Persona PERS


Our Ref:……………………………

1. Personal information

Full Name

Present address

Phone numbers:

Home Work

Mobile Other

Your position in

the company

2. Company information

Name of company Company registration no.

Business addressTelephone no.

Fax no.

Is the company

the sole occupier? Yes NoNo

Registered office

addressTelephone no

Fax no

Name and address

of other company


Name and address of Name and address of Name and address of

company solicitors company accountants

Where are the Where are the

company`s tradingcompany`s statutory

records held?books held?

3. Current operational status

What is the natureof

the business?

Is the company stillYes NoIf No, when did the

trading?company cease


How were the assets

disposed of?

Have you any current

contracts?Yes No


If Yes, what are they

and what is their total


Are there any stage Yes NoIf Yes, what is the

payments?date and amount of

the next and future


Have you any future Yes No



If Yes, what are they

and what is their total


4. Current financial status

Does the company Yes NoIf Yes, say how much

hold any cash?and where held e.g.

Named bank or other?

Does the company Yes No If Yes, please provide

have any overdraftdetails of overdraft


What is the name and type of account

address of the branch,

account number and

type?account number

How much of the

overdraft facility have AllPartIf Part, say how

you used?much

Have you approached Yes No

the bank to increase

the limit?

If No, why not? If,Yes what was

the response?

Is your overdraft Yes No If, Yes how: fixed charge


fixed and floating charge

floating charge

personal guarantee

What assets are

affected by the


What is the current

turnover of the


5. Assets

What assets,

excluding property,

are owned outright

by your company?-

description, value

and in the case of

vehicles, registration


What assets are

subject to hire



Last payment date?

What assetsare

subject to lease



Last payment


What assets are


Are there any debtsYes No

due to your company?

Name and address of debtor / Invoice no. / Total
amount owing / Are amounts owed
Disputed? Yes/No

If, Yes give details

Are any goods

supplied to the debtor Yes No

subject to a retention

of title clause?

Amount owed

If Yes, describe the

goods and enter the

amount owed by the


Does your company Yes No Does your company

own livestock?have/own:

Investments Yes No

Shares Yes No

Has the company sold

any assets within the Yes No

last 12 months?

If, Yes on what date?

Description of assets


Buyers name and


Purchase price

6. Property

Does your company

own any real YesNo


If Yes, give

address(es) and value


Are the premises Yes No Yes No Yes No


If, Yes give details

of Lender`s name andaddress

Amount borrowed

Amount outstanding

Date borrowed

Purchase price

Current value of


Details of any

Subsequent charges

Does your company

rent any premises YesNo If, Yes, how much is rent?

from a landlord? paid for:

council tax?

Is the rent in arrears?YesNoServices charges etc?

If Yes, how much?

What action is being

takento recover the


7. Liabilities

Please list all


Amounts owed

What actions are thecreditors taking to

recover the debts?

Are the amounts

disputed by the Yes No Yes No Yes No company?

Are any of the YesNo if Yes, how:fixed charge

debts secured?

fixed and floating charge

floating charge

Does the company

have any court order(s) YesNo personal guarantee

against it?

If Yes, provide

details of

Name of court

Case number

Date of judgment

Name of creditor

Total amount owing

Amount now due

Rate of payments

being made

Are the payments

in arrears?

If Yes, by how much?

Is the company able to

pay its debts as they Yes No

fall due?

8. Other information

Are there any

associated or YesNo



If Yes, please


Place of business

Other trading


What accountingHave accounts been

records are kept?submitted to Yes No

companies house?

Do you or any other

director/personnel Yes Noif Yes, what is theoverdrawn by

hold a loan accountcurrent status?

with the company? in credit by

Have any assets been

transferred to you or Yes No

any other director/

personnel personally?

If Yes, give



9. Other information- give details

10. Offer of payment

Can the company

make an offer of payment? Yes No

If no, explain why

What is your offer of payment?

Pay in full by

Instalments of to start on

Method of payment

Standing order direct debit

cheque cash