Template for Initial Teacher – Section III. May 18, 2016
- Program Profile: This profile describes a program category, which includes potential variations of program offerings. Each instance or variation must be distinguished among the others in order to ensure regulatory compliance. Please see the “Program Review Technical Guide” for additional details.
Program Identification
Name of the Program Category: Art
Grade Levels:(check all that apply)
☐B-P P-5 ☐5-9 ☐5-12 8-12 X P-12
Program Classification:(check all that apply)
X Undergraduate ☐ Undergraduate – Cert Only
☐Graduate ☐Graduate – Cert Only
Program Route: (check all that apply)
XTraditional☐Option 6 ☐Option 7
ProgramSites: (check all that apply)
XMain/Residential Campus ☐Off-Site Campus (list each location)
Campus Name / CityLindsey Wilson College / Columbia
Delivery Modes: (check all that apply)
X Face-to-Face Only☐ Online Only ☐ Hybrid
EPP Submission Coordinator:If Option 6 - provide Program Coordinator:
Name Dr. David W. Moffett Name ______
Phone 270-384-8135 Phone ______
Email Email ______
Program Experiences
Program Innovations:(Optional)
Program-Initiated Innovations. These innovations may span over the most recent three years and should include all variations within this program category.
Professional and content courses in the program have remained the same since the 2013 NCATE visit. The core level general education courses cause a total program hours range between 120-124 hours, with 120 hours being the college required minimum.Program Curriculum:
Each EPP must inform a potential candidate about the program’s content, performance expectations and assessment processes.
How doesthe EPP communicate/Identify belowthe following program requirements:required coursework and electives, certification and/or degree result, admission requirements, exit requirements, Praxis II test disclaimer. If the EPP offers multiple program routes for this category and certification, include each variation.
The EPP utilizes “degree contracts” (program course plans) to advise students across their program experiences. The EPP also uses course sequence plans in the advising. Freshmen have first year advisors beyond the EPP. The EPP works closely with the external first year advisors to ensure Education students are advised in which courses they should take. In the two required courses Education students take, prior to being considered for admission into the program, instructors provide program requirement information. The 15 criteria for being considered for admission are also available in the annual college catalog. This same information is provided within the EPPs Student Handbook, which is available online. Students’ advisors regularly meet with Education students to advise them regarding Praxis I examinations, criteria for successfully being admitted into the EPP (Stage 1), criteria for successfully being admitted into Stage 2 (upon completion of all required program course work and candidacy for practicum and student teaching), the relevant Praxis II examinations, and criteria for successful program and degree completion (Stage 3). Additionally, the EPP provides field experience and student teacher handbooks to students.Admission criteria for each program code in this category:This must include admission criteria such as GPA, admission assessments, evidence of Code of Ethics and Character and Fitness Review. Reference the applicable program code(s) and regulations (i.e., 16 KAR 5:020, 16 KAR 9:080, 16 KAR 9:090) and the “Program Review Technical Guide” for additional details. Information provided below should correlate to the QAS documentation.
Admission criteria are available to students, via the college catalog, both in hard copy form and online. Additionally, students sign a statement prior to being admitted to the program, stating they have read the EPP student handbook, including the admission criteria. This signed form is placed in each student’s hard copy file, maintained by the EPP. These are the criteria:Pre-Entry to Education Program
(Criteria for Admission)
1 Application for admission to teacher education program
2Completion of 30 hours of semester work*
3Complete 1 semester @ LWC
4* or, CUM GPA 2.75 of last 36 hrs of coursework
5Completion of Code of ethics
6EDUC 3403/3413 fundamentals
7Complete 3 Core Praxis I tests
8Complete required courses
Engl 1013/1023 writing studies class
Comm 2103 public speaking class
Math class
9Candidate handbook acknowledgement
103 Pre-entry Dispositions
Fundamentals class
Teaching profession class
Content class
11Must have acceptable scores on disposition assessment
12Stage 1 Portfolio - critial thinking & creativity
13Stage 1 Portfolio - performance & interview
14On-demand writing w/satisfactory performance
1530 hours field experience w/satisfactory scores
Pre-Student Teaching Experiences: (Option 6 will skip this section)
How does the program ensure candidate’s pre-student teaching experiences meet the requirements as outlined in 16 KAR 5:040 Section 3(3)?
(a)Engagement with diverse populations of students which include:
1. Students from a minimum of two (2) different ethnic or cultural groups of which the candidate would not be considered a member;
2. Students from different socioeconomic groups;
3. English language learners;
4. Students with disabilities; and
5. Students from across elementary, middle school, and secondary grade levels;
(b)Observation in schools and related agencies, including:
1. Family Resource Centers; or
2. Youth Service Centers;
(c)Student tutoring;
(d)Interaction with families of students;
(e) Attendance at school board and school-based council meetings:
(f) Participation in a school-based professional learning community; and
(g) Opportunities to assist teachers or other school professionals.
State Regulation Field Requirements by Course
EPSB regulation for 200 field hours must be completed prior to student teaching. Requirements listed in Table I. Distribution for each course’s field requirements can be found on Table II. Due dates throughout semester for completion of portion of field hours will be set by Ed Division. Instructors must require students to complete assignments according to these due dates.
Table I – P-12 Art
Course / Ethnic
2 groups / Soc
Ec / ELL
ESL / Disab / E/M/S
** / Family Resource
Center / Camp Safari@ACES /
Casey @ACPC / Tutor / Family / SB/
SBC / PLC / Observe Master Teacher / Assist
Teach / Video / Total
EDUC 2123
Teach Prof / E/M/S / 10 Hrs / 10
EDUC 3143
Except Learner / 10 Hrs / E/M/S / 10
EDUC 3403 Fundamentals of Secondary Ed / X / Tutor 3 Hrs / E/M/S / 2 / 3 / 12 Hrs / 20
EDUC 3523
Content Area / X / X / 3 Hrs / X / E/M/S
Mid Sec
Music / 5 hr / MS
2 Hrs / 20 Hrs placement grade level reading / X / 30
2613 Art Education P-5 / E/M/S / X / 35 Hrs @ M/S / X / 35
EDUC 4103 Measurement & Assessment / E/M/S / 15/ (25 Art)
Work with school assessment/ CIITS/ PGES/ data analysis / 25(Art)
EDUC 4463
Class Mgmt / E/M/S / 1 hr / 2.5Hrs Teach/Tutor / 2 Hrs Read Adair / 1.5 hr / 23 Hrs
(12 Hrs P-5) placement in major / X / 30
Total hours per program / 160
4603 Practicum / X / X / X / X / 40
Total Field Hours Required Prior to Student Teaching / 200
*Participating/attending Professional Learning Community must beincluded (Russell County incorporates as common planning).
** Audit of placement across field experiences occurs at start of EDUC4263/4463 Classroom Management, to ensure all pre-service candidates have experiences across all levels.
Placement Note: When qualified teachers are limited or the instructor wants several teacher candidates to work with a particular teacher, arrangements will be made with the public school teacher to take several teacher candidates on a rotating basis. The instructor will create a schedule in conjunction with the public school teacher assigning candidates specific class periods and/or dates to complete the assignment. Candidates must complete the field assignment as scheduled.
Describe the culminating Clinical/Professional Experiences for each instance in this program category: Reference the regulation 16 KAR 5:040 Section 6 about professional experiences. The Option 6 instance of this program category can ignore this section since the program must use KTIP as the culminating experience.
The P-5, Physical Education/Health, Physical Education, Middle Grades Education, Music Education, and Art Education programs have placements across two levels (P-5, MGE, 8-12) during the Student Teaching semester The 8-12, Secondary Education program has one placement across the semester. Student teachers have a total of 70 days, 6.5-7 hours per day. Some placements are seven weeks and some are eight weeks. Duration depends on the calendar, and when Student Teachers reach the 70th day. Student Teachers initially observe and assist teacherrs. Then, they begin their teaching experience by teaching one class, and eventually they solo teach (This sequence is available in the EPPs Student Teacher Handbook). Candidates design and teach a ten-day unit plan of instruction. They also develop a Leadership and Professional Growth Plan. Additionally, they write and evaluate an ethical case study. They also evaluate a video lesson of their teaching, and complete their credential file. All student teachers co-teach. They solo teach for a total of four weeks. For those teaching in two placements, they solo teach for two weeks in each placement. 8-12, Secondary Education students solo for four weeks in their single placement.Exit requirements for each instance in this program category: This must include exit assessments.
( i.e.,:KTIP assessment, portfolio/work sample, GPA, and if the program requires passing or taking the Praxis II for program completion, list it here.) Reference CAEP 3.5 and 3.6
Stage 3 (Completed Education Program) - Graduated from LWC2.75 Minimum Cumulative GPA
2.75 Minimum Professional GPA
2.75 Minimum Content GPA
Successful completion of Stage 3 Exit Portfolio
Must have completed:
Student Teaching
All Professional courses
All Content courses
All General Education courses
All Elective hours
Pre-service Candidate completion of CA-1 application form
Transcript audited and approved by Registrar
Graduation from college
Note: Pre-service candidates are not required to pass Praxis II prior to graduating from the college.
Pre-service candidates are required to register for Praxis II tests in the semester prior to student teaching.
Upon successful passing of all required Praxis II tests:
EPP Certification Officer Sends CA-1 application to EPSB
Exit student from EPSB website
Kentucky P-12 Curriculum Requirements
The following information is gathered in accordance with Kentucky Senate Bill 1 - the associated legislation tied to this bill.
How does the EPP ensure each candidate’s knowledge/proficiency of the Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS)? How does the EPP measure the depth of knowledge of each candidate?
The Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS) areintroducedearly inall programs. Candidates study KAS across subject areas in thebeginningeducation courses. When candidates declare their majors, then their focus of study becomes the Kentucky Academic Standards for their content area(s). KentuckyAcademicStandards are utilized in all lesson plans, units, learning centers, web quests, and all other items designed by candidates for instruction of P-12 students. Theinstructorfor each classassesses all candidate work to make sure the standards are used in an acceptable manner. The EPP evaluates the candidates use of the standards at each of the three stage assessments. The stage assessments measure the KAS depth ofknowledgeof eachcandidate through portfolioevaluations (Stages 1, 2, and 3),an interview (Stage 1), and a pre-service candidate presentation (Stage 2).Briefly describe how candidates use the Kentucky P-12 curriculum framework and the Kentucky P-12 assessment system to guide instruction.
Across each pre-service candidate’s program, students create lesson and unit plans that are Kentucky P-12 curriculum framework driven. Students select standards that drive the components of the lesson plans. Naturally, the P-12 currriculum is aligned with the P-12 assessment system. Students’ lesson and unit plans reflect this alignment. Field experiences, practicum, and student teaching supplement pre-service candidates’ knowledge of the Kentucky P-12 curriculum framework and assessment system as well. Additionally, the EPP features a standalone assessment course which all pre-service candidates take. The course includes instruction in P-12 K-Prep, ACT, College and Career Readiness.Provide evidence (KTIP assessments/portfolio/other data) of candidates’ use of the KAS framework in lesson plans (include lesson plan format if not using the current KTIP format).
The EPP uses the KTIP instrument for assessment of teaching episodes of all its pre-service candidates. The EPPs lesson plan is based on the KTIP plan, but has more content that explicitly features the detailed use of the KAS Framework. The lesson plan is found in the EPP Candidate Handbook and Student Teaching Handbook.Provide evidence of candidate’s abilities to create and use formative and summative assessments to
guide instruction toward mastery of the Kentucky P-12 curriculum framework.
The EPPs pre-service candidates receive instruction in lesson plan design in the early Fundamental courses. Their lesson plans become part of the Stage 1 Portfolio judged by committees for students being admitted into the programs. In the early courses, pre- service candidates are instructed on the use of the Kentucky P-12 CurriculaFramework. Candidates learn to design instruction using formative and summative assessment strategies.As candidates progress through their programs, they design units of instruction that range from five to nine days of formative assessment, with a summative assessment at the end of the unit. Ultimately all pre-service candidates create 10 day unit plans of instruction containing pretests, formative assessments, and summative posttests. These unit plans become part of the students’ Stage 2 portfolios that are judged by committees, for student entry into Stage 2. During the student teaching semester, the student teachers design and teach a ten-day unit. The student teacher also assesses and evaluates theresults of the unit taught.
Use the “COURSES” tab on the Program Review Spreadsheet
Provide a list of the program courses (include all courses in the curriculum guide; General Education courses are not required). Ensure that the courses are identified and linked to each program category and program codeon the “Program Review Spreadsheet”. When completing the “COURSES” tab, the EPP can enter all courses for all programs in one spreadsheet.
Clinical Educators
Use the “Clinical Educators” tab on the Program Review Spreadsheet
Provide a list of all Clinical Educators who prepare candidates in this program category. Include full-time and part-time faculty;identify the adjunct teachers; do not include cooperating teachers. These should be members who are directly involved with program delivery. Ensure that each educator is identified and linked to one or more program categories. When completing the “Clinical Educators” tab, the EPP can enter all educators for all programs in one spreadsheet.
Key Assessment Areas
Use the “Assessments” tab on the Program Review Spreadsheet
In this section, identify the assessments used to generate program data to demonstrate mastery of the Kentucky Teacher Standards. For each assessment area, indicate the type or form of the assessment and when it is administered in the program.EPPs mustidentify the assessments for each assessment area to demonstrate meeting the Kentucky Teacher Standards. Reference the “Program Review Technical Guide” for additional details. When completing the “Assessments Initial” tab, the EPP can either enter all assessments for all initial programs in one spreadsheet (this approach requires that each assessment is tagged to specific program codes), or enter the assessments for each program code in a separate spreadsheet.
Align to Standards
Use the SPA tabs on the Program Review Spreadsheet
The purpose of the alignment section is to indicate where the program courses address the applicable Specialty Professional Standards. Some programs will be expected to demonstrate alignment with multiple SPAs (i.e., ACEI, NCTM, ILA, ISTE, etc.). The Program Review Spreadsheet provides each of the major standard areas, including the SPAs to be used to show this alignment. This alignment provides direction and guidance for the evaluation of addressing all the standards through the program review process. Many EPPs have their own alignment tables and combine standards through various crosswalks – these may be attached as an addendum and may replace the alignment tables in the Program Review Spreadsheet.
(Assessments are aligned with the KTS and the course alignments are for the SPA.)
Evidence and analysis
Repeat this section for each assessment
Evidence for meeting standards - For each instance in this program category, provide a narrative about the eight (8) assessment areas, discuss the instrument, scoring guide/criteria,and alignment to the Kentucky Teacher Standards. The narrative provides a rationale for how the assessment area demonstrates candidate mastery of the standards. Many EPPs study their assessments on a periodic basis and develop comprehensive reports and graphs; this report may be attached as an addendum and may be used to replace the table questions below only if all equivalent information is provided. When completing this section, the EPP will copy this table eight (8) times for each instance in this program category. If the assessments are the same for each instance, then declare in your narrative that they are the same, or only show those assessments which are different. Reference the “Program Review Technical Guide” for additional details.