St. Pascal Finance Council
Organization Account reporting
For the Fiscal Year July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017
(Instructions on reverse side)
Organization Name Person Completing Report
1. Beginning Balance 07/01/16 / $Receipts (Print categories in black ink) Amount
2. / $3. / $
4. / $
5. / $
6. / $
7. / $
8. / $
9. / $
10. / $
11. / $
12. Total Receipts for 07/01/16-06/30/17 / $
13. Total Income for 07/01/16- 06/30/17 / $
Expenses (Print categories in black ink) Amount
14. / $15. / $
16. / $
17. / $
18. / $
19. / $
20. / $
21. / $
22. / $
23. / $
24. Total Expenses 07/01/16- 06/30/17 / $
25. Net Cash Assets (Deficit) / $
26. Amt. to be contributed to wish list as of 6/30/17 / $
27. Ending Balance for FYE 2017 / $
Signed ______
My Documents\Calendar Meeting Masters\Organization FYE Account reporting (ivory)
Instructions for Organization Account Reporting
1. Use black ink to complete the form (it copies better).
2. Round off all amounts of money to the nearest dollar.
3. Print the name of the organization and the person completing the report in the spaces provided.
4. Print the total amount of money which the organization had in its checking account(s) plus any other money for its use as of 07/01/16 on Line 1.
5. Gather into categories the organization’s sources of receipts during the fiscal year -- e.g. dues, monetary gifts/donations, interest from checking account(s), etc. Print each category and the total amount of money received from that category on a separate line (Lines 2-11). List each fundraiser the organization held on a separate line, but show only the net result (Income minus expenses).
6. Add the amount of receipts and print it on Line 12. Add Lines 1 and 12 and print the result on Line 13.
7. Gather into categories the organization’s expenses during the fiscal year -- e.g. meeting expenses, materials, food/drink, postage, printing/paper, supplies, etc. Do not include fundraising expenses and do not include any money given to the parish (school) in this section. Print each category and the total amount of money expended in that category on a separate line (Lines 14-23).
8. Add the amount of expenses and print it on Line 24.
9. In both the receipts and expenses sections, if more lines are need that are provided, list the category and amount on a separate sheet of paper (8.5" x 11") and use Line 11 for Receipts and Line 23 for Expenses for a total amount from the sheet of paper with the category “See attached sheet”.
10. On Line 25 (Net Cash Assets), subtract Line 24 (Total Expenses) from Line 13 (Total Income) and print the result. If expenses were greater than income (hopefully not), enclose the result in parentheses.
11. Print the amount to be used for the “Wish List” on Line 26.
12. Subtract Line 26 from Line 25 (Net Cash Assets) and print the amount on Line 27 (Ending Balance). This should balance with the amount in the organization’s checking account(s).
13. A reminder that it is Archdiocesan policy that an organization should hold in their own accounts only the amount of money which is needed to get the organization started in the coming year. All other money is to be given to the parish.
14. Please sign the form under the Ending Balance box, and return it to the Parish Office by July 15, 2017.
15. If assistance is needed with the completion of this form, please contact the parish bookkeeper at 773/725-7641.
My Documents\Calendar Meeting Masters\Organization FYE Account reporting (ivory)