Unit 2 Support: Study Guide

  1. What are the functions of the integumentary system?
  2. How can you slow age-related changes to the skin?
  3. List the layers of the epidermis from superficial to deep.
  4. What pigment is made by melanocytes and ranges in color from yellow to brown?
  5. What tough protein is found in hair, nails and the outer layer of skin?
  6. Which vitamin is made by skin when exposed to sunlight that is needed by the skeletal system?
  7. Which structures in skin play a role in maintaining body temperature: (Cutaneous blood vessels or hair follicles)
  8. List the types of burns and the problems encountered with each.
  9. What are the functions of the skeletal system?
  10. Compare the skeleton of an adult to the skeleton of a young person in terms of bone mass.
  11. List the 6 types of body movements. Match them with the following movements:
  12. Pitching a baseball
  13. Nodding your head yes (example of 2 types)
  14. Raising your hand in class
  15. Putting your hand down after raising it in class
  16. Nodding your head no
  17. List the 3 main types of joints and describe them.
  18. List the different types of synovial joints.
  19. What type of connective tissue is the skeleton of a fetus made of?
  20. What are the soft membranes of the fetal skull called?
  21. List in sequence from superior to inferior the order of the vertebrae.
  22. List the bones of the upper limbs (arms)
  23. List the bones of the lower limbs
  24. What is the function of the muscular system?
  25. ATP can be regenerated by which compound?
  26. Which product can accumulate in muscles during anaerobic respiration?
  27. Describe the sliding Filament Theory.
  28. Which neurotransmitter stimulates skeletal muscle to contract?
  29. Describe the events of an action potential in a muscle cell.
  30. Which muscle filament binds to actin to cause muscle contraction?
  31. List the 3 types of muscle cells and compare and contrast them (where are they found, how many nuclei do they have, are they striated or not, are they branching or not? Be detailed)
  32. Which connective tissue connects bone to bone? Muscle to bone?
  33. How is muscle use related to bone health?
  34. How is heat released by muscle use that causes increased blood flow to the skin regulated?

****Note/Disclaimer: this is JUST a guide, NOT the answers to the test! Yes, I mean to say you have to work to earn your grade. So that means in addition to studying the study guide, you will need to look through your notes as well as your warm-ups over skin, bone and muscle****