12443 Research Parkway  Suite 304Orlando, FL 32826

(407) 882-1500  Fax (407) 882-1502 

Physical Electronics 5400 ESCA (XPS)(X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy)

Elemental composition

All elements except H and He

Oxidation states

Depth profiling

No specimen preparation necessary

UHV compatible solids, 17 mm diameter

Physical Electronics 600 AES/SAM

(Auger Electron Spectroscopy) (Scanning Auger Microprobe)

Elemental composition

All elements except H and He

Depth profiling

No specimen preparation necessary

UHV compatible solids, 17 mm diameter

AES uses an electron beam to excite a sample, and then measures the energies of secondary electrons emitted. Elemental composition information (and some chemical information) is obtained from the top few atomic layers. AES detects all elements except H and He and is most effective on electrically conductive surfaces. Elemental maps can be constructed from the sample to reveal the spatial distribution of elements on the surface. An attached ion gun allows one to obtain elemental depth profiles from the sample.

Contact Information:

Engineer: Kirk ScammonFaculty: Dr. Sudipta Seal


Rigaku D/MAX XRD

(X-Ray Diffraction)

40KV Copper X-ray tube

Theta, 2 Theta Goiniometer

Laue Back Reflection Camera Sample holders for both Power and Solid Samples

Datascan 4 Acquisition Software

Jade 7 Analysis Software with JCPDS Database

X-Ray diffraction is a technique that measures the intensity of x-rays diffracted by a sample material to gain information from that material. XRD can determine the crystal structure and lattice parameters of crystalline materials. Single crystals can be oriented for cutting using XRD. Texture and orientation of thin films can also be examined. In some cases, residual stress and degree of crystallinity can be obtained. The JCPDS database can be used for phase identification of unknown samples.


(X-Ray Diffraction)

40KV Copper X-ray tube

Theta, 2 Theta Goiniometer

Thin Film Diffraction Attachment

Datascan 4 Acquisition Software

Jade 7 Analysis Software with JCPDS Database

X-Ray diffraction is a technique that measures the intensity of x-rays diffracted by a sample material to gain information from that material. XRD can determine the crystal structure and lattice parameters of crystalline materials. Single crystals can be oriented for cutting using XRD. Texture and orientation of thin films can also be examined. In some cases, residual stress and degree of crystallinity can be obtained. The JCPDS database can be used for phase identification of unknown samples.

Contact Information:

Engineer: Kirk ScammonFaculty: Dr. Kevin Coffey


Molecular Imaging PicoSPM (STM, AFM)

Scanning Probe Microscopy

MAC Mode AFM (Magnetic AC mode)

Electrochemical SPM (EC SPM)

Conducting AFM (CSAFM)

Scanning Probe Microscopy such as STM and AFM is a high-resolution imaging technique that can resolve features as small as an atomic lattice in the real space. It allows researchers to observe and manipulate molecular and atomic level features.

STM (Scanning Tunneling Microscopy) was invented in 1981 by G. Binnig and H. Rohrer who shared the 1986 Nobel Prize in Physics for their invention. An excellent technique, STM is limited to imaging

conductive materials.

AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy) has much broader potential and application because it can be used for imaging any conducting or non-conducting surface. AFM has a number of advantages over other techniques that make it a favorite among leading researchers. It provides easily achievable high resolution and three-dimensional information in real space with little sample preparation for low cost. In-situ observations, imaging in fluids are available.

MAC Mode AFM (Magnetic AC mode) is a gentle non-destructive AFM imaging technique, which uses a magnetic field to drive a magnetically coated cantilever, yielding precise control over oscillation amplitude and, thus, excellent force regulation. Only the tip is driven. This greatly increases the signal-to-noise ratio, providing tremendous improvement in fluid imaging. It is particularly useful in areas that demand high resolution and force sensitivity, such as biology, polymers and surface science.

Electrochemical SPM (EC SPM) option includes a PicoStat and a complete kit for high-resolution in-situ EC SPM experiments. PicoStat offers electrochemists a low-noise potentiostat/galvanostat for in-situ EC SPM studies - both EC-STM and EC-AFM.

Conducting AFM (CSAFM) allows users to measure electric current with a conductive cantilever while doing contact mode AFM. With different preamplifiers, currents from 0.3 pA to 100 nA can be detected. MI’s CSAFM has been used to measure the conductivity of individual conductive molecules at molecular resolution.

Contact Information

Engineer: Mikhail KlimovFaculty: Dr. Jiyu Fang


Cameca IMS-3F SIMS Ion Microscope(Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry)

Depth resolution: ~5nm

Lateral resolution: ~1mkm

Mass resolution (M/delta M): from 200 to more than 10000

Mass range: 0-250 amu

Primary ions: O2+, O-, Ar+, Xe+, Cs+ from 5 to 15kV

Maximum sample size: 1*1*1 cm

Mass analyzer type: magnetic sector

PHI Adept 1010 Dynamic SIMS System(Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry)

Depth resolution: ~ 1nm

Lateral resolution: ~ 1mkm

Mass resolution: ~100

Mass range: 0-340 amu

Primary ions: O2+, Ar+, Xe+, Cs+ from 250eV to 8kV

Scanning electron gun allows for bulk insulators analysis

Maximum sample size: 5*5*1cm

Mass analyzer type: quadrupole

SIMS (Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry) is an analytical technique that is used to characterize the surface and near surface (~30mkm) region of materials. It is capable of detecting practically all elements, including hydrogen (only the noble gases are difficult to measure) with detection limits in ppm range for most elements and ppb range for some. There are several modes of SIMS instrument operation:

  1. Static SIMS – allows molecular as well as elemental characterization of the first top monolayer.
  2. Dynamic SIMS – provides for the investigation of bulk composition or the depth distribution of the trace elements.
  3. Ion imaging – allows lateral imaging and, if combined with depth profiling, -3D compositional reconstruction for heterogeneous samples.
  4. Isotope ratio measurement – another unique technique of SIMS making it possible to measure isotope ratio with precision of 0.1% and better.

SIMS can be applied to any type of material (insulators, semiconductors, metals, and organic molecules) that can stay under vacuum.

Contact Information:

Engineer: Mikhail KlimovFaculty: Dr. Kevin Coffey


General IONIX 1.7 MV Tandetron RBS(Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy)

Depth profiling

Film thickness


H, He, and Cs sources

Accepts planar solids from ~2 x 2 mm to 25 x 25 mm with no more than 15 mm

Hydrogen Forward Scattering Spectroscopy

RBS analysis is performed by bombarding a sample target with a monoenergetic beam of high-energy particles, typically helium, with an energy of a few MeV. Some of the incident atoms scatter backwards from heavier atoms in the near surface region of the target material, and are detected with a solid-state detector that measures their energy. The energy of a backscattered particle is related to the depth and mass of the target atom, while the number of backscattered particles detected from any given element is proportional to the concentration. A depth profile of the upper 1-2 m of the sample is possible. The depth resolution is 2-30 nm. The lateral resolution is 1 mm and the maximum depth is ~2 m (20 m with H+). The primary applications of RBS are the quantitative composition depth profiling of thin film structures. RBS is also used to accurately determine the thickness of thin films if the density of the film is known. Detection limits are 1-10 atomic % for low atomic number elements and 0-100 ppm for high atomic number elements. All elements except H and he may be detected.

Contact Information:

Engineer: Kirk ScammonFaculty: Dr. Kevin Coffey


Zeiss ULTRA-55 FEG SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy)

Schottky field emission source

Resolution 1 nm @ 15 KV, 1.7 nm @ 1 KV

STEM Detector

In lens Secondary and Backscatter detectors

Noran System 7 EDS with Silicon Drift Detector x-ray detector

Nabity Electron Beam Lithography System

The Zeiss Ultra-55 SEM has a unique design to the final lens; it is electrostatic instead of electromagnetic. This feature allows the microscope to image magnetic materialswithout distortion from created by a magnetic field. This microscope is also capable of delivering very high lateral resolution at low voltages. The Nabity Electron Beam Lithography system allows researchers to create nanometer scale patterns using the pattern generator in conjunction with the electron beam. The Noran System 7 EDS system with Silicon Drift Detector can acquire the EDS spectrum much faster that a conventional SiLi detector and can detect elements as light as Boron.

HITACHI S3500N SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy)

Variable pressure SEM

Secondary Electron resolution : 3.0 nm (High Vacuum mode)

Back-scattered Electron resolution : 5.0 nm (Variable Pressure mode)

X15 to x300,000 magnification

Accelerating Voltage: 0.3 to 30 kV

Specimen size: 150mm diameter Maximum

Robinson Backscattered Electron Detector

Infrared ChamberScope

The Hitachi S3500N SEM provides a variable pressure mode of operation that allows microscopy of wet, oily and non-conductive samples. It has a unique differential pumping system with a real-time vacuum feedback (RVF) for VP mode. This SEM has automated functions for filament saturation, gun alignment, brightness, contract and stigmatism.

JEOL 733 Super Probe (Electron Microprobe)

Four wavelength spectrometers

High sensitivity for light elements

Energy dispersive spectrometer

Automated and remote operation

Multiposition stage holds up to 4 specimens

Accepts specimens up to 32 mm diameter

The JEOL 733 Super Probe is equipped with 4 wavelength spectrometers. Dispersion crystals are available for the determination of all elements with an atomic number of 5 (Boron) and higher. The lower limits of detection vary with each element and the sample matrix, but are typically 100 to 200 ppm. The smallest analyzed volumes are generally 1-2 m3.

Contact Information:

Engineer: Kirk ScammonFaculty: Dr. Yongho Sohn


FEI Tecnai F30 TEM (Transmission Electron Microscopy)

Resolution 0.20 nm point to point, 0.102 nm line

10,000,000X magnification STEM

1,000,000X magnification TEM

SEG with hot and cold stages

STEM configuration

High angle annular dark field (HAADF) detector

Electron Holography

Gatan Image Filter (GIF)

The FEI Tecnai F30 is an analytical electron microscope (AEM), which can function as a conventional transmission electron microscope (TEM) or a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM). It has a field emission gun (FEG) and it can operate up to an accelerating voltage of 300KV. It includes both an energy dispersive x-ray detector (XEDS) and an electron energy loss spectrometer (PEELS) for elemental analysis. The spot size can be reduced to <0.3 nm for the chemical analysis and micro diffraction studies.

JEOL TEM-1011 (Transmission Electron Microscope)

LaB6 filament with Cool Beam Illumination System

0.2 nm line resolution and 0.4 nm point resolution

Computer-controlled electron-optical system

Digital image processing

JEM-1011 is a simple, dependable imaging instrument for high throughput of images with excellent contrast and definition. With an acceleration voltage flexibility of 40 to 100kV, it is suitable for all biological, polymer and thin materials science specimens. Its high contrast objective lens pole piece combines the highest possible contrast and brightness with optimum resolution. The JEOL patented cool beam gun allows high-brightness, high coherence illumination conditions with filament-saving low emission current. JEM-1011 has a unique feature of 2-specimen holder where two specimens are introduced into the column at the same time in the “Quick Change” holder, facilitating fast imaging throughput and instant comparison under the same operating conditions. Other features include user friendly controls, file storage, automatic filament heating, and automatic exposure micrograph photography.

Contact Information:

Engineer: Dr. Qi ZhangFaculty: Dr. Helge Heinrich

(407) 882-1511(407) 882-1517

FEI 200 TEM FIB (Focused Ion Beam Instrument)

30 kV gallium liquid metal ion source

Accepts specimens up to 5 cm diameter

Ion beam assisted platinum deposition

Iodine enhanced etch

Selective carbon mill etch

Secondary electron and ion images

The 200 TEM FIB removes material by sputtering using gallium at lateral resolution of approximately 5 nm. Platinum metal can also be deposited by ion beam assisted chemical vapor deposition. Gas assisted etching and selective carbon milling may also be performed. FIB has a wide range of applications:

Specimen preparation for SEM and TEM. TEM cross-section specimens can be prepared within two hours.

Ion channeling contrast imaging

Device modification – mainly semi-conductor industry

Micro machining – example: trimming AFM tips or drilling patterns to make optical grating or optical lenses

Contact Information:

Engineer: Dr. Qi ZhangFaculty: Dr. Helge Heinrich

407-882-1511 407-882-1517

Olympus LEXT OLS 3000 Confocal Scanning Microscope

Plane resolution of 0.12µm (best suite for 1.5mm to 1µm)

Simultaneous 3D and "true color" image acquisition

3-D measurement of 1mm to 0.5µm for volume, capacity, surface area, thickness of a thin transparent film

Non-contact roughness analysis with resolution of 0.1µm

The LEXT OLS-3000IR is a near-IR laser based confocal microscope LEXT combines a 408nm laser with optics specifically designed for operation at this wavelength to optimize image quality and limit aberrations. Olympus software provides a simple user interface, fast processing and advanced analysis in a single solution. Brightfield, Darkfield and Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) Microscopy techniques are possible in both video and laser confocal imaging modes. The new confocal laser DIC mode is especially useful for highlighting subtle textural variations during surface analysis.

Contact Information:

Engineer: Kirk ScammonFaculty: Dr. Yongho Sohn


Renishaw RM 1000B Micro-Raman Spectrometer

Imaging CCD Detector

Ar-514nm Excitation Unit

Raman spectroscopy is a spectroscopic technique to study vibrational, rotational, and other low-frequency modes. It relies on inelastic scattering, or Raman scattering of monochromatic light, usually from a laser in the visible, near infrared, or near ultraviolet range. The laser light interacts with phonons or other excitations in the system, resulting in the energy of the laser photons being shifted up or down. The shift in energy gives information about the phonon modes in the system. Raman spectroscopy offers several advantages for microscopic analysis. Since it is a scattering technique, specimens do not need to be fixed or sectioned. Raman spectra can be collected from a very small volume (< 1 µm in diameter); these spectra allow the identification of species present in that volume. Water does not interfere very strongly. Thus, Raman spectroscopy is suitable for the microscopic examination of minerals, materials such as polymers and ceramics, cells and proteins.

Contact Information:

Engineer: Mikhail KlimovFaculty: Dr. Yongho Sohn


Advanced Materials Processing and AnalysisCenter

University of CentralFloridaBox 162455EngineeringBuilding I, Room 381 Orlando, FL 32816-2455

(407) 882-1455  Fax (407) 882-1462 