Dear Family,

I have compiled this class handbook to provide information of the policies, procedures and expectations for the new school year. Please review the handbook with your child and sign the contract at the end of the handbook so that I know you have read and understand the information contained here.


“My goal is to motivate, educate, and inspire children. I intend to work hard to help them build their self-confidence and worth. I will provide them with the tools necessary to become successful in school and in life.


I have developed a Classroom Discipline Plan that gives every student the opportunity to manage his or her own behavior. I will discuss this plan with students, but I would appreciate it if you would also review the plan with your child as well. Working together, we can ensure that your child will receive the most positive educational climate possible.

Classroom Rules:

  1. Always follow directions quickly!
  2. Raise your hand for permission to speak.
  3. Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat.
  4. Make smart/wise choices.
  5. Keep your dear teacher happy!

*students earn and lose dojo points based on their behavior, behavior reports will be printed at the end of each month and must be returned with parent signature

If a student chooses to break a rule, these are the consequences:

First Warning: Verbal Warning

Second Warning: Loss of recess/lunch

Third Warning: Writing Assignment/Loss of privileges

Fourth Warning: Student Behavior Plan and Parent Conference

Class Dojo

Class Dojo is a classroom tool that helps teachers improve behavior in their classrooms quickly and easily. It also captures and generates data on behavior that teachers can share with parents and administrators. I will use this tool to keep track of the points the students have earned for special activities. I will also use it to reward the top 3 students with the most points


Students will be given homework Monday through Sunday; the weekend will usually be for their reading logs. The homework will be a review of the lessons that children do that day or reading, so nothing is “new”. Students are given rewards at the end of the week if they completed their homework Monday-Sunday.

Parents, please sign your child’s reading log to ensure that they have completed the assignment. If a homework assignment is not completed, your child must complete it during recess and he/she will receive an incomplete grade. Homework is very important in reinforcing the day’s lessons!!!

Students will receive a behavior/reading/exercise log every Monday or at the beginning of each month. The students will copy their homework into their planner each day. Check to make sure that your child completes the homework listed for the day.

Some tips on how to help your child with homework:

  • Help your child establish a homework time every day.
  • Provide a quiet, well-lit place where there will be little interruption.


Please bring the following supplies for your child byAugust 18, 2017

  • 61 Subject spiral notebooks
  • 2 composition books
  • 6 2 pocket folders with/prongs
  • 12 No.2 Pencils
  • Plastic sheet protectors
  • Box of Crayons
  • Box of Colored Pencils
  • Box of Markers
  • Scissors
  • (2) Glue bottles/(2)glue stick
  • Post-It Notes (any shape, color or size)
  • Bath towel or yoga mat for PE/Exercise


Every month students will be given a book report assignment. The assignment must be completed and returned on the last day of the month. Students will check out books from the school or class library. Each student will be given a large plastic bag to place their book when they take it home. It is the responsibility of the student to take care of the book while it is in their possession. Any books that are damaged or lost must be replaced by another book or paid for. Here are the rules that the students must know about borrowing books:

  • When not in use, keep the book inside the library bag.
  • Use clean fingers when touching books.
  • Do not write, draw, or color in or outside of books.
  • Do not eat or drink while reading borrowed books.
  • Return the bag with the book and book report on due date.


Each Day, your child will take home their Homework Folder. Inside will contain their behavior/homework log, tests, assignments and a monthly report. The monthly report will inform you of their behavior and work habits for the month. Review the tests and assignments with your child and sign the monthly report. You may leave comments in the boxes provided for you.


If your child is absent from school, please fill out the attached absence note with explanation. All homework and class assignments must be made up within two days. It is important that your child have very limited absences. We do a lot of activities in class that are difficult to make up. There will be a reward for perfect attendance at the end of each month.


If you would like to meet with me, then please send a note with your child or call the school at (323) 939 -1138 to make an appointment. The best time to meet with me is before school. Otherwise, parent conferences are scheduled each semester by the administration and school district. Parent conferences at this time will be student led.

I look forward to a great year with you and your child. If you have any questions, then please contact me through the school.

Please sign and return the last page of this handbook so that I know you have read its contents. Keep the handbook so that you may refer to it throughout the year. Thank you for your time and cooperation.


Mrs. Gentle




(Please return this page to class)

I have read the following information concerning the classroom rules and procedures. I understand the Classroom Discipline Plan and discussed it with my child.


Parent SignatureChild’s Name







©2014 Mrs.