair will be sharing the chair position.
- Deb Luff –
- The Student Services Program Review and SLO’s chart was shared with emphasis placed on SS Areas still in need of providing information to complete the form. SLO Fun liaisons to those identified areas will provide additional support to the area SLO reporter.
- Review of the SLO report in EXCEL combining all data gathered during the last program review cycle.
- Some areas still need to submit data.
- The goal is to have all areas completed so that the reports can be posted online prior to the accreditation visit.
- Deb Luff –
- A follow up meeting with Elaine Ader and Jarom Burbano will be set up early next week to review the progress of the online reporting tool being developed by IT. Deb will develop an agenda and lead the meeting.
- Sherri volunteered to update the online form with the data currently on the temporary EXCEL form.
- Discussion:
- Updated the liaison list – see below
- Sharlene volunteered to add minutes and update the SS SLO website.
- Kim will assist in Sharlene gaining the required access.
- Discussed ways to “file store” the actual data results compiled by individual Student Services Areas. A plan will be put in place for future introduction to reporters.
- Google Doc?
- Shared drive with limited access (Deans, SLO Fun Committee members and Area reporters)?
- PDF – would need to specify Word or EXCEL?
- In the future might there be an option to attach a file in the online reporting system?
- An additional meeting will take place this month to acquaint the newest members to the charge of the SLO Fun Committee.
- Deb suggested that Jarom attend the October 20th Student Services Area Rep. meeting to share the online reporting system.
- Announcement: Sherri shared that she was contacted by City College of San Francisco regarding the information available on the SCC website/ SS SLO page. She was asked “How are you doing this?” Great job everyone!!
Student Services Area Liaisons:
Kim – SLD, EOPS, CAC, Umoja, International Center, VRC
Deborah- DSPS, Workability, RISE, CW
Diane – Counseling areas, PALS, Puente, HCD, Men of Color?
Sharlene – Assess, FA, A&R, (Orientation , Senior Saturday, etc.)