RIPwe remember with love and thanksgivingthe life of:

  • Gerdi Merritt, who has recently departed this life; and of
  • Thomas Newton (12th); William Nickolay (13th) – whose Anniversaries fall at this time.

For healing and other needs: Tricia Bevan; Phil Brown; Anne Keatley-Clarke; Pam Storey; Garry Williams.

Long term sick:Kayode Bello; Sam Hanson; Mary Kirkup; Joan Oxenham; Chris Robins; Jacob Sawyer.

For our Church Families:Jane Williams; Gary Williams; Martin, Ann. Joseph & Maria Whalen; Ros Williams; Martin Wise; Avice & Anushka Wright; Barbara Wood; Valerie Walwyn; Christopher & Joshua Burton; Myra Westall.

Happy Birthday to:Sheila Tucker (7th); Gladys Horsley (8th); Tom Williams & Stepanie Lawrence (10th); Keisma Tshekoeng & Mark Jones (11th); Dianne Bidder, Daphne Dyer & Emilda Mushonga (12th); Anna Dias (13th).

The Parish: Hodson Close; Merlins Avenue; Stuart Avenue; Walton Avenue.

The ChurchFather, we ask as your children to share in the glory of Your Transfiguration: may we reflect it to others.

The Persecuted ChurchVietnam: “Donh”, a Christian for just a year, was beaten by a policeman and a group of youths at the start of July after refusing to give up his faith. "The cop used his baton and assaulted Donh on his head and on the back of his neck. The cop came with about 20 young men with clubs and big knives and beat him [until they thought he was dead]. The local authorities also kept tabs on Donh and his family, and found out that on Sundays he would take his wife and son by motorbike out of the village to a church 60km away. "They came to his house more than once, trying to force him to deny his faith in the Lord, but he refused. And because of this, they destroyed his house, savaged his crops, and kicked him out of the village.”

The Diocese –Capital Vision 2020:please pray for new worshipping communities across the Diocese starting in the autumn.

Ourselves and the Nationbless us Father, lead us through this summer holiday, hold and protect us from all evil of any sort. Keep us firmly under your protection.

Prayer of the WeekRadiant God, source of light, as you surrounded Jesus with your glory, so you come to us in penetrating brightness. Radiant God, fill us with light and courage to carry good news into all the corners of the world and to bring back the joy of your presence.


89 Malvern Avenue Harrow HA2 9ER. 020 8422 3633

Registered Charity No. 1131727


9.45am: Parish Communion
with Prayers for Healing
Please come to the Hall afterwards for Coffee, Tea and Fellowship
We welcome Revd Linda Hillier
as our Celebrant today
Monday - Friday
9.00 am Morning Prayer [cw]
Saturday: 8.30am Barnabas Fellowship / 9.45 am Parish Communion
Isaiah 5: 1-7
Hebrews 11: 29 – ch.12: 2
StLuke 12: 49-56

Today's Collect


GOD,you declare your almighty power most chiefly in showing mercy and pity:

mercifully grant to us such a measure of your grace that we, running the way of your commandments, may receive your gracious promises, and be made partakers of your heavenly treasure;

through Jesus Christyour Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Readings:Isaiah 1: 1 &10-20page 685

Hebrews 11: 1-3 & 8-16page 1209

Gospel: StLuke 12: 22-40page 1045

Post Communion Prayer


ORDof all mercy, we your faithful people have celebrated that one true sacrifice which takes away our sins and brings pardon and peace by our communion:

by our communion keep us firm on the foundation of the gospel and preserve us from all sin;

throughJesus Christ our Lord.Amen.


SUMMER SERVICESthe Sunday 8.00am Holy Communion services and Go MAD on Sundays, as well as the Wednesday morning Communion service, will be suspended throughout the whole of August. The Vicar and Barbara will be on holiday the first three Sundays (7th, 14th and 21st) when we shall welcome Revd Elaine Garrish in his stead for the 9.45am Parish Communion services. Normal arrangements will resume from the beginning of September – as well as Choral Evensong on the first Sunday of each month.

GERDI MERRITT ripGerdi’s funeral will be at 10.30 am on Monday, 15th August.

CONGRATULATIONS to Alan and Elizabeth Tinsey for 50 years of marriage – their Golden Wdding Anniversary was 6th August.

THE LEPROSY MISSIONplease bring your TLM collecting box to church today or next Sunday, 14th August for emptying. If you would like to join the list of those who hold one, please speak to me. Thank you. Len Gray


Gerard Chrispin wasfor many years a criminal lawyer. He now works as a Prison Evangelist in prisons throughout London. He has been invited to speak at St Andrew’s on Wednesday evening 17th August about his faith and his work with prisoners. Our housegroup has been studying one of Gerard’s books (The Resurrection – the Unopened Gift) over some weeks. In particular we have been wrestling with issues relating to God’s Judgement. Christians believe that because of our trust in Jesus we will stand forgiven and accepted at our Judgement Day. But what about all those who do not ‘turn to Christ’? How will a loving God deal with them? Gerard has a challenging and engaging approach to his faith. Why not come along on 17th August? Keith Nicholls

DIAMOND JUBILEE PREPARATIONSthank you to those who have donated money for crocuses for next spring in the memorial rose-beds.

  • the collection will close at the end of August, so if you still want to make a donation, please do so now (gift aided if you’re a taxpayer - please use one of the church’s gift-aid envelopes and mark it “Crocus appeal”)
  • perhaps you have a rose dedicated to a loved one?
  • and, whether or not you donate, if you’re fit and able - do please make a diary date to help come and plant them on Saturday 24th September.

DIAMOND JUBILEE COOK-BOOKI thought it would be a great idea to compile a new St Andrew’s cookbook to celebrate our Diamond Jubilee. So - please would you sort out a special or favourite recipe and give it to me, with a picture if possible? Many thanks. Gill Moore

MIDDLESEX MOUNTAINEERSour next walk will be on Saturday 3rdSeptember. Please note this date in your diary/on your calendar or on your IT calendar NOW! The walk will start from St. Andrew’s at 9.30am or Rayners Lane station at 9.45am. Full details will follow soon. I have recently moved to Tring, so hope to do a 'local' area walk in November, collecting members from Chesham Station & conveying to Tring. Details later. Martin Wise.

BADMINTONwe are a very friendly badminton club who need some new members. Please give me a ring if you are interested in coming along on Monday nights from 8-10 pm in the large hall. Gill Moore


  • help make jams, chutnies and other preserves – fruit and other ingredients can if necessary be provided?
  • donate empty jam jars to put the preserves in?

Please speak to Sue McLeod!

Diary dates


Wednesday 17thGerard Chrispin (speaker)


Sunday 4thChoral Evensong

Saturday 10thMessy Church

Saturday 24thDiamond Jubilee Crocus Bulb Planting


Saturday 1stJazz Evening

Sunday 2ndHarvest Festival

Saturday 8thDeanery Choirs’ Festival- at St John’s, Stanmore

Saturday 15thMessy Church

Sunday 30thAll Souls’ Service


Saturday 12thChristmas Bazaar


Saturday 3rdMessy Church

Sunday 4thConfirmation Service

Saturday 17thCarol Service

Please send any items for next week’s STARLINK toRobert Crowhurst by midday this Wednesday, preferably by email(); otherwise by hard copy to 131, Exeter Road