Education, Culture and Lifelong Learning
SERVICE PLAN 2007-2010
2007/08 VERSION
A Shared Vision for South Ayrshire1
National Priorities in Education2
Educational Improvement Objectives2
Links between the Service Plan and the Integrated Children’s Services Plan3
The Structure of ECLL’s Service Plan4
The Service Plan’s Strategic Objectives7
Appendix 1 - the key operational tasks associated with each of the plan’s strategic objectives21
Appendix 2 - links between the plan’s objectives and other strategic organisers32
Appendix 3 - terms and abbreviations used in the plan33
Education, Culture and Lifelong Learning’s (ECLL) Service Plan takes into account the significant achievements we have made in improving the quality of educational provision in South Ayrshire during the last three years and describes how we will continue to develop provision during the period 2007 to 2010. This version of the plan focuses on activities that will be carried out during 2007/08. The plan will be updated for 2008/09 and 2009/10.
All of our stakeholders - pupils, parents and staff, as well as members of local communities and partner agencies - have a vital role to play as we journey towards an excellent educational service. It is important therefore that we all have a shared understanding of the development of our educational provision during the next year and that each of us is clear about how we contribute. Our local educational improvement objectives, informed by the National Priorities for Education, have been incorporated into our planning framework, and underpin the strategic tasks outlined in our Service Plan.
This Service Plan provides us, in a way that is straightforward, clear and concise, with a framework that will enable us to progress with a common set of goals and clearly identified priorities.
A Shared Vision for South Ayrshire
ECLL’s Service Plan has been drawn up to reflect the Council’s strategic priorities and to contribute to the realisation of the its vision for South Ayrshire as one of the most dynamic, vibrant and sustainable communities in Scotland. Within this context we will work to ensure that our education system is of the highest quality, placing the individual at the centre of their own growth and learning, giving them access to positive learning environments and, in the case of pupils, a curriculum that provides them with opportunities that develop their knowledge, skills, ambition, confidence and self-esteem to their full potential.
Through the projects outlined in the plan, ECLL will systematically contribute to the achievement of the four themes that lie at the heart of the Council’s vision for a South Ayrshire that has a reputation for being:
Prosperous, learning and achieving.
Healthy, safe and caring.
Clean, attractive and sustainable.
Ambitious, forward-looking and responsive.
We will do this within the context of The South Ayrshire Community Plan for 2006-10, A Better Future Together, by engaging and involving stakeholders, continually improving our services, working closely with key partner organisations and, making the most productive use of available resources.
To ensure that it contributes effectively to achieving the Council’s vision, ECLL will use the following set of outcome-related strategic organisers when identifying priorities, planning for improvement, taking action and evaluating impact:
Learning and achieving.
Fair and inclusive.
Healthy and active.
Safe and nurtured.
Responsive and ambitious.
National Priorities in Education
The Department’s Service Plan for the period 2007-2010 has been designed to reflect both local and national priorities for education. The current National Priorities in Educationthatwere approved by the Scottish Parliament in December 2000 are:
Achievement and attainment.
Framework for learning.
Inclusion and equality.
Values and citizenship.
Learning for life.
Educational Improvement Objectives
The Council’s priorities for education are brought together in the form of the Department’s Educational Improvement Objectives. These are to:
Raise levels of attainment and achievement.
Ensure that all learners are effectively supported to achieve their full potential.
Engage all learners in high quality learning experiences and providing an appropriate range of learning opportunities that are matched to individual need.
Develop a culture of achievement and ambition that values and empowers staff and learners.
Foster and develop high quality leadership at all levels.
Promote respect and active citizenship.
Develop partnerships and services that improve learning and well-being.
Develop and improve learning environments.
Maintain and develop a highly skilled, motivated and professional workforce.
These improvement objectives will be key dimensions of our drive to ensure that all children and young people in South Ayrshire become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors.
During the 2007-2010 Service Planning cycle, the Department will review and amend its educational improvement objectives on an annual basis, in order to reflect progress and adapt to changing circumstances.
In August 2006, ECLL published its key document Vision, Adaptive Challenges and New Ways of Working. This highlighted our commitment to developing leadership opportunities at every level and to encourage staff to consider how they could further contribute to our development as a broad based educational community. As part of the strategy to develop opportunities for leadership across the Department, project teams have been charged with delivery of key elements of our agreed Departmental Service Plan. Seven project areas were identified and all staff were invited to express an interest in taking forward work in one of these:
Adaptive and distributed leadership.
Curriculum for excellence.
Closing the opportunity gap.
Service review and development.
Motivated schools.
Promoting parental involvement in children’s learning.
Additional support for learning.
Links between the Service Plan and the Integrated Children’s Services Plan
South Ayrshire’s Integrated Children’s Services Plan identifies the key priorities for partner agencies for improving outcomes in the lives of children and young people in South Ayrshire. Joint planning, auditing and reporting activities are monitored through the Integrated Children’s Services Strategic Group, which reports to the Community Planning Partnership.
The Service Plan identifies how each of the strategic task links with the Integrated Children’s Services Plan and contributes to the vision that all of South Ayrshire’s children should be:
Respected and responsible.
The Structure of ECLL’s Service Plan
ECLL’s Service Plan identifies the strategic objectives associated with the Department’s Educational Improvement Objectives, and, using the following grid headings, identifies key information associated with each objective including intended impact and outcomes.
Outcomes / Impact / Links with other Plans / Projects / Strategic Objective / Timescale / Section involvement / Funding Source / Monitoring and Evaluation / Performance MeasuresLinks are identified between each of the plan’s strategic objective, the Council’s four organising themes from Securing the Future and ECLL’s five associated strategic organisers.Appendix 1 of the Service Plan identifies the key operational tasks associated with each of the plan’s strategic objectives. The key operational tasks will be managed by ECLL using the following planning grid headings:
Outcomes / Impact / Operational Key Task / Completion Date / Lead Officer / Resources / Monitoring and Evaluation / Evidence / StatusAppendix 2 highlights the links between the Service Plan’s strategic objectives and the priorities, aims and themes from the National Priorities in Education and the Children’s Services Plan. Appendix 3 provides a guide to the terms and abbreviations used in this plan.
IMPROVING OUR PERFORMANCEOutcomes / Impact / Links with other plans / projects / Strategic objective / Timescale / Section involvement / Funding source / Monitoring and Evaluation / Performance measures
Increased attainment for the lowest attaining 20% of pupils
/ Educational provision is enhanced for children at risk of missing out in education / MCMC strategy
Integrated Children’s Services plan
Community plan
ECLL Project 5: Closing the opportunity gap / 1. Close the opportunity gap between lowest attaining 20% of pupils and their peers / 2007-2010 / EAQD
Lifelong Learning / National Priorities Action Fund / DMT
MCMC strategy group
ICS strategic group
ASN strategy group / Attainment data
Wider achievement data
Attendance and exclusion data
Young people progress successfully into further education, training or employment / Young people at risk of missing out have access to a range of high quality advice, training and support / Youth Work strategy
Youth Literacy
MCMC strategy / 2. Provide more choices and more chances for children and young people at risk of missing out from education / 2007-2010 / Lifelong Learning
EAQD / National Priorities Action Fund / DMT
Head of Service
ICS strategic group / Number of young people in the MCMC category
Achievement data
More young people access youth work opportunities in schools / Improved personal and social development skills for targeted young people
Improved joint delivery of services resulting in more choices and more chances for young people / Youth Justice Strategy
Integrated Children’s Services plan
Young Scot/Dialogue Youth / 3. Develop youth work in schools / 2007- 2010 / Lifelong Learning / National Priorities Action Fund / DMT
Youth Justice strategy group / Levels of participation in youth work activities in schools
Wider achievement data
Parents and families participate in planning for the development of education services / The authority meets the legal requirement to implement the Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 / Integrated Children’s Services Plan
Family Support Strategy / 4. Implement Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 / 2007-2010 / EAQD / National Priorities Action Fund / DMT
Parental Involvement strategy group / Parent Councils
Outcomes / Impact / Links with other plans / projects / Strategic objectives / Timescale / Section involvement / Funding source / Monitoring and Evaluation / Performance measures
Pupils develop their full potential as successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors / Staff contribute to the development and implementation of ACurriculum for Excellence / ECLL Projects / 5. Develop EA strategy for A Curriculum for Excellence / 2007-2010 / EAQD / National Priorities Action Fund / DMT
School improvement plans
Link officer monitoring
Directorate school improvement visit
The health of children and young people is improved / Children, young people and staff are involved in a range of activities that promote health and well-being / Integrated Children’s Services plan
Health promoting Schools
Scottish Executive Sports strategy
Fit Ayrshire Babies
SportScotland implementation plans
Child Health strategy
Dental Health Plans / 6. Promote the health and well-being of children and young people / 2007-2008 / Lifelong Learning
EAQD / National Priorities Action Fund / DMT
Head of Service
Active Schools steering group
FAB Steering Group
Football Development steering group
Swimming Development steering group
Activity for Health steering group
Inclusion Squad Network / Participation/uptake levels
Achievement data
Stakeholder views
Range of activities
Partnership evaluation
Children and young people become more effective contributors and responsible citizens / Children and young people have more opportunities to participate in decision making / Integrated Children’s Services plan / 7. Develop opportunities for children and young people to become actively involved in decision making / 2007-10 / EAQD
Lifelong Learning / Determined to Succeed / DMT
Heads of Service
Link Officers / Range of opportunities
Stakeholder views
Outcomes / Impact / Links with other plans / projects / Strategic objectives / Timescale / Section involvement / Funding source / Monitoring and Evaluation / Performance measures
Service users experience the effective delivery of services from a highly skilled workforce / Staff have appropriate opportunities for professional review and development / Integrated Children’s Services plan
Inter-agency training calendar
Childcare Strategy / 8. Develop and implement ECLL’s strategy for workforce development / 2007-2008 / Educational Resources
Lifelong Learning / National Priorities Action Fund
Early Years and Childcare Workforce Development Fund
Educational Development Budget / DMT
Pupils and other service users experience more continuity in terms of educational and service provision / HR systems provide the management information that is used to improve staff sufficiency, recruitment and retention / 9. Further develop systems which support ECLL’s human resource management framework / 2007-2009 / Educational Resources / Resources budget / DMT / Recruitment and retention data
Staff absence data
Stakeholders views
Outcomes / Impact / Links with other plans / projects / Strategic objectives / Timescale / Section involvement / Funding source / Monitoring and Evaluation / Performance measures
Young people and adults improve their own and their families’ educational attainment and achievement
/ Young people and adults have access to a range of high quality learning and development opportunities / Adult Literacy action plan
Community Guidance action plan
CLD strategy / 10. Develop and implement a range of community based learning and development opportunities for young people and adults / 2007 -2010 / Lifelong Learning / Literacy Funding / DMT
Head of Service / Stakeholder views
ILP targets achieved
Service user progress data
Children, young people and other service users develop their creative talents and abilities to their full potential / Children, young people and other service users have access to a wide range of cultural experiences / Culture Bill / 11.Extend the range of cultural opportunities available for children, young people and other service users / 2007-2010 / Lifelong Learning
Head of Service / Participation levels
Stakeholder views
Achievement data
Outcomes / Impact / Links with other plans / projects / Strategic objectives / Timescale / Section involvement / Funding source / Monitoring and Evaluation / Performance measures
Identified needs of service users are met / Service users experience an improved service from ECLL’s educational psychology service / Integrated Children’s Services plan / 12. Further develop the provision of psychological services in schools and the community / 2007-2008 / EAQD / National Priorities Action Fund / DMT
ASN strategy group / Performance data
Stakeholder views
Pupils with additional support needs have their needs met leading to improved attendance, attainment and achievement / The authority meets its duties under the 2004 ASfL Act to make adequate and efficient provision for the individual pupil / Integrated Children’s Services plan / 13. Develop service provision for children and young people with additional support needs / 2007-2008 / EAQD / National Priorities Action Fund / DMT
ASN strategy group / Performance data on attendance, achievement and attainment
Identification of strengths and areas of underperformance leads to proportionate and appropriate deployment of staff and targeting of resources resulting in improved outcomes for learners and service users / An effective framework is in place for carrying out rigorous audits and evaluation of service provision
The results of these are used to inform improvement planning, design and delivery of services / 14.Develop and implement ECLL’s quality improvement framework / 2007/08 / QDUnit / Educational Development Budget / DMT
Self-evaluation profiles
Service Plan
Standards and Quality Report / EA improvement targets achieved
Children and young people are safe in school and have their needs met
/ The authority meets its statutory duties to protect all children / CPC business plan
Integrated Children’s Services plan
Community plan
ECLL CP action plan / 15. Further develop child protection systems / 2007-2008 / EAQD / National Priorities Action Fund / Child Protection Committee
Child Protection strategy
ICS strategic group
DMT / Child Protection data
Service users and service providers are treated equally and fairly / The authority is fully compliant with statutory requirements that relate to equalities legislation and guidance / 16.Ensure effective implementation of equalities legislation / 2007-2010 / EAQD
Educational Resources
Lifelong Learning / Resources and Educational Development budgets / DMT
Member Officer Group Equality and Diversity / Performance data
Outcomes / Impact / Links with other plans / projects / Strategic objectives / Timescale / Section involvement / Funding source / Monitoring and Evaluation / Performance measures
Improved literacy levels contribute to pupils becoming successful learners, confident individuals, and effective contributors
/ There is a clear strategy for the development of literacy across the authority / A Curriculum for Excellence / 17.Develop and implement ECLL’s strategy for improving literacy levels in schools and pre-school establishments / 2007-2008 / EAQD / Educational Development budget
Early Years and Childcare Workforce Development funding / DMT
Head of Service
Link Officers / Attainment data
Phonological screening data
HMIe reports
Outcomes / Impact / Links with other plans / projects / Strategic objectives / Timescale / Lead section / Funding source / Monitoring and Evaluation / Performance measures
Children, young people and other service users benefit from highly skilled and motivated staff team / Staff contribute to theachievement of ECLL planned priorities and objectives. / Efficient Government initiative
Best Value
Childcare Strategy
Teacher Workforce planning / 18. Develop and implement systems to support ECLL’s human resource functions / 2007- 2010 / Educational Resources / Resources budgets
Surestart / DMT
LCP / Stakeholder views
Children, young people and other service users benefit from a well configured and effectively deployed staff team / Staff are configured and deployed in a way that best meets the needs of service users / ECLL School Admin review
Central support staff review
Sport and Leisure service reconfiguration / 19. Review and revise staffing structures across the department / 2007-08 / Educational Resources / Resources budgets / DMT / Stakeholder views
Outcomes / Impact / Links with other plans / projects / Strategic objectives / Timescale / Section involvement / Funding source / Monitoring and Evaluation / Performance measures
The ICS quality improvement framework results in improved outcomes for children, young people and their families / An effective framework is in place for self-evaluation, planning and reporting in relation to integrated childrens’ services / Integrated Childrens’ Services Plan / 20.Work with partner agencies to develop and implement a quality improvement framework for integrated childrens’ services / 2007/10 / QDUnit / Educational Development Budget / ICS strategic group / ICS improvement targets achieved
Use of the portal system is a major contributor to the effective delivery of services and the achievement of improvement objectives
/ The improvement portals provide a structured system for central and coordinated collection, analysis and evaluation of educational data. / 21.Develop systems which support the implementation of the quality improvement framework / 2007/08 / QDUnit / Educational Development Budget / DMT / Stakeholder views
Range of management information on EA, school and service improvement portals
Children, young people and their families experience more cohesive delivery of ECLL services
/ Development of neighbourhood/area arrangements for service delivery / Fundamental review of the school estate
CLD Review / 22.Review Area Learning Structures / 2007- 2008 / Educational Resources / Primary and secondary central budgets / DMT
Head of Service / Applications for HT posts
Reduction in the number of senior manager posts in schools through rationalisation
Service users have access to high quality educational resources
/ Clear policy and procedures are in place to ensure effective resource management and development / Local Plan / 23.Further develop and implement strategies for developing and managing educational resources / 2007- 2008 / Educational Resources / Resources budget / DMT
Head of Service / Resource audits
Stakeholder views
Pupils and other service users have access to 21st century learning environments
/ New school buildings and an annex is built / PPP Project
School Estate Management Plan / 24. To improve the school estate through Public Private Partnership arrangements / 2007-09 / Educational Resources
PPP Team
Lifelong Learning / Scottish Government funding / Heads of Service
Head teachers / Pupil attainment
Children, young people and members of local communities will benefit from improved library services
/ Maximise use of resources and improve library services for school pupils and members of local communities / Dialogue Youth / 25. Integrate school and public library services / 2007-2008 / Lifelong Learning / Libraries budget / Head of Service
Procurement Officer / Performance data
Stakeholder views
Outcomes / Impact / Links with other plans / projects / Strategic objectives / Timescale / Section involvement / Funding source / Monitoring and Evaluation / Performance measures
Staff, pupils and service users initiate changes that contribute to continuous improvement creativity, innovation and experimentation
/ Staff, pupils and service users have the opportunity to exercise leadership / Schools of Ambition / 26.Promote Adaptive Leadership across all services within ECLL / 2007-2010 / EAQD
Lifelong Learning
Educational Resources / National Priorities Action Fund / Leadership Council
DMT / Stakeholder views
Examples of Adaptive Leadership
The quality of provision for learners is continuously improved
/ Partnership working between central and school staff ensures appropriate support and challenge to schools / 27.Develop and implement the school improvement programme / 2007-2008 / EAQD / Educational Development budget / DMT
Heads of Service / Attainment
Achievement data
Exclusions data
Attendance data
Motivation of staff and pupils is enhanced leading to more effective engagement in the teaching and learning process by both staff and pupils
/ Pilot school staff and pupils are trained in the Motivated Schools approach / Integrated Children’s Services plan / 28.Develop and implement ECLL’s Motivated Schools strategy / 2007-2008 / EAQD / National Priorities Action Fund / DMT / Number of schools participating in MotivatedSchool programme